Hello everyone!
Okay so after some research Zoom seems to be the best way to record the podcast so I will be getting the pro subscription in order to have the ability to record the meetings. Also, I'm looking for a platform we can use as a chatroom/group message and discuss the podcast so if you have any recommendations let me know!
So far I'm thinking of the Discord app but I want to make sure it's an app that convenient to everyone!
Still thinking of starting the first podcast episode after New Years' and likely on a weekend to accommodate everyone. Before then we can have a meeting to just introduce ourselves to each other, get familiar, and discuss what topics we wanna discuss.
I will individually DM everyone (who is interested) the link to the zoom meeting.
If you don't have a webcam then dont worry! I'd prefer to keep our identities anonymous on the podcast at least for now so it will be audio-only. Only the non recorded private zoom meeting will have video (optionally).
Also if you have an older computer or the audio on your computer is not so great then I recommend a USB microphone if it is within your budget. You can DM what your budget is and I help you find a good mic on Amazon.
You can join the podcast from your phone by calling into the meeting (your number will remain anonymous) If you don't have a PC.
You also do not need to create an account with zoom if you do not want to! all you need is to click on the link I will send you and it will take you to the meeting.