by Lily Alice, July 25, 2023

The highly-anticipated Korean films, Smugglers, Concrete Utopia, and A Normal Family have been granted the prestigious honor of being invited to the renowned Toronto International Film Festival.

Smugglers and A Normal Family will be screened in the festival's Special Presentation section, while Concrete Utopia has secured its spot in the prestigious Gala Presentation section.

Held in the same league as other esteemed international film festivals like Cannes, Berlin, and Venice, the Toronto International Film Festival stands among the top film festivals in the world. This year, the event is scheduled to take place from September 7th to September 17th.

Smugglers is a gripping crime drama movie that follows the story of people struggling to make ends meet by salvaging goods tossed into the sea, only to find themselves entangled in a life-changing crime. 

Directed by the talented Ryu Seung Wan, the film boasts an impressive cast, including Kim Hye SooYeom Jung AhZo In SungPark Jung MinGo Min Si, and Kim Jong Soo. The movies had also previously been invited to the Locarno International Film Festival.

For director Ryu Seung Wan, this marks his second film to be featured at the Toronto International Film Festival, with his previous work Veteran 1 having been screened in the Vanguard section in 2015.

Concrete Utopia has earned its place in the Gala Presentations section, a special screening dedicated to the enjoyment of the general audience and graced by the presence of distinguished guests. Anticipation is high for this film, as it weaves a gripping disaster drama set in post-apocalyptic Seoul, where survivors gather at the Hwang Goong Apartments, following a catastrophic earthquake. 

The movie is directed by Uhm Tae Hwa, and stars acclaimed actors Lee Byung HunPark Seo JoonPark Bo Young, and others.

Based on an international best-seller, A Normal Family tells the story of two brothers, holding differing beliefs, who unexpectedly come across a dreadful secret. It casts Sol Kyung Gu, Jang Dong Gun, Kim Hee Ae, and Kim Su Hyun in the lead roles. 

Giovanna Fulvi, the festival programmer, expressed her admiration, stating, "Director Hur Jin Ho's solid direction and the impeccable performances of the cast add weight and elegance to the story of a 'normal' family falling apart, making it the most outstanding and greatest adaptation of Herman Koch's best-selling novel The Dinner", explaining the reason for the film's invitation.

Moviegoers in South Korea can catch Smugglers on July 26th, and Concrete Utopia two weeks later, on August 9th. 

The theatrical release date of A Normal Family is yet to be announced. Stay tuned!

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