I know there has been some recent articles on the save tattooing in Japan. I know due to yakuza tattoos are considered taboo and you can't enter bath houses with them. Does anyone have insight on general public reaction to tourists with tattoos? I'm going in a few weeks for mini vacation and photography I don't have extensive tattoos one of my dog(rip) on my arm usually hidden by t shirt and a rose from the articles I read it has me feeling a little nervous because I don't want to offend anyone while touring. 

Most people in Japan dont like tattoos and dont have them because if you have tattoo in Japan firstly you cant work and also you cant enter the onsen :)
I think its same for tourists,they dont allow people with tattoo :)
It wasn't too bad, no onsen visits when I went to Tokyo. I ended up just keeping them covered and it all went well! extremely busy city too much for social introvert hehe. I would visit a smaller town or village next time I go. Shopping was great. I recommend buy lots of makeup and fashion magazines to bring back.
I have a tattoo (now two, but only one when I was in Japan), and I was allowed to go into the onsen. My tattoo was rather visible too. Most Japanese people found it interesting or cute. One shop attendant told me "Sono tattoo ha kawaii desu ne" and when I was in line at the grocery store, and ojisan talked to me and show me the tattoos he had on his legs. :) So I really had no problem, and I'm not heavily tattooed at all though. You can work it you tattoos as long as they are not overtly visible and easily hidden (i.e. you wouldn't want to be having full sleeves, neck tattoos, face tattoos etc.). I did see a yankii looking guy that was fully tatted up though. He had blonde hair and looked kind of dangerous though lol. I honestly feel like tattoos are very slowly becoming more acceptable. Not mainstream, but there are even come celebrities that have them. I know a couple of guys in EXILE have them.