Someone needs to make a chart for these people! But this is where I am with my understanding:
1. Mark——->Kit (Main couple)*
2. Yu ——-> Saeb (cousins) *—- Saeb——-> Padbok (love-hate relationship) —- chances of a pairing
3. Kit ———> Phai (brothers)*
4. Phai —-spends too much time w/—-> Saen dee —- Phai —— also spotted making eyes at —->Thanu
5. Saen dee —- spent too much time talking like a wise old man asking people about love and soulmates. Known to occasionally gaze at Phai. —- possible love interest? or a disguised love Cupid? —->Identify unclear
6. Thanu ——> Yu - unclear?———- Thanu —also spotted making eyes at—> Phai
***Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after***
(I’m sorry but I had to get that one off my chests. Its been playing around in my head since they appeared on screen)
7. Jack ——> Jill (friends)*
8. Jill ——-> Yuki (hetro couple)
9. Jack ——> Just friends with Padbok? Lone single character? Paired with one of the other 6 supporting casts that haven’t appeared yet? ——> the possibilities are endless for this one.
Edit: Jack ——> Koh????
10. Tutor boy —- possible pairing with ——-> Swim boy
* Confirmed Identities in blue.
Disclaimer: too many damn people in this drama I may have forgotten others entire existence. This is me theorizing and I’ll edit and update this list as more information comes in. If you want to have fun theorizing with me, leave a reply with your theories XD
Anchoremore theory for #6 : Yu——-> Thanu——-> Phai —chances of a love triangle BUT endgame will be Yu &Thanu
*(Anchoremore hasn’t said anything about the possibility of this turning into a square so Saen dee’s identity is still up in the air.)
Edit 1: Shine Zay Min theory (
1. Mark——->Kit (Main couple)* is right
2:1. Wayu< -----Jack and Koh (Crush)
2:2. Wayu <----> Thanu (interesting each other,I think not reach crush level)
3. Thanu<----> Phai <----- Saen dee (Interesting)