A Guide to Asian Dramaland Remakes

If you see any incorrect info, or know of a title that's missing (including any that are upcoming, in production, or the rights have been purchased), please let me know.  You can either reply here, or send me an email via the "Contact Form" on the website.  :)


12/20/2015 update: 71 main titles listed / 7 on the "to-do" list / Newly added: MARS & Death Note

5/14/2015 update: 57 main titles listed / 19 on the "to-do" list.  I also added some lulz to the "Condor Trilogy" entry. :P

5/13/2015 update: Did some reworking of the layout due to text restrictions on a single page.  Titles are now alphabetically grouped together on multiple pages (with a nav bar).  I also added some lulz for those of you who visit the "Contact" page. :P ;)

5/12/2015 update: 46 main titles listed / 17 on the "to-do" list

2 new titles added: MARS & Death Note