Rotund - marked by roundness;

marked by fullness of sound or cadence;

notably plump.

sanguiferous: conveying blood

Tinge -color lightly.

Vehement - showing strong feeling

Welkin - the sky or heaven.

Xerostomia- abnormal lack of saliva, dryness of mouth

Zoomorphic - having or representing animal forms or gods of animal form.

"pottery decorated with anthropomorphic and zoomorphic designs"

antithetical--sharply contrasted in character or purpose

Looking at the clock leads to two things antithetical to sleep, Grandner says — math and worry.
Washington Post (Jun 10, 2013)

Billet Doux - a love letter.

"she was a constant recipient of billets-doux from the boys of the neighboring school"

effervescent - someone who's enthusiastic and vivacious. Or your Coke can be defined that way. Bubbly

Fathom:- a linear unit of measurement for water depth.

Why is effervescent being plagiarized AGAIN? 

 gelasin   dimple in the cheek when one smiles.