I'm hoping to write character studies of some of the major characters (especially Shen Yu Rong!) of The Double.

But for now, putting a past post here for some LOLs. 

Characters in a Nutshell (update as I think of new ones, LOL):

XFF/Jiang Li: Tsieh Tsieh, Su Guo Gong, you handsome man, you.
Duke Su: A'Li. A'Li. How I love your name.
SYR: Me! Pitiful me! Me me me!
Ye: Why do all these men get to spend time with her?!
Sis Rao: Her! Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!
The Family Li: Cave Dwelling Neanderthals.
Papa Jiang: My daughter. Not my daughter. My daughter. Not my daughter.
StepMonster: Every woman must die.
Twirling Princess: Shen Lang ah Shen Lang. Kwei! (Kneel)
Duke Su's Fan: I love my man so much and my man loves me back.
Emperor: Dimpled Propeller Head 

Please DO add, if you have a funny summary of a character.

This drama is so well written.
What I like about this drama is that even objects have their meanings and importances.

They are like characters, they speak the truth about characters intentions and feelings.
Like :
- XFF's jade pendant ( it witnesses  XXF's love to her significant other),
- Jiang Li's hair Pin ( the witness of Jiang Li's true identity . Thank to it, ,XFF could become Jiang Li),
- SYR's Hair pin (it witnesses the status of his relationship with Princess Wanning ),
- Emperor's gong (it strongers the bound between XXF and XH throught XH's background story: same story : save their father's reputation and /or life ),
- SYR's flute (it was the witness of SYR and XFF love story, then,  it  became the witness of SYR murderous intents, at the end,  the flute was the witness of his death and the same past love aria was played like a funeral parade leading him to his death down the ground)

And of course there are other important objects in this drama. It is delightful to remenber all their meaning.

This drama is so beautiful and meaningful (*___*)
I don't know if another one can surpass The Double ^^

Copy and pasted Regina de Sa's interesting post here:

I saw a lot of comments here (MDL) about Wanning.They all seemed radical to me, with a clear division of feelings, like "I hate her" or "I feel pity for her". Many members expressed a conflict of feelings. In fact, Wanning is a very ambiguous character capable of awakening such antagonistic feelings/opinions, she deserves a study within the scope of psychoanalysis. Li Meng's performance is impeccable. She managed to convey all the challenging complexity of the character.
There are important questions to judge Wanning's character/personality. It is very clear from the beginning that she is not ‘just’ a cruel person. Her actions go beyond the standards of a so-called normal person, within standards outside of pathologies. She borders on psychopathy, but she is not a psychopath. The psychopath doesn't love. Wanning loves, loves obsessively (we shouldn't even call it "love"), has no limits in achieving her objectives, is devoid of values, lives in her own world with her own criteria and 'laws', exactly like a demented person. She even shows "love" for Shen Yu Rong's son who she supposedly thought she was expecting. But look at this detail: she loves her supposed son because he would be Shen Yu Rong's, there is no maternal character in her, just the obsession with everything that comes from Shen Yu Rong.
So...she has no empathy with other people's pain, on the contrary, she feels pleasure. She is sick, sadistic, selfish, manipulative, she is an extremely tragic character, everything in her life is tragic, in her constitution as a character, she reminds me of Medea's relationship with her own family, with Jason and Jason's bride, from the Greek tragedy. Wanning's past, although painful, does not justify her metamorphosis: initially a good person and then a recidivist and cruel criminal. The painful event she suffered was the trigger for what she became, from the perspective of a person who was already problematic in social relationships. The series does not show whether Wanning was a good person before suffering a painful and traumatic experience.
Like every obsessive person, she is focused and found in Shen Yu Rong the right person to corrupt, but she was unable to manipulate him, because he, in turn, ended up joining the game because he is a bad character, in fact, he used her to achieve his ends. She is a fragile woman in opposit of Xue Fan Fei, who is a strong and determinatd woman. One is the antagonist of the other. In all. I know you might say, "What??? Wanning fragile???" Yes she is. She is insecure, needy like an orphan, she placed her entire life in the hands of the biggest crapula in the series: Shen Yu Rong. He is her air, her ground, the unique meaning of her tragic and empty life. Without him, what did she do? I'm not going to give spoilers, watch The Double...A person who is so dependent on someone is simply fragile, without structure. Her violence is proportional to her fragility. In her feverish madness, she expresses her fragility through cruelty. Once rejected, her world collapses. We don't see Wanning oscillate between feelings, because she is focused on just one feeling/obsession. We don't see her take a step back, she advances impetuously without weighing the consequences, like demented people do. But Shen Yu Rong... Yes, he oscillates between the "love" he felt for Xue Fan Fei and his unscrupulous thirst for prominence, we see throughout the episodes that he regrets the crime he commited, like a lucid person does, although he did not hesitate to bury XFF alive. The blackmail that Wanning did to him does not justify such cruelty, there were many ways out of that blackmail, but he was cold and committed a heinous crime consciously, unlike Wanning, whose dementia separates her from any code of ethics and norms. Who really deserves to be hated: Wanning or Shen Yu Rong? Well...In the beggining I hated them both, with different colors, because one is crazy and the other has a bad character. The mad person who commits crimes, despite arousing our natural repulsion, needs to be seen through specific lenses that soften our feelings, because in such a condition, in fact, she deserves our compassion.Crazy people, like Wanning, cannot live in society and are treated as such. Bad character is everywhere and when someone like that threatens society, they are treated with the severity of the law.

One more time I ask: why do we feel sorry for Wanning, if she acts in a perverse, unscrupulous, selfish way? Wanning has understandable and traumatic reasons that serve as a Freudian excuse that redeem her, mitigating her attitudes. From there we connect with her on a human level. We must be careful because we are facing a trap. We cannot lose sight of her recidivist criminal personality, she never regrets it. In the same way, we cannot make our compassion in certain moments when she really deserves pity, the plumb of our judgment. As a mad person, she needs another kind of perception.
Now I'll say what I feel for Wanning. I confess that I got emotional in some scenes, but I cried in "that" scene (I won't give spoilers...). The scene has a spectacular plasticity, with few colors, a lot of gray (like Wanning's inner world) but reacting like a redemptive veil surrounding Wanning's drama/tragedy, the rain washes away her miserable and sad life, the color red screams in contrast to the beatitude of Wanning's smile, reminding me of Ophelia, who also smiles as the river current carries her along, floating like a petal, with a flower in her hands. Ophelia went mad due to her fiancé Hamlet's rejection. Wanning is mad and rejected as daughter, as sister, as woman too...Wanning...What can I say about you? I feel pity for your destiny as a woman devoid of Rationality and because of that so cruel. And what can I say to you? Rest in peace.

PS: Very briefly about the Greek tragedie I mention: Medea is calculating, vindictive, manipulative, she murdered her brother and her own children with Jason, as well as Jason's bride in revenge, at the same time that she helped him gain power. Jason (Shen Yu Rong...) is Creusa's groom, he's ambitious, a strategist, the Princess Creusa (or Glauce), is King Creon's daugther.

The Production team was so coherent and insync and in love with each other’s work because why else would the prop and set design be used as the theme of the opening sequence. Watch the opening sequence again it just important character props and sets. I noticed it as the drama was airing and I started waiting to see when an item from the opening sequence would show up in the drama. 


The Production team was so coherent and insync and in love with each other’s work because why else would the prop and set design be used as the theme of the opening sequence. Watch the opening sequence again it just important character props and sets. I noticed it as the drama was airing and I started waiting to see when an item from the opening sequence would show up in the drama. 

do you mean the beginning theme song? 

SYR is probably more his mother's son than the righteous man he tried to be to fulfill his father's wishes; the righteous man that Fangfei fell in lov and believes she married. 

Meeting Fang Fei helped him stay in the light but the way she and her family were happy to stay poor and powerless for righteousness sake was probably stressful for him.  Meeting Wanning would have relieved that stress and allowed him to be closer to his true temperament. Being with XFF would have let him keep feeling like a good man and being with PW would have let him fulfill his ambitions the way he really wanted. He intended to keep both of them but Wanning broke the balance, so he was in a slight daze till Fangfei came back as Jiang Li.
He tries to keep up the righteous scholar act on her again but by Ep 32, he realises that ship has sailed so he exposes his true self infront of Fangfei, and by proxy Wanning no longer gets the benefit of the "mild-mannered" scholar and only gets to meet SYR, the spider, from there on.

I think he genuinely loved XFF but could never be fully honest with her and once his family had ruined her reputation, he couldn't see them going forward. She was tainted and her faith in him would have been broken, once the news of her father and brother's death and Hauxiang's collapse reached her it would be impossible to maintain a "happy marriage".

His "genuine" love is muddled with her being a mirror of the image he wants of himself: she the Cai Nue, most beautiful talented woman loves HIM; she's losing herself to their marriage to satisfy HIM; HE is the husband, brother-in- law and son-in-law to her goody two shoes freedom fighting righteous lot; and those things become HIS honour and HIS glory. So once her reputation is lost and her family is dead (her values is lost), he puts her down and buries her like you would a very sick beloved dog "because you don't want it to suffer!".

He finds his love for her again once she comes back as Jiang Li, the Di Daughter of the Jiang family. And she does it again: beautiful and talented- top scorer in the exam; righteous reputation- saves Magistrate Xue nd Hauxiang; and claims to respect his works and trying to be near him- her "loving him".  He gets intoxicated in the good feelings that being XFF's husband gives him and he wants it back. He certainly won't allow someone like Duke Su have it- Xue Fangfei however she appears and whatever assests,  family or reputation are his to use or dispose of as he wishes. 

Princess Wanning who believed she truly saw SYR for all his parts still only saw that he could be corrupted and not that he was utterly corrupt. Infact, the only sign to this is his mother and sister: he grew up with no other influences in that house, how could he be any different. Once the mask falls completely off when he opens himself to chase Jiang Li as his real self, she gets to see he neither loves her as a woman or fears her as a monarch or respects her as a leader. She is his pawn, a puppet on his string and if she keeps being "useless" he'll find a better one- Smart, talented, beautiful, respected Di Daughter of the Right Minister, Jiang Li.

Cutting and pasting here the conversation with @DefyingDestiny about XFF's reckless behavior as Jiang Li .  Here is the link to the whole convo:


But this made the revenge more "realistic" to me. She was behaving like the wrong woman se was. Away from SYR's presence, she could pretend to be Jiang Li and create situations to avenge Jiang Li like at the Coming of Age Ceremony. But she did go back to the Capital to avenge herself too and yes, she used Jiang Li's identity to do it. Since the beginning, burying Jiang Li's body with her clothes, she'd already hatched out her own plans for revenge. Perhaps she didn't know the ways she would achieve it, but she knew the means--the Di Nue of the PM was going to catch SYR's eye sooner or later.

Her first encounter with her murderous hubby after the Coming of Age Ceremony, outside the house of Jiang, was very telling. She could barely control herself. When she was inside, she was Jiang Li, but standing outside that door, she was essentially XFF. I noticed she carried this theme throughout; whenever she was inside the Jiang or the Ye doors, she was very immersed in her role, but when she was outside, she wandered around like the restless spirit of a dead woman, doing her avenging ghost act, like the almost macabre smile she gave her MIL and SIL outside the door.

Even Xiao Heng noticed this and a few times advised her to stop living so much like a dead woman. He wanted her to live for herself in more ways than just living as Jiang Li or XFF seeking revenge.

This, I felt, she couldn't do for quite a while. Every time she was with SYR in private, she behaved like a real angry "dead" wife would--testing him, pushing him, saying things that betrayed her identity (I don't even think she cared sometimes whether he figured it out or not because like any normal person, she couldn't believe this man she'd married was capable of such evil).

Therein lay the genius of layering characters. XFF was good, but she had also been tainted by that inky rain and cloud her husband created. I believe, until the cleansing rain of the Drunk Scene of Episode 17, XFF wasn't totally in control of herself.  She had been raped physically and mentally and surely being buried for a while did some damage, LOL. Every time SYR came near her, the desire to hurt him back, to even kill him, must have been strong (she almost lost it in the Palace with Wanning giving her the arrow and that was why the following conversation with Duke Su was so revealing--she said she wanted justice at any cost).

Copy and pasted from the same thread above:

An interesting observation. Your longer post in our Other Topics (Under Characters) made some more good points. I'll have to bring in Wanning and SYR's relationship over there LOL.

But here, let's focus on SYR's dark side. Yes, like you, I believe he had that dark side to him and his approaching Wanning to return the fan (if I remember correctly) was not an accident. Surely, at that point, he had been humiliated with no one attending his "hello, I'm the Scholar Emeritus party" and surely he already heard about Wanning the Crazy Evil Princess by then. He saw her as an opportunity, as he'd seen XFF (and her family) as one when he was nothing but a poor scholar. XFF had pushed him up, giving him ideas and selling her valuables, but now it was no longer enough. She was, as we've seen, standing OUTSIDE THE DOOR, and he needed someone inside to give him ideas and valuables. Unfortunately, Wanning was not as controllable.

The righteous scholar act was all well and good as a way to gain status, but what he truly wanted was power, something he saw XH had. So, at his death, XFF's final "wish" for him to be born noble was somewhat ironic because it wasn't just nobility or riches that pushed SYR to do what he did--it was power. As Fu Ma, he would have gotten that. Or the PM's Di Nue's husband, advisor to the Emperor. He was playing both sides and finally chose XFF/Jiang Li. But it all went to hell when Xiao Heng jumped into the play (darn him!) and interrupted his script of marriage.


I see you've sort of started dissecting SYR and Wanning's relationship with the "dog food" banquet post, heh.  I'll have to think about it more during work and expand upon it later.  Bis Später!

I just want to say that I devoured every word from your conversations. If you have any other thoughts about the drama and characters, I'd like to read them all!

Thank you for posting them.


I just want to say that I devoured every word from your conversations. If you have any other thoughts about the drama and characters, I'd like to read them all!

Thank you for posting them.

Hi! I'm glad you're enjoying them. We really enjoyed discussing all the cool stuff in this drama as it was airing. Did you check out the Couple Progression topic? That one has quite a bit of stuff about the main couple. Cheers!


Hi! I'm glad you're enjoying them. We really enjoyed discussing all the cool stuff in this drama as it was airing. Did you check out the Couple Progression topic? That one has quite a bit of stuff about the main couple. Cheers!

Yes, I read most forum discussion of the drama, including the one you mentioned, and gained so much from you perspectives.

I knew SYR was a coward but I didn't realise he was such a calculating person until ep 35 scene with Wan Ning and the spider scene.

Same for the CP progression. I was so engrossed in the series that I didn't make some connections right away.

Your observations were eye openers that enhanced my experience. Thank you!