
for the tv show prompt in block 2, can it be *at least five episodes* like last year, or does it need to be the whole show?

We have now finished discussing this in the group and diced that:  we are willing to accept anything listed as a Tv-show from start to finish rgardless of episode count, but also atleast 5 episodes from Tv shows that air longer than a year like: Running man (750 ep since 2010), Moving Bros 500 ep since 2015), Run BTS season 3 ( 99ep 2019-2021 ). So if the show expands over a period of more than one year/365/6 days we will accept at least 5 episodes from it. If it does not expand over more than a year you must watch all the episodes for it to count. 


Does someone studying Chinese traditional medicine count as a Doctor?

And does a paramedic count as a doctor or a firefighter or neither?

A someone studyin Chinese traditional medicine counts, 

A paramedic is a person trained to give emergency medical care to people who are injured or ill, typically in a setting outside a hospital. so it counts for the: Doctor/Nurse/Ambulance Worker prompt. 


Hi ^~^

Does signage mean basically any sign? I'm not a native english speaker so I had not heard that term. But the definitions I find make me think it could be a road sign, a restroom sign, a restaurant name sign, a brand/logo on a building, a "closed/open" sign, etc. Is that right?

To be honest I had to google it myself,, and you did a good job googling it yourself. Since we know sometime words can have slightly diffrerent meanings depending on dialects etc. As long as the interpretation is not to far fetched we will go wit it.  

but it 

signs (as of identification, warning, or direction) or a system of such signs. 

I assume basically a sign but not just any sign, it has to have some kind of informational meaning.


A someone studyin Chinese traditional medicine counts, 

A paramedic is a person trained to give emergency medical care to people who are injured or ill, typically in a setting outside a hospital. so it counts for the: Doctor/Nurse/Ambulance Worker prompt. 

Good to know, thanks.

I'm watching a C-historical at the moment and there always seem to be people who need medical attention. At various points in the story, a herbalist or a poison expert or someone who can help is called in. They're not called doctors as such or at least the captions don't.

Do they count as - 1) Doctors 2) Supporting Characters since they're only there for 1 scene ?

Also, the people who take care of them during their ailment are often their personal servants. Do they count as Nurses?


To be honest I had to google it myself,, and you did a good job googling it yourself. Since we know sometime words can have slightly diffrerent meanings depending on dialects etc. As long as the interpretation is not to far fetched we will go wit it.  

but it 

Signage: signs (as of identification, warning, or direction) or a system of such signs. 

I assume basically a sign but not just any sign, it has to have some kind of informational meaning. 

Thanks Shiro. I'll focus on signs that provide information to the viewer.


Good to know, thanks.

I'm watching a C-historical at the moment and there always seem to be people who need medical attention. At various points in the story, a herbalist or a poison expert or someone who can help is called in. They're not called doctors as such or at least the captions don't.

Do they count as - 1) Doctors 2) Supporting Characters since they're only there for 1 scene ?

Also, the people who take care of them during their ailment are often their personal servants. Do they count as Nurses?

No, supporting characters need to be listed as supporting characters. These are probably listed as guest at best . 

Also no, unless they training to be nurses, have been nurses etc.   Nurses do exsist in historicals too.  


No, supporting characters need to be listed as supporting characters. These are probably listed as guest at best . 

Also no, unless they training to be nurses, have been nurses etc.   Nurses do exsist in historicals too.  


In the prompt about a prayer ritual, does it need to involve a shaman or something similar, like in My Lovely Liar episode 1 when her mother attends a ritual, or can it just be the character going to a temple to perform their own ritual, pleading for something, as also happens in episode 1 of My Lovely Liar when she visits a Buddhist temple?

Hi again. I have a couple new questions.

For the Street/Public Music Performance prompt, for the street option can it be any street performance such as a magician, mime, dancers, etc, or does it need to be a street music performance only?

For the Traditional Performance, does it mean a performance in an established place for performances? Like a play in a theatre, or music concert in an arena? Or does it mean that the performance should be of an antique/indigenous/regional art form, for example Chinese dragon dance?

Hellooo, for the prompt 2 of the Red Lights District section, "Psychological Abuse" isn't a tag that exists on MDL and therefore isn't linked. Not sure if the tag was removed recently since I did see some tags vanish but that aside, would it instead be Psychological Manipulation?

 maddu cavalcante:

In the prompt about a prayer ritual, does it need to involve a shaman or something similar, like in My Lovely Liar episode 1 when her mother attends a ritual, or can it just be the character going to a temple to perform their own ritual, pleading for something, as also happens in episode 1 of My Lovely Liar when she visits a Buddhist temple?

Both are fine, at least if she takes part of a prayer ritual and not just wanders around the temple because it is pretty. 


Hi again. I have a couple new questions.

For the Street/Public Music Performance prompt, for the street option can it be any street performance such as a magician, mime, dancers, etc, or does it need to be a street music performance only?

For the Traditional Performance, does it mean a performance in an established place for performances? Like a play in a theatre, or music concert in an arena? Or does it mean that the performance should be of an antique/indigenous/regional art form, for example Chinese dragon dance?

Street/Public Music can be any type of street performance. 

Traditional refers to traditional art form. Such as antique/indigenous/regional art form, for example Chinese dragon dance?


Hellooo, for the prompt 2 of the Red Lights District section, "Psychological Abuse" isn't a tag that exists on MDL and therefore isn't linked. Not sure if the tag was removed recently since I did see some tags vanish but that aside, would it instead be Psychological Manipulation?

Yet that is correct, we forgot to change it in the form. 


Yet that is correct, we forgot to change it in the form. 

Gotcha, thank you!

Hi, can a palace be counted as a "Mansion"?