The film opens up with the camera panning into a man's living room during the day. In the film, the main character is a man who somehow meets this woman he apparently loves and allows her to live with him for some time. The woman does not love the man. She is there with him for sex and for safety from the man she actually loves, who hits her. The man and woman look to be in their late twenties. The woman is beautiful and has long, straight hair. They have sex in his house. I think he may be a writer. I checked wikipedia if this was listed in the list of Korean erotic films, and it is not. But, sex does play a big role in the majority of the film. There is one scene where the woman and the man are at opposite ends of a street crossing. When they meet in the middle, the woman flashes her breast underneath her blazer (she was wearing nothing underneath). There is also a scene where the woman is physically abused by the man she loves (not the main character). The ending scene is of the main character having sex with the woman at the beach and then choking her to death.