Gossamer - used to refer to something very light, thin, and insubstantial or delicate.

 Also, something super fine and delicate — like a spider web or the material of a wedding veil.

"in the light from the table lamp, her hair was blond gossamer"

hoyden - a female who is loud and boisterous


  1. of or having equal dimensions.


    relating to or denoting muscular action in which tension is developed without contraction of the muscle.

Jocko    a  chimpanzee

Now you know what MJ’s nickname meant!

Kawaii - the quality of being cute, or items that are cute.

Lachrymose- Sad, moving or heart-breaking

mar - to damage or spoil to a certain extent; render less perfect, attractive, useful, etc.; impair or spoil

Nascent - the beginning or birth of something

Orwellian - characteristic of the writings of George Orwell, especially with reference to his dystopian account of a future totalitarian state in 1984

Prognosticate - foretell or prophesy (an event in the future).

Quire - four sheets of paper or parchment folded to form eight leaves, as in medieval manuscripts.

  • any collection of leaves one within another in a manuscript or book.

    "the scribe numbered the quires of his manuscript as well as the leaves"

  • 25 (formerly 24) sheets of paper; one twentieth of a ream.

    "the package contained two quires of tracing paper"

Rancor-  Deep feelings of anger, hatred or bitterness.

sanguine - optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.

Umbrage- Anger from being offended/disrespected

Wheedle - use flattery or coaxing in order to persuade someone to do something or give one something.

"she wheedled her way on to the guest list"