The person above is from the Moon.
the person above me thinks they are Sailor Moon
The person above me has the mind of a child
the person above me is wearing borrowed underpants
The person above is TOP from Big Bang.
The person above me is the secret member of super junior
The person above me is the love child of Donghae and Eunhyuk!!
The person above me wishes they were that love child
The person above me is fed up with the couple and so is planning to seek shelter in Heechul's home
the person above me is sooo jealous of me living in Heechul's house
The person above me forgets that I am Heebum, Heechul's one and only love!!
The person above me needs to wake up from the dream they are having
The person above me love to burst other people's bubbles because they are a bubble burster!!
the person above me owns a bubble farm
The person above me also lives in that farm