Maudlin- Overly emotional and/or sentimental.

Naughtiness: bad behaviour, when someone does not do what they are told to do.

Opportune - (of a time) well-chosen or particularly favorable or appropriate


feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds

Quiescent - in a state or period of inactivity or dormancy.

quisling:traitor who aids invaders
"he had the Quisling owner of the factory arrested" 


strongly reminiscent or suggestive of.

"names redolent of history and tradition"


confidently optimistic and cheerful.

Temerity - excessive boldness or rashness

untoward unexpected and adverse; unfortunate or unlucky

"She answered questions but was reticent most of the time, keeping an eye on Molly as if she was afraid the child would do something untoward. "

Victuals - food or provisions

Winsome - attractive or appealing in appearance or character.

"a winsome smile"

Xerus-a genus of coarse-haired long-tailed African ground squirrels that somewhat resemble prairie dogs in habits.

Zest: great enthusiasm and energy; a quality of excitement and piquancy.

"I used to try to beat past records to add zest to my monotonous job"

"they campaigned with zest and intelligence"

Assiduousshowing great care and perseverance