Sleepninja wrote:
Oh Japan! You never cease to amaze/amuse me. XD
I love this country so much!
it says
wrote: 歩ける寝袋ー「これなら、夜中、熊に教われても立ち上げって逃げられる」と言うんだけど、そんなスピード出せるんだろうか。
it means something like
wrote: Walking Sleeping Bag - It says "With this, in the middle of a night, if you are attacked by a bear you can get up and run away", but I wonder if we can go with that speed
I guess the "With this, in the middle of a night, if you are attacked by a bear you can get up and run away" part is what they use for advertisement..
first, "Walking Sleeping Bag" itself crack me up...
we have sleeping bag for a walk?LOL
then, to avoid a bear? with that sleeping bag? maannnn....LOLOL