Vernacular - the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.

Wheresoever: In, to, or from whatever place at all; wherever

Xanthous: having yellowish, red, auburn, or brown hair;

marked by yellow coloration.

Yore: time past and especially long past

Zonk:  to go to sleep or be asleep. Often used with out; 

Abigail  A lady’s maid! 

Bolide - a large meteor which explodes in the atmosphere.

Constriction: the process of becoming tighter and narrower, or something that makes you feel that this is happening;

a limit, or the process of limiting or controlling something or someone.

Doctrinaire - strictly following a theory in all circumstances, even if there are practical problems or disagreement



a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.

Fictile -  made of earth or clay by a potter.

Galumph - move in a clumsy, ponderous, or noisy manner.

"she galumphed along beside him"

Haecceity - the status of being an individual or a particular nature INDIVIDUALITY, SPECIFICITY, THISNESS 

Ignoble-  Being unworthy, dishonourable or of lower class.

jargonelle.    An early  pear