There are probably more than tens of Top Best Drama polls , and most of the time the result is the most popular ones , as many good dramas turn out to be not that popular as the idol dramas.
for now I want to create a large list possibly 300 Dramas (Asian dramas in general )
then anyone who have seen at least 10 dramas from the list down-vote (the worst) 1 drama to be excluded for the next voting
1st time voting ( 300->100) , 2nd voting (100->30) , last voting (30->10). numbers are just example might be different ,
Here is the list so far its at least 250 Dramas. Point is
1. Name a few dramas that you think are masterpieces to be included in the poll
I will post another post after the list has enough dramas.2. Vote for the worst drama in the list only if you have watched more than 10 Dramas on the list.