At first there was Confessions of a shopaholic, now the Asian entertainment industry presents:
Confessions of a dog!
Not sure if it really is only an japanese movie but it was called "The map of the sounds of Tokio" and it isn´t any report or anything but an thriller :p
Confession of Pain AKA Forlorn City................sounds painful and depressing. lol
hahaha I just came across some more.

Soup Curry Based on the synopsis, this has nothing to do with food.

Gloves Come Off Saying this out loud, it just sounds awkward. The alternative title (Boxing King) sounds better.

Legal High ..........You can be legally high? LOL

Attack the Gas Station

hahaha I just find that one to be hilarious
Crazy4You wrote: Attack the Gas Station

hahaha I just find that one to be hilarious

Look out! They fill your tank!

Ummm Ok? (no complaints here :p)
Sleepninja wrote: Look out! They fill your tank!

Ummm Ok? (no complaints here :p)

Hahaha :p
Crazy4You wrote: Hahaha :p

Go check FB!
Sleepninja wrote: Go check FB!

Give me a sec :p
Crazy4You wrote: When Dolphin Met Cat

Angela Zhang is in that one! :)
K-Pop the Ultimate Audition! The title's really weird. Honestly? King Two Hearts... It just doesn't make sense! So the King's name is Two Hearts? =))))
Crazy4You wrote: Attack the Gas Station

hahaha I just find that one to be hilarious

Never heard but it made me LMAO! =)))))
canyousaywhuut wrote: Never heard but it made me LMAO! =)))))

Hahaha me too :p

Sleepninja wrote: Man . Boy

Haha that title doesn't even make any sense