Aisha Gresee:

Not clear yet, soo waiting for further clues in today and tomorrow afternoon episodes.

Most of it isn’t clear and I’m waiting for big bro to rise from the dead because we know he isn’t.


Wait so was GSJ’s mom poisoned too or murdered? Not a natural cause death? That trailer was something else. She gets found out and one of the elders tries to kill her but is stopped by GZY? Went too fast to know who was killed and by whom, but clearly JF, SJ, Wuji, and Junior poison get off’d plus many of the mothers apparently. 

I'm not sure who the older woman at 1:08 is. GSJ's mother is at 1:07. She is on the ground holding Lang didi. Both appear to be dead. GSJ has just discovered them and is crying  out to his  mother. This is a flashback. GSJ is young, like he was in the flashback about GZY's mom.  I assume this scene will come up in next episode or so. 

I’m fully convinced Prince Yue fell in love with YQ, I don’t think he killed her though.

I'm convinced too and even if that turns out not to be the case I will still hold on to it with delusions. 


i wonder if anyone have english ver of this character chart ? pardon i can't read mandarin

Eng Ver: 


I'm not sure who the older woman at 1:08 is. GSJ's mother is at 1:07. She is on the ground holding Lang didi. Both appear to be dead. GSJ has just discovered them and is crying  out to his  mother. This is a flashback. GSJ is young, like he was in the flashback about GZY's mom.  I assume this scene will come up in next episode or so. 

I couldn't catch who that was either. Obviously traumatic on the kid; maybe why he grew up into an arrogant asshole and also very protective of real Gongs, hence his aversion to ZY and also callousness in general. The Gong residence isn't safe by any means. 

 Sirry Usly:

I'm convinced too and even if that turns out not to be the case I will still hold on to it with delusions. 

Well no delusions here, I want the full truth. All of it.....for better or for worse.


Well no delusions here, I want the full truth. All of it.....for better or for worse.

Wkwkwk... yeah. If there will be any delusions, ask Zhang Ling He to get the antidote from the Director then?


Eng Ver: 

thank you!!!


Yes, but I still hope he can be saved by one of their magic pills... 

I hope so too. Otherwise, Big sis will be heart broken ? ? 

 U-chan U-chan:

I hope so too. Otherwise, Big sis will be heart broken ? ? 

According to various trailers she sadly, will be. 

 Sirry Usly:

I think during one of the trials, maybe GZY and YWS will have to take on Prince Yue? 

it might be a real fight, part of the trial or training... we will see


I couldn't catch who that was either. Obviously traumatic on the kid; maybe why he grew up into an arrogant asshole and also very protective of real Gongs, hence his aversion to ZY and also callousness in general. The Gong residence isn't safe by any means. 

When later SW was still alive he said something about Gong family recovering from incident which has happened 10 years ago, that might be it... one of Wufeng assassins managed to kill some women in the family including GSJ younger brother and mother

Everyone is calling jue zhi bad guys and ziyu ws the good side.i don't think they are bad or evil they are just rivals.and ws isn't on the good side either.

I think maybe Huanyu knew and was upset with his dad decision to make zy the sw and was jealous and he orchestrated all of these to get rid of Zy.He planted the message in the hair pin,sent sj out,killed his dad.maybe he wants to use Sj hands to get rid of Zy.

Another possibility is that this was all Huanyu and their father's plan.may be the father was ill and was close to death they did all of this to make zy the sw and get rid of all the obstacles and Huanyu is actually helping zy without showing himself.

Lady wuji is not simple at all.she is pretending to be good but i think she has an ulterior motive.

Who else is waiting for Express to buy? :D

I have a very long list of unanswered questions