
feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds

Temerity - excessive boldness or rashness

Raucous  - harsh; strident; grating: raucous voices; raucous laughter


confidently optimistic and cheerful.

untoward unexpected and adverse; unfortunate or unlucky

"She answered questions but was reticent most of the time, keeping an eye on Molly as if she was afraid the child would do something untoward. " 

Victuals - food or provisions

Xerus-a genus of coarse-haired long-tailed African ground squirrels that somewhat resemble prairie dogs in habits.

Yttriumis a chemical element with the symbol Y . It is a silvery-metallic transition metal chemically similar to the lanthanides and has often been classified as a "rare-earth element".

Zenith:  1) the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the nadir and vertically above the observer;                                                                                                                                                                                           2) the highest point reached in the heavens by a celestial body;                                                                                   3) culminating point.

antithetical--sharply contrasted in character or purpose

Looking at the clock leads to two things antithetical to sleep, Grandner says — math and worry.
Washington Post (Jun 10, 2013)

Bamboozle - fool or cheat (someone), confound or perplex.