Put Your Head on My Shoulder

Gave it four episodes but didn’t find either of the leads engaging. 

Sweet stranger and me, episode 3

When devil calls your name 

She Was Pretty and now I'm really thinking of dropping K2

 y u e:

(whoops, can't quote but...)

I was really disappointed with it because of the hype as well? So many people loved and recommended Healer which made me feel very confused. Like, was I missing something? XD 

Or maybe that's the power of JCW and PMY.

I believe many enjoyed it because they are fans of JCW or PMY.

I do like them too, but if the story isn't catchy, I have no problem to drop a drama, even if the leads are from my faves.


She Was Pretty and now I'm really thinking of dropping K2

She Was Pretty I kind of enjoyed, but skipped the scenes with the 2nd lead girl. 

K2 I dropped for good, even if JCW was playing the lead.

Golden Garden, I just couldn't

Sorry but extraordinary you...

 Pijush Naiya:

When devil calls your name 

Glad I watched it while it was airing otherwise I would have dropped it -_- (legit the only good thing about it was the ost and Sung Woong )

Glad to see there are people out there who don't like Healer (it SUCKS!!)

Arsenal Military Academy. :( So sorry.

Melting Me Softly - sorry JCW, but I couldn’t even finish episode 2.

Psychopath Diary, couldn't get into this one.. 

Picked it up again King2hearts just because of LSG, but it doesn't keep interested, even if I like the cast. Older dramas  - can't watch them anymore.