random episodes then, off the top of my head:
- Whisper - female lead's father is put unjustly in jail through a first half of a drama; two of main characters end up there eventually (but that's only a glimpse in a finale)
- Golden Empire, ep 2 (and possibly the very ending of ep 1) - escape scheme
- Money Flower, ep 1 - MC takes a fall for someone else
- W, ep 4.
- Blade and Petal, ep 4 - the drama itself is peculiar in many ways, but what happens that episode tops the rest of what I saw of it so far. It begins and ends with a cliffhanger. MC is thrown in jail with a death sentence. While it's obvious that there's no way to kill off a main character as soon as episode 4, the danger is pretty dire and everyone is doing whatever is possible to exhaust all the options to get him out. So it still manages to be an edge-of-the-sit, emotional ride despite the expected outcome.
Will come back if I think of more.