No coincidences in this show so far lol, it's all a preplanned actions that are made to look like coincidences. As for YWS and SJ, there are many possibilities, but I am bent on thinking SGQ has something to do with the situation. I don't think it's the medical records revenge tho, it seems to me that it will be an effort of SGQ to get YWS killed as she may have found YWS aint a simple Chi and that can endanger her own mission. As she will feel inferior thinking she made so many efforts and went through so much pain only for YWS to show up and mess everything. That's my own opinion tho, it may be wrong ?

SGQ will be up to something for sure - the look on her face when poison junior told her about record, however why did he put a blame on her? it was him who went to Wuji's room to stole the record and this way he gave Yu line the opening to trick him and his bro into a situation when Wuji could clarify ZiYu's background in the front of elders.
I don't believe that's actually a false story - someone was saying why she was waiting 20 years to clear it? She may have her motives - but I think that even if other children were calling him a bastard as long as latest SW and elders didn't doubt his origination there was no need to make a drama about it... it was GSJ who openly questioned ZiYu's lineage aftern him becoming SW so if she really has motherly feelings for ZiYu she decided to take some actions and help him.


This is what's confusing me too.maybe it is a translation recent ep they translated lady wuji status as secound wife but i thought she was a concubine.and there is no way Gong Hongyu didn't have a wife before lady Lan. the jue lineage master already had a wife and sj was about 10 when lady Lan was pregnant.i don't think it is possible that they chose a wife for jue but not yu and maybe let him only have a concubine or stay single and adopt huanyu.they put so much importance on having off springs.

GSJ should have chosen a bride three years before the recent bride selection but the event was delayed so they decided to have him choose a bride at the same time as GZY's older brother.

So we thinking SGQ finds out YWS is really a Mei or higher? Not sure, we'll see.


there is a scene on one of the trailers when YWS tells to GZY that he is stupid and we can see him being hurt - this might be breaking point for her as if I am not mistaken he nearly lost his life to save her...  
we will be 60 minutes more wise soon in terms of events, lets hope for more answers then questions after today's episode :D

There's also the part where he asked her if she ever loved him and he said no. I'm not sure what context that has in a trailer. Maybe it's his fear that she'll say no. Not real. It's after 7am for me, so I'll be watching it later.

Vesc, check out the link I put on the previous page regarding Wuji waiting 20 years and her sociopathic brain. It may explain more to you.

Soo yeah today revelations :

1. Wufeng really did the killing spree against Gong for decades. GSJ's mom and didi were the victims as well.

2. YWS tried to submit the map for Wufeng, and her rival working on weaponry poison info, for the flies controller pills exchange. They joined hand to do their missions. Her Rival acknowledged YWS  for her skill  

3. In trailer ep 14, Anonymous tried to attack Wuji (well she still alived until this ep), perhaps anonymous was one of the elders.

Dunno why I do feel bad about Gongs. They secluded in their own mountains, pretty much limited connection to outside world, but they were being hunted mercilessly like that. Even the targets were weak women and children.

The story pace was so slow, but I could not skip any scene for details. Truly addictive?


Exactly. They've made it confusing on top of the rest of it as is lol.

Btw anyone else think that the next target in general will be YWS herself that either SGQ exposed as revenge for the medical records thing or some else gave them a clue? Because in one of those trailers SJ comes after her saying "so you're the Wufeng spy", then she's locked up again and guards hold her down and then the other elders look on as she's about to be executed by Elder Hua when ZY flies in to save the day. Also Elder Hua is the next one afterwards from that category to be killed; wonder if that's a bit too coincidental. 

I think Elder Hua was the anonymous


There's also the part where he asked her if she ever loved him and he said no. I'm not sure what context that has in a trailer. Maybe it's his fear that she'll say no. Not real. It's after 7am for me, so I'll be watching it later.

I think this scene would appear in the climax episodes before the final, usually for the GZY's protection (Remember LBFAD, when DFQC said he didnot love XLH to protect her). This kind of stage was common in period dramas, being a bad one actually for saving the counterpart.

Let's see the revelation in the upcoming  next week shows though.

There's also the part where he asked her if she ever loved him and he said no. I'm not sure what context that has in a trailer. Maybe it's his fear that she'll say no. Not real. It's after 7am for me, so I'll be watching it later.

This might be a mix of two different scenes or different part of conversation

 Aisha Gresee:
I think Elder Hua was the anonymous

they are not allowed to leave the valley, so how the elder could be trained for years Wufeng assassin?

Ep14 trailer shows GZY and YWS on the boat with Prince Yue. Also someone stole YQ's ring too.

I think we might have the fight scene in the trailer between PY and YWS soon

 Aisha Gresee:

Soo yeah today revelations :

1. Wufeng really did the killing spree against Gong for decades. GSJ's mom and didi were the victims as well.

2. YWS tried to submit the map for Wufeng, and her rival working on weaponry poison info, for the flies controller pills exchange. They joined hand to do their missions. Her Rival acknowledged YWS  for her skill  

3. In trailer ep 14, Anonymous tried to attack Wuji (well she still alived until this ep), perhaps anonymous was one of the elders.

Dunno why I do feel bad about Gongs. They secluded in their own mountains, pretty much limited connection to outside world, but they were being hunted mercilessly like that. Even the targets were weak women and children.

The story pace was so slow, but I could not skip any scene for details. Truly addictive?

So now we know why SJ hates assassins creed with a passion greater than death. So SGQ actually wants to mooch off YWS for the antidote....what a toad. Wuming is someone young; elders are targets too. Wuji, neither harmless nor weak. So she screwed something up.


they are not allowed to leave the valley, so how the elder could be trained for years Wufeng assassin?

1. Betrayer, double spy allegiance, might be hold as hostage. Himself or his family. Wth any means  like fire flies eggs or any other means. Remember GSJ said about sadness, fear and secret that could not be told to others.

2. The elder was in their 60-70ties, what has happened in their young primetime has not yet revealed.

 Aisha Gresee:

I think this scene would appear in the climax episodes before the final, usually for the GZY's protection (Remember LBFAD, when DFQC said he didnot love XLH to protect her). This kind of stage was common in period dramas, being a bad one actually for saving the counterpart.

Let's see the revelation in the upcoming  next week shows though.

Didn't watch that series, reference lost on me lol. 


This might be a mix of two different scenes or different part of conversation

I think so too. The confuse the shit out of the audience portion lol.