The person above me is the president of the idol-eating cult.
The person above me is the Heir of idol-eating cult president :P
The person above me repented from being a member of the idol-eating cult and resurrected Yoona back to life!
And the person above me make plan for kidnap and eating Yoona again :P (poor Yoona)
LOL. And the person above me had a relapse and ate Yoona with me because she looked so yummy to eat. (poor Yoona indeed) Due to his guilt he ate all the members of the idol-eating cult.
the person above me so guilt stricken that she decided chomping her own self. lol
The person above me is one of the idol-eating cult member that been eaten and now he's reborn as undead :P (zombie)
The person above me is actually the head of a secret organization that stated the idol-eating cult as an experiment. The experiment goal was to start a zombie outbreak where all the people that got eaten are now zombies too.
So now the person above me is an agent of the secret zombie cult that targets drama addicts giving them the 'idol virus' ( a virus that makes the infected person wants to eat their celebrity idols).
The person above me is the first one who been test the effect of idol-virus. Now she on the way to eat Yoona.( LOL Yoona again). :P
Oh no! The person above me injected the idol-virus into all the sasaeng fans.
The person above me is actually a sasaeng fan!
The person above me is sasaeng fan leader :P
Hahah The person above me is the chief leader of Sasaeng fans
The person above me cheated on kim woo bin.