As requested, I'll put in my non-too-brief review by episode in no specific order as I only began in earnest once they were about to break up.  I apologize in advance for the TLDR nature of some of these, I tried to keep it short by only reporting on the lead characters as possible.  When I go back to re-watch the series from the beginning, I'll follow up with the missing episodes.  Those reviews should be shorter, as I'll omit most of the business aspect of the drama.


Ep 18 - Un-Happy New Year!

Just watched Ep 18 (New Year's Eve @ the rooftop restaurant) and it was terrific.  When she interrupted his confession with her shout out about her career goals as a New Year's Wish, we could see the air let out of his soul.  Dylan's facial expression was perfect in this situation and I could really feel the life fade out of him (the use of the dying sparkler was a perfect way of symbolizing it).  Once again, she talked about her career at an inopportune time.  And his repeating back to her about wishing her career success as well (twice) afterwards was either his way of saying "do you realize how wrong that was?" or just giving up on them and wishing her well in her endeavors.  All this does is reinforce in his mind that his mistrust of her is well-placed and all is not what it seems in their "relationship".  He knows she holds her career above all else, including him.

I know she gets a lot of heat, but I feel for  ShanShan.  She's TRYING her best with advice, but she has very little to work with in ShuYi.  ShanShan, in getting the recap of that night's events finally realizes that maybe this relationship is a lost cause and her BFF isn't ready.  

New Year's Day, at the horse farm, he's had a chance to stew on it overnight and is definitely not ready to see her again.  He's even more confused by her actions and mistrustful of her aims - and the stable scene didn't help at all.  "He's like a moment he's close to me and then he's far away.  I don't understand him at all" (Beautifully written BTW).  While she isn't wrong, she's made no effort to understand him by connecting  the dots of the things she's learned about him .  When he holds her tight and nuzzles her (to her shock) he then pinches her cheek to let her know that it wasn't a dream....and walks off.  Leaving her to be the puzzled one this time.

And of course the whole point of the episode is, that by the time he finally found the courage to open up to her on the rooftop so they could move beyond the awkwardness, she blew it all away by talking about her career's supremacy in her life.

Sad, but a wonderful episode.

(and BTW the OST for this show is so good!)

(these are place-holders as at the time I didn't think anyone was interested in a detailed run-down)

I just finished ep 22 and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a better depiction of the struggle between a woman’s heart and mind as this series has given us:
•-In Ep 19 her MIND tells Prof Yu that she’s “only 25 and not ready for this” (dating, romance).  
• -In Ep 21, in a moment of drunken candor, her HEART reaches out to the depressed ShiYan to reassure him and they share their most intimate, uninterrupted kiss of the series to-date.  She doesn’t pull back this time, and proclaims her role as his girlfriend.
•-And in Ep22, we get 2 key scenes that she is becoming aware of her internal struggle and he recognizes it too:
oShe tells her boss that she wont risk love or career for each other
oOn the riverwalk, our couple both finally acknowledge the importance of her career, and Shi Yan promises to support her.

Is her heart winning?  It’s definitely asserted itself, but I still wonder if she is in love with him or simply the concept of being his girlfriend?  

Unfortunately, there are dark undercurrents (reminders of her original scheme to date ShiYan out of vengeance) in this episode that hint storm clouds are gathering on the horizon.
PS- Just finished Ep23, and her guilt and paranoia over her initial motivations continue to grow...the end must be near.

Ep 26 - Thunder roars

The storm clouds that have been gathering over the last few episodes finally break.  The full fury of Shi Yan’s realization of what has actually been going on with her is about to rain on her and ruin the sand castle of a relationship her heart created.  The episode ends with Shi Yan figuring out the reason she fell for him: the secret she has been hiding so badly since the beginning of their relationship.

ShuYi never fails to disappoint and frustrate us.  Even here, when she realizes her house of cards is collapsing, she can’t bring herself to tell him her feelings.  Even worse (and this may be her low-point as a character) when he simply asks her “Compared to your ex-boyfriend, who do you like more -,me or him?” her inner mind screams “Can I choose neither?”  In the battle between her heart and mind, this was the final stroke:  Her mind wins and her heart's desires are crushed.  That scene on the divan, post-spa confrontation, was her opportunity to come clean to him, but instead she goes into full-evasive mode and we can tell that this time, he’s not buying it.  

Later on, when he’s drinking alone, he foolishly even contemplates giving her one more chance, if she would just tell him the truth.  When the awful truth does come to him in the hotel hallway, we can only pity the poor room-service porter who kindly asks him to step aside.

So, once again, our heroine’s mind simply can’t bring itself to give into her heart and sets her up for what is going to be a terrible episode 27.  Her inability to tell the truth to anyone:  her family, her friends (except for ShanShan), co-workers, about her feelings speaks volumes to the fear harboring inside this woman, who has relied on her intelligence and beauty to get her through the world and is completely unprepared for a committed relationship with a man who dearly loves her.  

As an aside, it’s interesting to note how both of these people have such blind spots in their business/life dealings, probably because they're so enamored of their success in life:  
- Him, being blindsided by Bruce’s departure from Le’an Tech and being left holding the bag of his prized investment:  a now-challenged tech company with a weak/defeatist CEO.  
- Her, with her over-achieving professional success leaving her bewildered when she discovers her boyfriend has been cheating on her since college and that she is falling in love with another man.

God, I love this series.

Ep 27 - The End of the Beginning

Well, we knew it was coming, but that didn’t make it any easier to watch.

And I’ll be the first to admit that she got what she deserved for refusing to tell him the truth about many things.  But still, it’s impossible to not feel sorry for her, even in the least, for what she is going through.  And naturally, she realizes she has no one to blame but herself now, which makes it even worse for her (she can’t lash out at her ex-bf or his mistress this time).  

And it’s interesting that she KNOWS that he is going to be angry when he finds out the truth (and let’s face it, she’s suspected this all along).  How angry and forgiving is the question.  So on the Fifth day of Chinese New Years, she has decided, once again, that THIS time she will tell him the truth about why she was initially attracted to him.  After a restless, sleepless night she rises early to face the moment (literally) of truth, looking as enthusiastic as an inmate heading for death row.  We know, though, that the cat is already out of the bag and he is just waiting to end the relationship….he’s finally had enough of the lies and wouldn’t believe anything she says at this point.  His facts about their relationship as a whole may be a little confused, but he’s figured out at least WHY she came to him.  And that’s enough.

The episode does a good job of building a sense of foreboding as events lead up to their scheduled meet at the aquarium at 10 in the morning.  She senses something is not right when he is not on time.  When she finally builds the nerve to call him to find out where he is, the tension continues  after he finally picks up the phone and all she hears is 15 long seconds of dead air.  His eventual terse response “ To come and act with you?” before hanging up on her is the thunderbolt she’s feared and she’s left to walk back to her parents in tears…while reliving past conversations about their relationship, all to the sounds of "Passerby" (if you haven't read the lyrics to this song, you's perfect for this series and very very sad).    And of course he is just around the corner, watching these events unfold for reasons that we can only speculate on. Why is he there? Wasn’t it enough to simply tell her on the way home?  Or was he still waffling even at the last minute to go and see her in person?  Or was he so cruel that he WANTED to see the pain his words would inflict?

Now let me stop here for just a minute. If we look back, she must have realized by now that since his niece was actually working for her, she must’ve been the source of the information getting back to him about the things that she was up to ( like the blind date with YuYou).  So she knows by now that his niece was spying on her for him. Why this has not brought about any anger on her part perplexes me. Shi Yan’s behavior during this has been questionable at best. He has spied on her, eavesdropped on her, and been kind of creepy all under the guise of being an introvert who purports to have her best interests at heart. Cherry on top of this was the fact that he was only just around the corner while giving her the Coup deGrace to end their relationship.  In my opinion, he is really getting off Scot-free.

OK, back to the summary….

Now that things have been completely destroyed, neither of them really know what to do. They stare at their phones in furtive attempts to see if there’s been some life in their chat group, but it is as cold and dead as their relationship is now.  His niece’s mission as a spy having been accomplished, he begins to pull her out of Financial Weekly. His niece, however, still has no clue of the role that she has been playing and she also hasn’t yet figured out the extent of the relationship between her uncle and her boss. In other words, she doesn’t yet know that her uncle is “The Uncle”. I would assume that later on both the female lead and his niece will connect the dots to find out what has actually been happening.  The fact that she was sent to Finance Weekly to get a “job” wasn’t a coincidence…will they figure that out?  

Of course, circling the remains of the relationship, like some sort of hybrid of a skateboarder/buzzard, is Jackson Yi who senses the opportunity to snatch her away for himself. Her reaction to this shows her confusion as well, as she lies to him that her relationship with ShiYan is still strong. Yet she indulges her passion for her work, and accepts yet another interview with him. And as typical for her, she is fascinated by, and leaps at the opportunity to use Jackson as a means to write another series of articles, this time featuring ex-pats returning to China.  So now she will use HIM to further her career and just-like-that  we return to where she was in Episode 1:  the opportunistic journalist using her connections, intelligence and looks, for professional gains.

Yes, other things occurred here, especially with ShanShan/GuanJi, but they pale by comparison (GuanJi’s open-hearted honesty about his past was in stark contrast to Shu Yi’s deceit.  And their mutual boldness to try to reshape their relationship provides the counter-point to ShiYan and ShuYi).  

The lasting image for me from Episode 27 is the 3 forlorn Musketeers at the horse farm, splendidly clad in their riding attire, being absolutely miserable thanks to the women in their lives.

Ep 28 - Sifting Through the Debris

This episode deals with the continuing fallout from the break-up in 27.  

It’s now official:  With his niece’s mission as a plant to keep an eye on ShuYi no longer needed, ShiYun tells her to quit her job.  Yet, ShuYi hasn’t figured this out yet and thinks that he’s pulling his niece away because he wants to isolate her from his family.  She has yet to make the connection to his niece being an agent of her uncle.

The following morning, when he goes to the garage to drive to work, he can't face getting in the's HER car, now.  And he just stares at it until he has the driver get the company car (minivan) and commutes to work in it.

And just when you think that things could have not gotten any worse, she once again lets us down. She goes to his office for a chance to see him and apologize personally, which he rebuffs by sending out his assistant to tell her that he won’t see her anymore and that the agreement between the companies is over.  She’s crushed (again) and slowly leaves while “Passerby” plays softy in the background.  Before getting on the elevator, she finally reaches out to him via WeChat and apologizes there – and he’s reading her texts as soon as she sends them.  (Mind you, she’s essentially standing right outside his office door and he knows it).  All goes well at first, and she even deletes her first text apologizing about their companies relationship (thank goodness she’s learned something?) she then sends two heartfelt messages apologizing for her behavior and we can see he’s touched and he glances at the door she’s standing outside of.  But then, on the third text message comes Faux Pas #3 as she stupidly says she hopes this won’t affect the relationship between their two companies.  At which point he slams down the phone. She sends one last message, simply expressing her sincerity in her sadness, that gets the dreaded red meatball with the exclamation point inside.  Was the message not delivered because he blocked her?  That is her belief and her grief again swells and her eyes tear up.  In slow motion, she walks out of his waiting room and gets in the elevator to leave his company, probably for the last time it seems.  She turns around and sees the closed doors of his office as the elevator doors slide closed.  This was a really heavy scene and difficult to watch with any enjoyment. 

The balance of this episode has them both lost in their emotions, as they continue to struggle with what has happened.  She reaches out again, via email this time to try to convince him to continue the series of articles and that she will step aside and let her peers take over.  This is because we learn the first installment of the series on his company was a hit at the magazine and her bosses have ordered it to continue full-speed-ahead.  Her boss and co-workers are stunned at her lack of interest (she’s still in a daze from being blocked by him) and she eventually tells her boss she must back out and will hand off the project to the rest of the team.  Her rival leaps at the chance to capitalize on ShuYi’s distress and she goes for the opportunity to take over ShuYi’s pet project with ShiYan.  Satisfyingly for us, it’s a futile attempt as he has no interest in renewing the series with anyone from Financial Weekly.  

And the skateboarding vulture Jackson Yi continues to try to snatch ShuYi away with more cheesy attempts to date her. Whatever, dude.  Just go away.

Meanwhile, ShiYan, completely frustrated and struggling with the debris of his feelings for her, first reaches out of his assistant Mr. Chen to ask hypothetical questions on how to deal with an angry lover, but his questioning is confusing as to who the offending party is.  His visit with Uncle Guan (who has figured out what's going on) brings him more unsolicited advice on how to handle a spat with ShuYi.  Later on, at the end of the episode he listens to his niece again on what one should do with an angry woman. In the meantime, he seems lost and distracted at the worst possible time, as the 2 elders on his board have now gone around him and appealed to his father to have him replaced due to the fiasco with Le’an Tech and Shi’s desire to invest in Juhe Battery Tech.  

The show ends with a heart-to-heart talk between ShuYi and YuYou.  She confides that her relationship with Shi has collapsed and that he’s blocked her attempts to apologize.  YuYou is incredulous at his reaction and has her explain exactly how she apologized.  Finally, and thankfully, he chides her (diplomatically) by telling her she prioritized the business aspect of their relationship while ignoring his feelings, which she acknowledged:  “I’m a terrible person”.  

We finally see them on a riverwalk walking towards each other, lost in thought, virtually  passing each other without even noticing, so deep is their grief at the death of their love.

Ep 29  Love Bites

Just when I thought they would give us a brief break in the heart-wrenching scenes, and I could write a few paragraphs to wrap this up....they drop this gem on us.  There is some significant deviation from the book beginning with her attempts to meet with him at his office back in Ep 28, so I can’t refer the novel for much clarification.

This whole episode revolves around one 11-minute scene at a Charity Dinner.  And within that, the core is a 3 minute cut that is staged in front of a tree, of all things.  So, let’s get started:

The episode has us wondering if ShiYan actually blocked her on WeChat or not.  He acts thru the episode as being surprised that she has not reached out to him (that is what he tells his friends at least) but we know that her last message to him was not delivered.  (In the book he DID block her).  The episode picks up with his conversation with his niece who wants to know why he’s still in such a bad mood and she knows by now it has something to do with ShuYi.  She tries to get him to take the initiative and explains things from a woman’s POV… and while he’s hearing her, he’s not listening.  When she asks him what he thinks the most important thing in a relationship is, his answer is simply “honesty”, giving us insight to the hurt that ShuYi has inflicted on him, but he then rambles on about what makes successful couples, as if he’s distracted.  When he stops, she finally asks him the fateful question: “Is ShuYi the one for you?” After fumbling for an answer for 10 seconds, he finally just tells her to go to bed.

The next morning, back at her office, Yuling is still trying to stick thorns in ShuYi by bragging about her non-existent interviews with Mr. Shi.  And then depressingly, the buzzard Jackson Yi tosses ShuYi the catnip she craves:  he’s set up an interview session with his expatriate friends for her this afternoon at his HQ.  Suddenly her dull eyes lift and we see the smiling, proficient journalist at the interview session in Jackson’s office that afternoon.  Her article appears in the online magazine to rave reviews, and she credits the niece in the by-line too.  This gives the niece the kick in the butt to realize that being a journalist like her idol is exactly the future she wants.  By now, the timeline is a bit fuzzy, as we don’t know how many days have elapsed since this interview nor do we know how long it’s been since the breakup at the Aquarium on Lunar New Year +5.   

Sensing he’s on a roll, the buzzard then invites her to a big charity dinner and she accepts since it’s a networking opportunity for her.  However, it seems there has been something edited out, as the scene then abruptly cuts to the dinner being held at some kind of mansion.  She arrives looking better than most of the actresses attending the Oscars, in an evening gown that must have cost a fortune (how did she pay for it?  Only the niece would have been able toafford it) and her hair beautifully styled as well.  When did all this happen????  I think these must have been the scenes left on the cutting-room floor.

Putting all that aside, buzzard offers his arm to escort her in, but she’s not having it and they walk in separately (yayy).  Once inside she and ShiYan instantly spot each other and the director does a magnificent job of soft focus on everyone else around them, so that all they see is each other (tunnel-vision, if you will).  As the attendees gossip, his ex-gf (the real actress) approaches him to ask if they can reconcile and he turns her down.  While this happens, buzzard yanks ShuYi and pulls her out of the ballroom to the outside patio (ShiYan seethes when he see this) and she begins drinking wine hard and fast.  She gets buzzed pretty quickly and tells JY that she still has ShiYan in her heart and there is no place for him (double-yayyy).  As they continue talking, she gets increasingly tipsy. And once again he pulls her away, this time from the mansion towards the grounds.  ShiYan finally frees himself from the ex-gf and goes looking for her, only to find her…climbing a tree!  For unknown reasons, buzzard is a few branches above her and she’s about 6 feet up in a saddle of the branches, tottering back and forth.  ShiYan demands she come down, while buzzard tells her to avoid him and climb up to him (how stupid).  At this point her liquid courage has kicked in and she tells ShiYan off and he coaxes her down by calling her “Little Fairy”, her favorite pet name.  She falls into his arms (almost literally) and hugs him, whispering in his ear that he’s a weirdo and that he has a cruel heart…and then she BITES his neck (followed with a quick kiss).  Hickie ensured, he takes her away in a fireman carry (she’s too loaded for him to carry her on his back, but I’m shocked he didn’t do the princess carry again – it would have been a great F-U to the buzzard.).  As he walks off, buzzard fires his last salvo at ShiYan, telling him if he “can’t give her what she wants he should stay away”, but Shi responds that he, no matter what, will make sure she always has what she wants.   

Under the watchful eyes of the chauffeur, he gently places her in the back seat of the Rolls..but just before she passes out, she again tells him of how much she misses him and how sad she is that everyone is allowed to talk to him but her.  At this point she embraces him and begins sobbing (this is really a tough scene to watch).  He simply asks her “Did you ever have feelings for me?” but, as drama allows, she passes out in his arms before she can answer.  He holds her and the Rolls pulls away from the Dinner.  They drop her off at her house and he goes home, staring in the mirror at the developing hickie on his neck.  Before he goes to bed it appears he re-adds her to his WeChat.

The next morning, she has no idea how she got home.  Who put her in bed?  ShiYan, for his part, makes sure to wear his turtle-neck sweater to cover the hickie when he dresses for work.  Unfortunately, the buzzard is relentless, and sends her fruit gift-baskets to the office which she decides to have distributed to the staff.  Then, he follows up by sending her a skateboard to the office.  (Go away, you punk!)  She’s not having it but wants him to tell her who took her home, which he refuses, unless he sees her for a date (what a dirtbag!).  In the meantime this infuriating news gets back to ShiYan via an ad-hoc intelligence network (KongNan to her boyfriend Mr. Chen), which is kind of funny, because for all he tries, ShiYan can’t avoid finding out what is going on at Finance Weekly.  It’s also odd that he doesn’t ask Mr. Chen exactly HOW he knows what is going on there.  While at Finance Weekly, Yuling is getting chewed out by the boss because her draft report on taking over the Yuanchang series is basically crap because ShiYan won’t meet with her…thus she’s not fooling anyone with a bunch of filler and speculation.  

The episode finally ends with ShuYi and ShanShan dining at her place while ShiYan & GuanJi are at a bar…and Shi is drinking way too much – he’s upset about the whole situation especially considering that the skateboarding buzzard won’t let up.  During this, Guan and Shan (the only couple with anything going on) call each other on the phone and Shi can’t help but hear Shan giving Guan a piece of her mind telling her how messed up ShuYi is but confirming that ShuYi isn’t interested in the buzzard.  Since Shi is in listening distance on the phone, she unloads oh him too.  (I still like ShanShan, despite her imperfect advice).  The episode closes with ShiYan stalking off and Guan stopping him and asking his oldest friend “What are you thinking? I’ve never seen you like this!”  A question Shi cannot answer and he simply holds his hand open and says “I don’t know”.

Ep 30  An Affair to Delete

With no one at the steering wheel of their love, the relationship, like a runaway car, now careens downhill, picking up speed with every turn….at some point, it will fly off the road and crash into the abyss below. 

That point happens in this episode.  And again, it’s not easy to watch.

The episode opens with ShuYi learning from the buzzard that it was ShiYan who took her home from the charity dinner. Thankfully, she cuts the time with him short and goes back to the office, realizing it makes no difference as too much time has elapsed and she criticizes herself for being so foolish as to care.  And in the meantime he has to deal with “Fiona”, the daughter of one of the elders on his board who is a childhood friend and upon her return to China, wants to “help” at his company. 

But for ShuYi, there is no escaping the miserable solitude that has descended on her.   That night, while dining alone at her favorite seafood-noodle place, she sees a romantic drama on the TV there, with an actress in anguish over her failed relationship.  Our heroine can’t get a break it seems, but it steels her to finally face him, and apologize in person as YuYou suggested she do back in Ep 28.  So she goes to his office, somehow knowing he’d still be there (this is well after dinner time).  With just her luck, she sees him leaving with “Fiona” in tow and misunderstands.  Honestly, this was all she needed to get cold feet again and her bravado vanishes in an instant.  Unfortunately, she is unable to remember she already partially opened her heart to him when she was drunk.  So, she tells the cabbie to take her home.  Has she lost him already to another woman, she wonders?

The next day at FW, KongNan tells her about Fiona, trying to get her motivated to do SOMETHING.  It’s a day of relaxation for everyone else, as GuanJi and ShanShan are at his dad’s horse farm (along with his dad and Ms. Tang (his GF)).  After Uncle Guan and Ms. Tang depart, ShiYan shows up and ShanShan lets him have it – both barrels worth.  A panicked GuanJi tries to tell her to lighten up and help ShiYan reconcile with ShuYi – they all know that they still love each other. This is confirmed by ShiYan, who tells ShanShan “ShuYi has always been the only one I love” which catches ShanShan off guard.  But ShiYan tells them that this issue is something that he and ShuYi need to fix themselves – no one should help them. 

Sometime later (at least the next day) FW is abuzz because the problems at Yuanchang have reached the crisis point as 2 investors are ready to bail out and the board is in danger of losing 2 directors.  Ms. Tang is furious at Yuling because FW is supposed to have a “special relationship” with Yuanchang (which was actually based on our lead’s personal relationship) and they were caught by surprise as well.  Ms. Tang removes Yuling from the Yuanchang assignment and asks ShuYi to take it back over, as they are desperate to get in on this story.  Ms Tang brings out all the tools she has to coerce ShuYi to take the job including how her beloved e-magazine project’s future hinges on this.  A reluctant ShuYi agrees to resume work on the project and will go to Yuanchang and talk to ShiYan. 

And sit down, because now things go completely to Hell.

We know this will not go well, as she enters his office to the melancholy tune “Passerby”.  His back is to her, and she addresses him formally because this is a work assignment and not the opportunity to personally apologize to him.  He turns around and they stare at each other…ShuYi is transfixed and seems to be frozen in place.  (Beautiful camera work in this scene).  They stare at each other for almost 40 seconds in silence and her tension grows to the point where she clutches at her purse and finally makes it known that she is here to ask about the company.  Well, I can’t call it another Faux Pas on her part.  She was sent here on this mission to do exactly this and she had no choice.  Of course, he doesn’t know that and was expecting this to be her opportunity to come clean so they could start the reconciliation process they both long for.  When she starts talking about the company, his face just crumbles and he breaks eye contact with her.  He cuts her off and asks her “are you here just because of that?”  When she seems surprised (and still terrified) as his response, he responds with the same message that the company has issued to all media: That they have nothing to say at this time.  He then dismisses her.  She dutifully leaves the office, robot-like now, her emotions totally destroyed.  This was what she feared most and it happened.  As she shuffles out of the lobby of the building, she winds up getting bumped aside by the media gaggle gathered downstairs who are racing towards ShiYan who suddenly appears.  They are demanding to know what the story at Yuanchang is (the same questions she tried to ask).  They are blocking the exit and want answers before he can leave.   Off to ShiYan’s left stands a shell-shocked ShuYi watching this unfold.….  To her disbelief, he looks over at her for a few seconds (they make eye contact) and then he tells the media (and her) that neither the company or HE can’t accept someone nor something that is impure (depending on translation it could mean “can’t stand firm”).  He furthers the point and says that there will always be differences of opinion but that BOTH SIDES need to COME TOGETHER to solve their problems INSTEAD OF RUNNING AWAY (he’s referring to his board/investors AND her).  She is gutted to hear this last part and he leaves with the media in trail and she’s left standing there, a shell of the woman who walked into the building only a few minutes ago.  She returns to the familiarity of her office at FW and finally whatever was holding her together shatters and she breaks down sobbing in the hallway to the shock of the staff.  She eventually tells KongNan to leave her be and she wipes her tears and goes back to her desk to seek solace in her work. 

And there she stays, late into the night.  I’m not sure of what she could be writing, as she has no more information than any other media member.  Finally, with tears in her eyes, she picks up her iPhone and accepts what she sees as inevitable…..and she deletes his contact info from her WeChat.  To ShuYi, it has ended.  ShiYan, who likewise is still at his office late into the night, is stressed out and fed up with everything.  He stops at her favorite noodle place (of all places!) for dinner and thinks of their happier times and moments together.  After one bite of noodles he scrolls thru all their texts and WeChat messages and hears her voice in his head telling him all her silly things, ending with her poem when she went out of town.  He can’t take it anymore and finally texts her and asks “Do you want to eat some noodles?” to force the reconciliation process.  But he is shocked to see his message go undelivered with the red-meatball-of-doom showing that she’s deleted him from her contacts.  ShiYan sits in stony silence for a long time as everyone else in the restaurant goes about their lively business. 

And that’s it folks.  The runaway car of their relationship has gone off the edge and hurtled to its destruction. 

Now, there is a LOT more to this episode, including how the niece and Prof Yu actually manage to overcome their hesitance and become a couple.  It’s a nice counterpoint to the difficulties her boss and uncle are going thru.  The niece is much more emotionally mature than her boss at work…or her uncle for that matter. 

The episode ends on a funny note (it’s important to remember that this show does do comedic scenes really well).  For some reason ShuYi is with the buzzard at a dept store helping him shop, though she remains distant.  The niece and Prof Yu (on a date) see them together leaving the store and walking thru the mall and she’s determined to see what the heck is going on!  They tail her boss and buzzard to a restaurant in the mall and “accidentally” run into them so they can all have dinner together.  The niece watches ShuYi and Buzzard like a hawk, reporting everything to her uncle via WeChat, demanding he do SOMETHING.  ShuYi is watching her in disbelief, trying to figure out what the niece is up to.  This scene is much funnier than it sounds, as the niece’s anguish is matched by ShuYi’s confusion.  The close is when the niece sees how considerate buzzard is towards ShuYi (how very unlike her Uncle is) and she face-palms while demanding to know why her uncle hasn’t responded to her messages.  As the credits roll, we see him sitting in dejected silence at home as if he is reliving the events of the day.  Finally he picks up his iPhone and begins reading his nieces’ messages….

Ep 31 – The Reluctant Reconciliation           

Just when you thought things would at least pause to give us a break, now that their relationship is “done”, the show ramps up again and we’re off and running. 

This will be a difficult episode to review because SO MUCH happened and you really need to hear the exact dialog.  I will try to surmise it as much as possible without quoting every line which would make this review a chore to read.  I had to watch this episode 3 times to be able to catch everything that happened in it.

It opens with ShiYan reading his nieces text messages from the restaurant that evening.  It is the eve of a holiday of some sort and he’s up late, lost in his misery that comes from knowing ShuYi blocked his messages.  Angered, he grabs his coat and goes to her place and parks outside (creepy ShiYan again).  It’s starting to rain again and she is home by now but feverish as she can’t sleep and she feels the flu coming on.  He stares at her bedroom window from his car, and since her bedroom light is off, he is about to go home (not really sure what he intended to do?) when he suddenly see her outside on the patio shuffling around and taking down clothes she had left drying outside.  The rain picks up as she finishes and goes back inside and her lights are extinguished again.  As he’s about to leave he is stunned to see her walk out of her building and wait in the rain under her umbrella, all bundled up.  He calls to her and after a couple of tries, she realizes what is going on and sees him, outside his car under his umbrella.  They have another starting contest for a whopping 71 seconds of silence as she can’t believe he’s there and he just looks annoyed that she’s standing in the rain…all the while we hear “Not Speaking” (appropriate given its lyrics) in the background as his car is running with the wipers bobbing to and fro (I guess the rich can afford to keep there car just running there).  She tells him she’s sick and waiting for her cab to take her to the ER and (of course) he takes her there instead.  As they drive there she is trying to figure out why he was there and her guilt and sadness get the best of her and she silently starts crying, to which he hands her a tissue as he drives (that’s ShiYan finally being pro-active as his niece demanded he be).  It’s 10:10pm.

At the ER (suspiciously empty at this time of night) she is at the lab about to have blood drawn which makes her uncomfortable. As the crusty nurse is about to put in the needle ShiYan covers her eyes so she doesn’t see and the deed is done.  Once finished withdraws his hand and leaves….she begins to sob and the nurse doesn’t understand what is going on and admonishes her to act like a grown up and not cry after bloodwork. 

While waiting for the results, he asks her why she cried and our girl does it again!  Instead of being truthful, here comes Faux Pas #4 as she denies crying and just says she “didn’t expect to be in the hospital at this time”.  But THANK GOODNESS ShiYan isn’t going to let her get away with it!  Mr. Proactive responds by shocking her with “Yeah, you should have been at my house at this time”.  He gets the intended response as she freaks out with her mind and heart arguing with each other in her head.  Looking away from him she agrees with him.  (The good omen here is the background music turns to the more upbeat “Stars & Light” which is usually played in happy scenes in this series).  After she gets her lab test results, the doctor tells her to come back for an IV in the morning if the fever hasn’t broken.  After she leaves the Dr’s office, he appears to have left and she shuffles out, coughing now, trying to figure out why he seemed to reach out to her…and suddenly he appears with a cup of hot water for her throat.  They quietly walk out of the ER together and wants her to say SOMETHING “Are you mute?” he asks, but then tells her to never mind. 

As usual, she falls asleep in the car on the way back to her home but awakens in time to hear Fiona asking him on the phone if they can get together on the holiday (he is annoyed at Fiona for asking and hangs up and then notices she’s been listening). She asks him if he’ll go out with her tomorrow, and he replies “should I?” putting the ball back into her court.  I’ll give ShiYan this:  He’s TRYING.  So she tells him she doesn’t want him to go…which surprises him, but he knows better and wants to know which actress is talking to him now?  But unfortunately Our Girl does it again and here comes Faux Pas #5 (gee, 2 in one show?) as she tells him the almanac says it’s a bad day for travel as there will be a great disaster (ARRGHHHHH).  He rolls his eyes and tells her to go home and peels off.  SHE DID IT AGAIN.

The following morning (the holiday) the niece calls ShuYi and finds out she’s at the ER getting the IV after all.  The niece tells her Uncle this as he’s having breakfast (a really cute scene) and he cuts short his breakfast and goes to the ER to find her asleep with the IV still dripping.  At this point his frustration and annoyance with her is at its boiling point.  She awakes to see him sitting next to her, bundled under his coat.  When she asks him “Why are you here, I told you to stay home today” his reply of “Aren’t YOU the greatest disaster in my life?” is the highlight of the episode.  (BRAVO!!!)

The IV done, he wants to leave, but she’s too weak to stand and once she convinces him that it’s not an act this time, he princess-carries her to the car.  And after 30 episodes of torture with them, we FINALLY get the moment we’ve been waiting for:

She wraps her arms around his neck as her carries her and she looks him straight in the eyes and tells him this time she’s not acting and tells him that even though their relationship started off for bad reasons she fell for him and it stopped being acting.  She confesses she really has feelings for him and wants ‘a perfect ending’ with him (it was beautifully written).  His response to her confession: “Oh” (our old ShiYan is back!)  Which drives her crazy: “What does THAT mean?”, she demands.   “It all depends on your performance” and this reply leaves her stunned…’performance of what’ she asks herself.   As he drops her off at her house, she has flashbacks to when they first met, standing in the rain at the Warner Mansion.  When he tells her that was NOT the first time they met, she is once again confused. And with that he leaves and she goes inside to rest.

That night she texts the niece and thanks her for her help (leaving the niece confused) and asks for her Uncles WeChat contact info because she ‘accidentally’ deleted it, which the niece is NOT buying.  But she gets it, and their WeChat is reopened.  They have a funny conversation about what is his ideal of his perfect girlfriend and when she proudly says she meets all those requirements, he relishes the opportunity to send back screenshots of prior conversations to show her that she falls pretty far short of them.  Embarrassed at being called out, she puts down the phone and whines under the covers.

And all is perfect again with them.  At least as perfect as she can let things be.

eanwhile, back at Youngchang things have gone from bad to worse to OMG.  The staff gathers outside the conference room where the 2 uncles are letting ShiYan have it for sticking with Le-an Tech.  He assures them he’ll make up for any losses but they call him on it, saying he can’t go to his dad for the money.  And they tell him it’s not about the money anymore and again he asks for time to fix the problems at Le’an.

AT FW, our heroine is whistling at her desk, happy as a clam now that her love life is seemingly back-on-track.  But here’s buzzard lurking outside trying to pick her up for a date.  She agrees to do to lunch with him and politely tells him he’s not the one for her and will never be.  She has reconciled with ShiYan and he’s not one to be trifled with.  She puts the buzzard in his place and reflects on how much better a man ShiYan is).  BUZZ OFF, BUZZARD!!!

The episode ends with ShiYan and Mr. Chen stunned to see the dirtbag boyfriend walking out of the Youngchang building.  They don’t know that the mistress (chauffeur’s niece) arranged an interview for him.

Ep 32 – Taking Out the Trash

ShiYan and Mr. Chen see the ex-bf in the building and he finds out that he’s getting an interview.  He arranges it to sit in on his interview, much to the shock of the dirtbag.  As you can imagine, the fool melts down and the interview fails.  MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. 

That weekend, she comes back to his office to resume Overtime work on the special series of articles on his company.  It’s a real feeling of déjà vu, as here she sits and works by herself while he’s immersed in his own work at his desk.  Once again she’s disappointed that they are actually working OT instead of having fun (she hasn’t figured this out, YET?).  Finally that afternoon he takes her to the movies to her delight where they run into Fiona; ShuYi asserts her role as his girlfriend to Fiona and gets her to back off.  All this to her delight and the amusement of ShiYan.  As they leave the theater, she suggests skipping the ride back in the Rolls and going for a walk together, which surprises him.  So he surprises her back and gives her a long deep kiss in public, to the shock of ShuYi and Mr. Feng the driver (this was a cute scene).  In the Rolls, on the way home, she gets texts from Buzzard, asking her out (she says NO) and then Prof Yu checking on her.  Jealous, ShiYan grabs her phone and she tries to explain the Prof is just her friend.  When he tells he’s jealous because all men would find her desirable, the driver immediately says “NOT ME”; another cute and funny bit.  Anyways, she tells him she’s off for a week on a business trip in a few days (she’ll take the niece with her).

In a few days, a meeting Shi was supposed to have with Le’an’s CEO is cancelled by them, distressing Shi who takes Mr. Chen with him to Le’an after all.  He meets with the (defeatist) CEO who confides morale is in the tank with the loss of Dr. Bruce.  ShiYan tells him to ‘buck up’ and take charge of the situation (good luck with that).  ShiYan tells him that if they fail, it will happen but they’ll survive, trying to get the CEO to lighten up.

Since ShiYan can’t drop ShuYi off at the airport for her trip (distressing her), he has Mr. Feng take her and the niece in the Rolls.  The difference now, is that ShiYan has figured out ways to assuage her and cheer her up, and he does so.  She and the niece go to on their trip to interview their subject and have fun. It’s clear by now that ShuYi has taken the niece under her wing to mold her as a journalist in the same image as Ms. Tang molded her, years ago. 

While all this is happening, the dirtbag gets fired from his old job for continued crappy performance and he slinks back to his apartment to get drunk and stares at pictures of him and ShuYi.  This is poor timing as the mistress returns and finds this going on and tries to talk sense into that idiot.  She dumps him after reminding him of “all she’s done for him”, etc.  But he blames her for all his troubles (this guy is a total loser).  Suddenly we next see a scene (the following day?) of the mistress walking out of Yuanchang with a box of her belongings.  This appears to be another instance of a scene being deleted (her being fired by Mr. Qui, the Finance Manager).  As she walks out, she encounters Shi Yan in the basement getting ready to board his car and tells him that the dirtbag is after ShuYi.  He doesn’t care and tells her off.  The scene is interesting as Mr. Feng (Her uncle) is not there as he’s off at the airport to pick up the girls from their trip.  If he were there, how would this have played out?

Mr. Feng drops off ShuYi at her apartment and finds a drunken dirtbag stumbling around trying to get into her building.  He beats the crap out of him (surprising even himself) and phones to interrupt ShiYan’s banquet with the Le’an Leadership team to tell him that the dirtbag is hanging around her building.  ShiYan excuses himself for a while and goes to her apartment to find that dirtbag has gotten ShuYi to open her door (dumb girl, use the peep-hole).  He casts dirtbag aside enters the apartment, slams the door closed and they have the most passionate kiss we’ve seen to date, leaving her breathless and shaky.  Mr. Shi is definitely at the mercy of his own jealousy.  He tells her to stay put and that he’ll be back.  HE returns to the banquet, not without warning Mr. Dirtbag (still outside the door) to get lost OR ELSE. 

ShiYan eventually returns, buzzed to her surprise, as she’s rarely seen him drunk (the last time was when the news broke about Bruce’s leaving Le’an).  He staggers to her couch and collapses, just wanting to rest.  Fascinated at how different he is when drunk, she plays with him and sees how gentle and sweet he is.  In a funny flashback to her own drunken episode at the Charity Ball, she asks him if he’ll remember how sweet he is when he sobers up.  To remind himself, he gives HER a hickie so there will be evidence.  She’s shocked beyond words and before she can run away (where’s she going to go?  She’s in her own apartment!) He holds and hugs her before she can make a sobering-up concoction.  Potion completed, the episode ends with her looking in the mirror at the forming hickie on her neck and her smile of bemusement. 

Ep 33 – Hesitant Ladies in Love

Back in her apartment, ShiYan wakes up and drinks the sobering potion and leaves, after teasing her by asking if she wants him to spend the night.  With her mind is working overtime on if she should ha ask him to stay, he leaves (hopefully not driving himself).  She also changes her name on his phone’s contact list to “Sweet Babe” to which he does not object.  The following morning, she calls him at his parent’s house, and the niece is there too.  Seeing “Sweet Babe” on the Caller-ID sends his niece into a tizzy and his Dad and Sister give him raised eyebrows as well (the niece knows who Sweet Babe is, but isn’t telling).

While this is happening, ShuYi is with her boss, and Ms. Ting knows that things went well on the business trip and confirms that ShuYi is back in love (she isn’t aware yet that it’s ShiYan again).  When ShuYi asks Ms. Tang when she’ll get a boyfriend of her own, Ms. Tang defers.  And this is a really interesting facet of the series:  Ms. Tang is her role model and like her mentor, ShuYi has sacrificed a lot of her personal life for her professional one.  Neither can openly admit their affection for the man in their life (they both have wealthy boyfriends) and struggle to embrace their feelings fully.  Continuity error:  They forgot to put the hickie bruise on ShuYi’s neck (when she bit him after the charity ball, he came to work the next couple of days wearing a turtleneck). 

We get an extended montage where Yunchuang/ShiYan is working with Le’an trying to turn things around at their tech partner.  So, true to his word to his uncles at his firm, ShiYan is TRYING to fix things with their investment. 

Later on, Fiona has been on-boarded with Yunchuang and sees ShiYan to tell him that her dad (one of the elder uncles on the board) has been meeting with the other elder and the director of Finance and discussing the Le’an matter.  She asks if she should intervene somehow with her father, but Shi tells her no, and that he’s got something to discuss with the Le’an CEO.  While meeting at Le’an with CEO Kang, they are surprised when Buzzard barges in and asks to meet with them (he’s having issues of his own, as Dr. Bruce tells him Dark Horse’s lab isn’t big enough or experienced as it was when Bruce worked for Le’an and they’re going to fall short of their goals at their current pace).  So he proposes buying out Le’an and merging it with Dark Horse (this is just a talent-grab, but whatever).  Buzzard points out the problems that the Le’an CEO is having and how this benefits both firms. CEO Kang is furious with the idea and yells at Buzzard, annoying ShiYan, who is witnessing this.  Kang claims all Le’ans problems stem from Buzzard stealing Bruce from them, so how could he claim to solve all their problems!  Buzzard calmly explains why it’s a good idea in broad strokes (much to ShiYan’s silent interest) and leaves. 

ShiYan picks up ShuYi after work and takes her to the airport to meet Shanshan who’s returning from a business trip and she jokingly refers to him as her driver, because her boyfriend would have brought her flowers.  In the airport parking lot, she’s left speechless as he actually DID get her roses.  (This was a really cute scene).  Just as he’s about to kiss her, Shanshan calls from the arrivals terminal to tell her their Singing Idol is in the terminal and meeting fans, so our heroine shoves the flowers back to ShiYan and rushes to meet her BFF and idol in the arrival area.  She still has no idea her idol will be her future Sister in Law and ShiYan teases her about her idol-worship of some ‘pop singer’.  As they leave the airport her guilt begins to overwhelm her again at how easily he forgave her and the guilt is replaced by fear that there might be some retribution he will exact from her for her bad behavior.  Amazingly (for her), she actually confesses this to him when they get back to her apartment.  So he says, OK, and bites her hand.  He’s extracted his revenge and now they’re even, he says.  That settled, they once again passionately kiss, and again she’s overwhelmed by her feelings for him and backs off, begging him to be patient with her (The battle between her heart and mind rages on).  He urges her to leave the past behind them and embrace their feelings for each other.  As he leaves her place, she has one favor to ask:  stop using her full name, to which he smirks and calls her “YiYi” for the first time in the series. 

The next day, he picks her up from work in the Rolls and on the way home he surprises her with a diamond bracelet.  Stunned, she asks what it is for, and he replies that it’s a makeup gift.  The first of many gifts, as that evening a delivery man has several other packages delivered from him to her house. They have dinner at her favorite noodle place in a very funny scene that I’ll leave to your imagination, as I’ll just say she relishes her role as his girlfriend.  They have an extended conversation about his sister and her shyness is irresistible to ShiYan who gently prods her to meet his sister/her idol.  When she later learns that the password to his phone is her birthday, she’s is over the moon and her day (and evening) are made.  In her mind, all is right with her world. 

Then the dirtbag ex-bf shows up at Dark Horse and talks to Buzzard of all people, seeking a job as an ex-employee of Le’an who can dish on things happening there.  Unwilling to stoop to that level, Buzzard kicks him out of his office, telling him he’s an embarrassment to his alma mater. The loser sulks out of the building, hopefully never to be seen again.

To close out this episode, at FW Yuling overhears the niece and ShuYi talking and understands that ShuYi is seeing the niece’s uncle.  Thinking this must be an older man, she spreads salacious rumors immediately via chat groups and the company’s intranet about how their Star Employee is dating an old man, possibly the Financial Director of Yunchuang.  When word of this gets back to ShuYi (via her boss) she’s irate and tells Ms. Tang it’s not true.  In the last scene, she finds out it’s Yuling spreading this story and confronts her in the building’s stairwell.

As the series nears its end, the writer is trying to tie up loose ends.  Hopefully the ex-bf’s story is done now.  And there is a touching scene between GuanJi and Ms. Tang where he gives his blessings to her relationship with his father.  She acknowledges the ball is in her court now. 

Ep34 Give me a hand, ShiYan

In the stairwell, Yuling initially denies being the gossiper spreading the info about ShuYi and the two ladies go at it, verbally.  When Yuling stomps out, our heroine tries to stop her from leaving by blocking the door but gets her hand caught in the jamb and the heavy steel door crushes it.  Yuling, meanwhile, had left the office to contact Mr. Qiu’s wife telling her ShuYi has been having an affair with her husband.  To which the wife tells her is impossible as ShuYi is dating ShiYan.  Yuling is staggered to learn this.  Both women return later to the office and report to Ms. Tang, with ShuYi having been to the doctor (no broken bones, but hand immobilized in wrap).  ShuYi demands some kind of accounting for what Yuling has been doing to her and Ms. Tang tries to defuse the situation by putting ShuYi on paid leave until her hand recovers.  (You have to feel some for Ms. Tang, as these 2 women are both her star pupils, but Yuling’s actions have backed her into a corner.  In the real world, here in the US, ShuYi would have a candidate for a very successful lawsuit against FW for fostering a ‘hostile workplace’ and doing nothing about Yuling since the time she stole the interview from ShuYi back in the beginning of the series). 

ShuYi surprises her boyfriend by heading to ShiYan’s office in the middle of the day. where he sees her wounded hand and hears her pitiful needs as a disabled person (whining and demanding pity are a ShuYi hallmark).  He decides to play along and take her one step further – and tell her to move in with him.  Her mind reeling, she accepts his offer.   He calls his niece and tells her to stay at her grandpa’s house for a while because her auntie will be moving in.  He then goes to Le’an and asks the dour CEO if he’s considered the collab offer from Buzzard.  And sure enough he won’t consider it (still) as he won’t give up his pride and joy. 

While this is happening, Ms. Tang notifies Yuling that she’s being transferred out of the Financial Publications Division over to a different assignment.  Yuling refuses and quits, thanking Ms. Tang for mentoring her (before ShuYi came along, she meant but didn’t say).

Meanwhile she’s back home and trying to pack her stuff but realizes she can’t do it one-handed.  So she calls him for help and like the good boyfriend he is, he shows up to help pack her stuff and head to his house.  She is a happy girl as she’s being pampered, tended to, and receives all of his attention.  While she is thinking this move is a temporary situation, ShiYan shocks her (again) by saying he expects this to be a permanent situation.  Again, her mind reels that things are happening faster than she expected.  It would seem that ShiYan’s tactic is to keep her in a constant state of surprise.

Therein follows the push-and-pull nature of their relationship in full view.   However, by now his incessant studying and analysis of her has paid off and he is quick to understand her confusion and resultant game-playing.  He is no longer frustrated but instead knows what strings to pull to get the desired results from her.  Yes, he’s manipulating her, but she’s been doing the same to him from the beginning.  He makes and feeds her dinner (she can’t use chopsticks left-handed, I guess) including dessert and despite the pain, she’s a happy girl.  She has him do all the chores she can’t (tie her hair back, help her undress) and all is going great until she realizes they will be sleeping in his bed.  Just helping her unhook her bra made her head spin and she was not prepared for this!  The first night, they are predictably awkward and of course she falls asleep before he does.  He gets frustrated as she keeps rolling into him and sleep-cuddling.  She briefly awakens in the middle of the night to hear him taking a shower (a cold one, I presume).  Which sets up the funniest line in the series…

The next morning at 9, she awakens to find him gone and calls him at the office.  She asks if he took a shower in the middle of the night, unaware that he’s having a staff meeting in his office and the look on Mr. Chen’s face and his 3 secretaries as they overhear this is priceless!  (I couldn’t stop laughing at how this done).  After hanging up, she laments they spent the night together and he didn’t even kiss her!  After Shanshan calls her to check on her, ShuYi updates her on the situation and her BFF just shakes her head after learning they could finally sleep together and have nothing happen.

The next day, bored out of her mind at his place with nothing to do and unable to type on her laptop, He sends his niece over and together they work on her next series of articles.  Once ShiYan gets home, the niece leaves and we’re ready for Round 2 of an Evening With the One I Love. This time at dinner, she pouts and wants to sit on his lap while he feeds her.  Despite his objection (he’s REALLY nervous now) she does it anyways and feeds her dinner again.  With her mind racing overtime and wondering WHY he hasn’t made a move on her, she dresses for bed in a man-tailored shirt and her slippers.  When she comes into his home office (he’s working late, as usual) to say goodnight his eyes nearly fall out of his head and he struggles to maintain his composure before he just wishes her a good night.  (You can bet another cold shower is due).  Her plan foiled and ego now completely shattered, has her wondering if she’s not as attractive as she thought she was???

The next night comes Round 3 (the gauze dressing is off her hand by now).  She’s texting Shanshan and already laying on the bed in a black silk negligee and looks AMAZING.  He shuffles in, just coming home from work, slightly buzzed from some business dinner.  He sees her and once again gulps.  He retreats to the safety of the den and she just rolls her eyes.  He is able see the WeChat she’s having and when ShuYi tells her BFF that nothing is happening and it’s not HER fault, his male ego short-circuits.  He storms into the bedroom, tosses her iPhone on the floor and takes his woman.  (This is the hottest scene of the series and the behind-the-scenes shown on YouTube for this scene show the director having to break them up as it got a little “enthusiastic”.)  The next morning, Buzzard calls (of all people) rousing them from their sleep and asks about her injury and wants to take her out to lunch.  ShiYan, annoyed beyond words and listening in softly calls her name so that buzzard can hear and he once again tosses her iPhone aside (I hope she has AppleCare on that thing) leaving Buzzard crushed, knowing they probably spent the night together. 

Ep 35 Win-Win or Lose-Lose?

ShuYi’s article on Yangchuan’s difficulty with Le’an (part of the special series and the article that the niece helped her write while she recuperated) exposes the issues ShiYan & CEO Chen face.  On the positive side, it also forces CEO Chen’s hand and makes him realize that he needs to accept ShiYan’s proposal for a Strategic Alliance.  He seeks counsel from Fiona, who seems to be a Corporate Attorney after all, and empowers her to begin the process to iron out the legal issues.  But he needs to get approval from Buzzard first to see if he’s in on the deal.  He gets Buzzard’s contact info from his girlfriend who is suspiciously nice when he gets home (she’s needlessly worried her article got him into trouble).  Since they have gotten beyond the intimacy issue, they are now much more relaxed and natural with each other. 

Buzzard is initially reluctant to accept ShiYan’s “win-win” proposal until he reminds the punk that he’s in no position to call the shots as his company is struggling in it’s R&D tasks and that he won’t be able to do a talent grab from Le-an.  Buzzard is surprised that ShiYan has so much inside info on how much Dark Horse is struggling, so Buzzard is essentially backed into the corner to agree to the plan to cooperate on Millimeter-wave chips. 

In a scene not aired, we learn that the niece gets into a car accident with a distracted delivery driver and is in the hospital.  This happens while it’s learned that her mom (the singer & ShiYan’s sister) was snapped by paparazzi hugging a man (her husband) which is scandalous info.  ShuYi meets ShiYan at the hospital (with Prof You behind her) and tells him all about how disappointed she is in her idol singer being caught with his Brother-in-Law.  Unfortunately for our heroine, his sister appears behind her as she’s saying this and she learns that his sister is her idol, the Famous Song LeLan.  (This was a sweet and funny scene).  ShiYan has no idea how big of a doghouse he’s in with his girlfriend. 

Now that his sister’s secret life has been exposed, the niece’s parents meet Prof You in the hospital and her dad gives him a slight once-over but we can tell he already approves of him. 

Hospital duties done, our couple head home and bid farewell to his sister who is devising a publicity plan to clear the air on her life.  ShuYi apologizes for anything she may have said inadvertently but the sister understands since her brother never told her who she was.  She then gives her younger brother the stink-eye and wags her finger at him for stringing his girlfriend along.  Once she leaves, ShuYi is furious with ShiYan and refuses to hold his hand.  She even wants to go back to her apartment to sleep there and tells him she’ll sleep ALONE.  (Between her anger and his sarcasm, this is a cute extended set of scenes) But, her electronic door lock is dead and she doesn’t have the keys; what to do?  She then drags him to Shanshan’s where she’ll spend the night there.  Unfortunately her BFF’s door is opened by a partially clad GuanJi and Shanshan in their PJs.  Horrified and shocked, both sides excuse themselves quickly and Shanshan and GuanJi realize they have a lot of explaining to do.

Back at his place, he tries to make up to her with a delicious dinner which she can’t refuse.  Enjoying the meal she relents and tells him never to lie to her again, to which he can’t resist (DON’T DO IT SHIYAN) and tells her he TECHNICALLY didn’t lie to her and reminds her of all the times she didn’t want to talk to his sister.  Well, THAT did it, as she didn’t like her nose being rubbed into it and she goes straight to their bedroom and locks him out.  As she is explaining all this to her BFF on the phone, he unlocks the door (he has the key, after all) and carries her to the bed. In frustration he asks her what he has to do to get her over her anger and together, they hear Shanshan (who is STILL on the phone and listening in) tell him JUST DO IT ALREADY.  Mortified and staring at each other, he hangs up, tosses the phone and they, ahem…make up.  (This whole set of scenes; beginning with the hospital visit to the end of the night was one of the cutest and best of the series).

The next morning, as ShuYi returns to work from her injured-hand medical leave, the FW’s office is abuzz with the news that their intern was the daughter of a famous singer and niece of an industry tycoon, who happens to be ShuYi’s love interest after all!   Ms. Tang, grateful to see her star pupil recovered and back in love, grants her fervent wish for the e-magazine, as it has been approved.  She tells ShuYi that she should start preparing for its’ startup. 

Later that day, Buzzard approaches her (doesn’t this guy ever give up?) to do a series of articles on the Dark Horse/Le’an project.  She backs out but will assign one of her trusted peers for the project and reminds him (and takes the wind out of his sails) that the project isn’t due to his decisiveness but to ShiYan’s innovative proposal. 

ShuYi’s Mom, suspicious that something funny is going on with her daughter calls her and inadvertently speaks to ShiYan (they’re back to living at his place).  That weekend, he takes her to his family home to meet his Dad and Sister.  She’s nervous as can be expected but all goes well and the niece comes too to meet her “Auntie” too.  They excuse themselves and the mentor and her intern walk in the yard and chat.  The niece tells her she’s decided to make a career at FW and is OK with the staff knowing who her mom is.

Some time later and back at his/their house, as she cooks dinner for ShiYan, ShuYi is stunned to see him return from the airport with someone he accidentally met - her Mom! (Evidently there was a set of scenes that depicted their planned meeting that was cut).  Her mother, not impressed with her daughter’s cooking skills, is relieved to hear that he does all the cooking.  The surprise inspection complete, ShiYan returns his future-mother-in-law to the train station after dinner and her Mom is at ease with how well he cares for her daughter. 

The episode closes on a down note, however.  ShiYan’s “win-win” strategic proposal angers his elders on the board who are not alone as seeing it as a give-away of Le’an’s Intellectual Property to Dark Horse.  Frustrated, once again they go around ShiYan and appeal to his Father directly, providing him with evidence on how badly the planned project is being received.  They also throw GuanJi under the bus for not taking a more active role at Yuanchang and they tell him that “things are a mess there”.  They demand that Yunchuang be absorbed back into Mingyu and ShiYan be dismissed.  Mr. Shi is visibly distressed. 

The episode closes with ShiYan refusing to talk to the media about the project.

Ep36 - ShuYi to the Rescue

We open the last episode with ShiYan stressing about the negative public reaction to the project and his reluctance to speak to the media, including ShuYi, to clear things up.  She still feels some responsibility for all this as she thinks part of it is due to her recent article on the project.  At home that night, she embraces him and tries to get him to open up to the media and get ahead of the story, but he can’t yet.  He explains to her that there isn’t much to report in the way of progress and he doesn’t want to stir anything up (A really sweet scene to the opening of the finale).

In the morning, Ms. Tang asks ShuYi to follow up on all the rumors on the Yuanchang project but ShuYi tells her boss there isn’t much to report yet (and it’s not because of who her boyfriend is).  But the media abhors a vacuum on news, so articles begin to appear full of conjecture and half-truths about the situation with Yuanchang, and Ms. Tang is forced to have FW reply.  She gathers her staff asking someone to take charge of writing the article and ShuYi agrees, to everyone’s surprise (at this point, she has an agenda).  She goes about interviewing everyone BUT ShiYan and writes a complete explanation of the situation, the background of the project, and an optimistic tone about its eventual outcome.  (We don’t know if there was any disclosure about her + ShiYan’s relationship – probably not).  She essentially does what she urged him to do and put a factual and “maybe” positive spin on the project.  The article is praised and well-received by the public, appeasing his insurgent elders on the board, who vow to back off and let ShiYan proceed.  When he gets home that night, he thanks her (she feigns ignorance of helping him) and they embrace.  He grants her a promise made long ago:  He’ll sit down for another interview of him for FW.  

With that settled, FW proceeds to begin the e-magazine project in earnest and Ms. Tang appoints ShuYi as the interim director and tells her to start assembling her team and organization structure.  ShuYi gets her niece and is lucky to get Brier (the star intern hired at the same time as her niece) to volunteer for the project too.  She will also get a new intern (and future love interest for Brier) as her tech lead.

In 3 months time, she does a presentation on the project’s status for Ms. Tang & the Editor in Chief.  Obviously, she’s done a great job and is praised by Ms. Tang on ShuYi’s efforts to get the project started and her accomplishments as interim director.  At it’s conclusion she is cheered by her Editor in Chief, who DOES mention that he’s heard the rumors of her behing helped by her boyfriend, but she is honest and tells him that her boyfriend has helped but he is one of many resources she’s used in her job as a reporter.  When she gets back to her desk, the staff is CERTAIN she will get the permanent appointment and she promises to take them to dinner the next night to celebrate.  She feels as though she’s on top of a mountain.  However…..

Things move fast in China, and less than an hour later she’s in Ms. Tang’s office and finds out her Appraisal of Promotability goes badly and the Editor in Chief turned her down, after all.  Ms. Tang tries to soften the blow telling her that she is selfishly happy that she can stay with her and that the Editor does praise her a lot, it’s just that he doesn’t know her that well yet.  His concerns were due to her young age (she’s still only 25, remember) and her lack of management experience to lead such a vital new project.   With the mountain she stood atop just a few minutes ago now completely crumbling away under her feet, our heroine stoically accepts the decision and shuffles back to her desk.  

Her shift done, she leaves the office dejected and tells ShiYan what happened, to his amazement.  When he goes to meet with the Editor to question his decision, she grabs him and begs him to stop.  Dejected, she pouts and whines that night (that’s our girl) until he cheers her up by agreeing (just barely) to let her take a silly picture of them.  He also tells her that her ex-bf was recently fired and his mistress was dismissed as well (so much for them!) which puts a grin on her face.  

The next day, she takes the photo of them on the Temple Steps (from their trip to the Chip Conference several episodes ago) to put on her desk at work…and her spirits are lifted.  We now see them exchange pleasantries as a normal couple would and behave accordingly, to the point she refers to him as her husband.  That night, it snows in earnest at their home and they embrace and kiss as he carries her off to bed.  The next day at work, she does get to have some fun, and tells her niece that she’s passed her probation and is appointed permanently to FW.  (Be sure not to miss the funny scene when the niece informs Prof You of her good news).  

We are now presented a montage of events sometime later on:   We learn that the Dark Horse/Le’an collaboration does produce the tech breakthrough they sought and they have begun production of millimeter-wave chips; ShuYi is presented with her second award for reporting excellence (for an article from before the series began on elderly health care) at the 10th annual Financial News Award Ceremony; Le’an, at it’s 7th year anniversary banquet has CEO Shen announce to his staff and VIPs from Yuanchang (ShiYan, GuanJi, Prof You, Fiona) that they are going public (a feather in ShiYan’s cap as their investment will really pay off now) and ShiYan (who brought along ShuYi) is asked to speak to the staff.  It’s interesting that the Black Horse CEO Mr. Buzzard is there (given their collab project is essentially done) but he says nothing and stays in the background.  

With the banquet speeches over, and the attendees leaving, ShiYan pulls his girlfriend aside and gives her an engagement ring in the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Typically for our girl, she initially refuses (she loves to poke him) and when he chases her down to ask WHY???  She tells him she’s already married…and he picks her up and twirls her around the room in joy.

Later on, in Ms. Tang’s office, her boss reveals that she is getting married and invites ShuYi to be her bridesmaid.  ShuYi is shocked to learn her boss is marrying her “Uncle Guan”.  (This looks like another instance of rushed editing, as I’m sure the scene where Ms. Tang And Mr. Guan decide to marry would been filmed, given the time devoted in previous episodes on their relationship and her reluctance to marry at her older age).  

The final scene is at the wedding, and Ms.Tang is lovely in a gown befitting her statuesque figure and age.  A couple of odd things, though in this setting:  they don’t kiss after exchanging rings and just embrace (we’ve never seem them kiss at all); Guan Ji is not his father’s best man – ShiYan takes that role.  At the reception, all the family members meet and the Three Musketeers are teased as to which one is next to marry?  After a suggestion from Uncle Guan that they have a group wedding, which the Musketeers like but is quickly shot-down by the girls, the episode ends with Ms. Tang tossing the bouquet with all our ladies vying to catch it.

Ep 36.5 – Vows Made &  A Secret Revealed

So in the bonus episode, necessary because of the sloppy editing of the series, we finally get their wedding.

With her wedding invitations ready to go, Shu Yi gets frustrated that ShiYan just lets her decide everything, including her wedding dress.  She reaches out to her BFF again for help and Shanshan makes the needed decision on which venue is best (she confirms the choice that ShuYi wanted all along).  But the one thing that ShiYan is against is her choice of this venue as he feels it’s “too pink”.  She pleads with him (I’m not sure how much of this is teasing on his part) and finally threatens (uhhh “promises”) to cook his dinner every evening.  Alarmed at the thought of her cooking, he relents and she gets the pink wedding of her dreams.  

We jump to the ceremony which is sweet and funny and typically her (BaiLu makes for a beautiful bride).  It’s fun to see the entire cast assembled together as well, with Mr. Chen, ShiYan’s personal assistant doing the honors as officiant.  In a interesting arrangement, the invitees are arranged such that one side of the aisle are all his employees and the other side is the FW crew from her office…showing just how much their professional lives have dominated them.  She gets her idol-cum-sister-in-law-to-be to sing as well.  After exchanging rings, we see the promised kiss between husband and wife that has teased us in every opening credit from Episode 1.  After the reception and they see all their family members off, he pulls her back into the church to tell her a secret:  the first time they actually met (which he teased back in Ep 31) was at the 8th annual Financial News Awards when she won her first award at 23 years of age.  He tells her how she caught his eye back then and that he’s followed her ever since:  both surprising and immensely pleasing his bride who kisses her husband again.  The final shot is a pan back from them kissing alone in the church and is beautifully arranged with the background music.

I’ll leave any final comments in the REVIEWS section.  Thanks for reading all along to this unusual and addicting series.