Zonk:  to go to sleep or be asleep. Often used with out; 

A fairly uncomplimentary Scots dialect word for a zit—or a “hot pimple,” as the Scottish National Dictionary puts it.

Bravo: used to express approval when a performer or other person has done something well.


So-named because they’re supposed to walk so closely behind the person they admire, a catch-fart is an ingratiating, toadying sycophant.

Eureka : is a Greek word that is defined as "I have found it!" and is a cry of happiness or satisfaction when you find something or have an achievement.

Fictile -  made of earth or clay by a potter.

Grandiloquent - pompous or extravagant in language, style, or manner, especially in a way that is intended to impress.

Haberdasher: someone whose job is selling cloth, pins, thread, etc. used for sewing, or a shop where these things are sold 

Ill-gotten - acquired by illegal or unfair means

jargonelle.    An early  pear

Kawaii - the quality of being cute, or items that are cute.

Larcenous: used to describe someone who takes something that does not belong to them, without illegally entering a building to do so, or to describe something that relates to such a crime:  

Mondegreen - a misunderstood or misinterpreted word or phrase resulting from a mishearing of the lyrics of a song.

nose bag           A bag hung over a horse's head.

Ostensible - stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so