you get a copy of the movie Diva

*inserts Lee Hong Ki's shoes*
Gets Lee Hong Ki's feet and a murder mystery *inserts a fishing pole*
you get a first edition copy of Moby **** *inserts lolcat* edit: lol!! i got censored
gets the question "what is a lolcat?" haha that highlarryus let me try it *inserts Moby *****

you get a whale plush

*inserts the band NEWS*
gets a huey lewis plush *inserts communist Russia*
you get a ticket to visit it. *inserts owl*
*gets wisdom and a craving for field mice *inserts a thisguy2011*
gets a rip in space-time a craving for Yoon Eun Hye *inserts William Shatner*
hehehe gets warp speed and a craving for alien women *inserts a Volvo*
you get turned into sparkly vampire with a craving for Kristen Stewart *inserts the first dvd from the Secret Garden box set*
gets to watch the first episode of Secret Garden(i couldn't come up with any thing) *inserts a rabbit's foot keychain*
gets one pissed off 3-legged rabbit *inserts crystal duck*
L-ed my freaking A Off gets glass chards roughly the mass of a crystal duck *inserts a red solo cup*
you get the crappiest country song ever

*inserts my left knee*