Bizarre events are taking place in the shadows of Shinyo Academy. The disappearances of several students creates an uneasy feeling throughout the school, as rumors of a spectre of death named Boogiepop begin to escalate. Meanwhile, a disheveled figure named Echoes desperately seeks out its murderous twin, the Manticore, in an effort to stop its recent killing spree. Somehow Boogiepop, Echoes, and the Manticore are all related, and their actions will place several of Shinyo Academy's students in deadly peril. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: ブギーポップは笑わない
- Also Known As: Boogiepop Phantom
- Genres: Horror, Psychological, Drama, Supernatural
Cast & Credits
- Sakai Ayana Main Role
- Hotaru Yukijiro Main Role
- Terawaki Yasufumi Main Role
- Miwa Asumi Main Role
- Takano Hassei Main Role
- Kurosu MayaKirima NagiMain Role
You need to pay attention to the interludes to understand the whole story. That's what connects the whole story.
Eventhough it is a heavy theme for a high-school story , those who played the parts of Boogie pop, Manticore, Echoes, Nakao, Saotomekun, Nagi - all did their parts well.
Music was spooky enough but not satisfying for a spooky scene. The whistle seemed like a pleasant note which was ok - I liked the whistle tune. May be lighting adjustments also would have made some scenes more spookier.
I would have made the music a bit more spookier especially whenever the monster was about to devour its prey. It would have brought out the desired full fledged effect.
I liked the ending. You should definitely give this a try if you want to watch a bit out of the ordinary stuff.
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