Is it just me but I was expecting that scene in Go Ahead where the female lead was talking about her period while the rest of the men and boys were eating to be in this drama?

OMG, the reaction was so priceless.....

But at the same time, since it was a remake, they don't have to put all SCENES from Go Ahead there. 

What I find missing in this version are these normal life scenes.

It's filled with school drama, and less with realism. I'm fine if they don't put everything, it's normal.

I wanted more reply 1988 vibes tbh. I also think that they should have inspired to Hyeri's character there, since it's exacly how the FL should have been (according to original).

Also the ending was kinda cringe X'D What was that overracting meeting with the father.

I'm fine with changes, I liked some (I like that finally someone has some interest in my fav pastry guy), for example.

Yes! The bra scene when they were eating and the bed scene that they turned into shampoo. 

A bit disappointing 

Yes, I really wish they did that but at the same time I can understand them not wanting to do this scene ? 

One of the central charms of "Go Ahead" was the comical edge of a girl coming of age in a household that's made up of two fathers and two "brothers" not related to her (excepting for he own biological father.) Maybe only Seven could have pulled off being rough/course and brazen enough to mention, in a dead pan way, her period, at a table where 4 males (and only males) are also sitting. Or for her to say innocently (and shamelessly), while she's in the empty bed of one of her "brothers", "Your bed smells amazing." It's one of things that made this show so remarkable--the audience is in the know, but Seven's character is all innocent roughness.

If the Kdrama version lacks this edge, I hope it makes up for it in other ways, or else it's just another Kdrama that pulls out all the teeth of the original it's remaking.

You are ?right


One of the central charms of "Go Ahead" was the comical edge of a girl coming of age in a household that's made up of two fathers and two "brothers" not related to her (excepting for he own biological father.) Maybe only Seven could have pulled off being rough/course and brazen enough to mention, in a dead pan way, her period, at a table where 4 males (and only males) are also sitting. Or for her to say innocently (and shamelessly), while she's in the empty bed of one of her "brothers", "Your bed smells amazing." It's one of things that made this show so remarkable--the audience is in the know, but Seven's character is all innocent roughness.

If the Kdrama version lacks this edge, I hope it makes up for it in other ways, or else it's just another Kdrama that pulls out all the teeth of the original it's remaking.

I felt the same, it was one of the things I loved about the original, especially that scene where she jumps into her "brother" 's bed and is like "I'm not leaving" and then just goes "gege your bed smells amazing" there was something so comical and comforting and funny about jianjian that I really hope this fl can incorporate in her character in the forthcoming episodes at least 

They are squishing a 46-episode drama into 16 episodes. It's unfortunate but this will be happening throughout the series. This is just what happens if you have already seen the original. You'll always find yourself comparing.

i completely agree with you, but there is nothing we can do. We just have to decide whether we will keep watching it or don't watch it again especially if you have see the original