a lot of people are waiting to be heard on this website....
i still dont understand why having a different opinion offends someone.. i see a lot of bash when someone writes a " negative " comment...... "negative" here is really just "different"
-am i being inconsiderate for stating my unpopular opinion,, ??
-or are those people very easily butthurt ????
i dont see the point of strongly defending ur favorite drama if others dont like it.
u dont earn money from ur favorite drama being on the top show page..
ur fav drama also doesnt remake better or worse from all the criticizm
i understand that when i like something i want other people to watch it too
but i can do that to friends i know in real life...... on MDL everyone can judge by themselves from the reviews and commetns
and lot of people (including me) watch dramas that have bad comments anyway.....
nobody is intentionally terrorizing ur fav drama / they just dont think like u
they just leave one or a few negative comments because they really think like that
and hope that people come and see it too........ to watch or not its up to them
i dont earn money from leaving " negative " comments too
i feel that people who strongly defend their fav dramas take ***too much*** pride in liking a drama that ( they think ) is brilliant
it doesnt make u look brilliant thoughh .. its not ur production .... u maybe just have a good eye for a "good" drama
I really dont understand ..
my account is quite new to MDL but used to read a lot of reviews here before
-is it a trend here to act like that ?
im really really curious.... im not trying to be offensive.. i thought of many possible reasons for this before writing this and still dont understand
now for those people i will definitely look offended but idk :-/