I would rather meet my future self.

WYR play Basketball or Volleyball?


Would you rather live immortal with gaining one true love or a normal life with no true love.

True love

WYR exercise indoors or outdoors



Would you rather live immortal with gaining one true love or a normal life with no true love.

exercise indoors

edit : *gaining one true love but she/he will not be immortal*

Basket - preferably the ones with the wheels

WYR shovel the snow or use a snow blower

snow blower

WYR cook or wash dishes


WYR get chased by a dog,or get chased by a rat


Would you rather be a writer or a director 


WYR watch on netflix or youtube

burger king

WYR meet a pirate or meet a talking bear  

Talking bear

at home WYR wear slippers or socks


WYR go mountain climbing or swim in the ocean?

Swim in the ocean

WYR be a leader or follower