i usually watch korean variety shows which are posted on youtube but as private links (i usually find the links via a blog)
so why not instead of having a webpage having a blog with links to private vids on dailymotion and youtube, but it would be a lot of work to get a blog up and running plus getting the dramas posted too, but there is also the danger of the blog being shut down or the links not working
BUT! a blog would be safer seeing as you would only be posting links to other sites and not the vids themselves, plus you wouldnt have problems with having stolen subbed vids from other webpages, in fact you'd be helping them
its an idea but requires a lot of work, plus youd probably have a lot of blogs, im thinking one for tw dramas and films, one for korea one for japanese and one for chinese, but even then you might have to make more for each genre of drama? i dunno