compilation and translation by: @wonwoncity her thread includes livestream clips, videos, interview snippets, etc.

color code: praises for her talent, skills, and professionalism (as an actor), for her personality (as a person), for her physical appearance

Director Li Qingrong
1. I think Zhao Lusi did a really good job at her research in the beginning; She could distinguish the different stages of her character’s life very well. She’s also very meticulous so we can sense that her portrayal of Sang Zhi also has its segmentation.

2. Zhao Lusi is accurate in her expression and acting performance.

3. In the eyes of director Li Qingrong, the character Sang Zhi may seem simple to portray, but in fact, the acting difficulty is very high because there are long monologues that require her to complete on her own.
For example, when Sang Zhi was in high school and was reading the essay sent back by Duan Jiaxu, she went through at least three emotional transitions. At first, when she read about helping Sang Yan move into the dormitory, she felt a bit disgusted because Duan Jiaxu intentionally imitated her tone and used very childish language. Then, when she was reading "the Gege who I haven't met in several years" phrase, she started reading it seriously, word by word. Finally, when she reads the postscript (p.s) written by Duan Jiaxu saying, "That brother told me that he is also very happy to see little Sang Zhi again," she started blushing and her heart started racing, feeling a whirlwind of emotions.
"If a group of people were to act together, with everyone interacting, it might be fine for three or five minutes. But she's able to perform a whole scene alone, and the audience will be deeply fascinated, being drawn in by her and never leaving that scene for even a second. That's very impressive."
In addition to the monologues, Zhao Lusi also needs to portray Sang Zhi's different stages of life through details in the drama.

Hidden Love Producer Zhang Junbo
1. The ‘Sang Zhi’ in my eyes has always been Zhao Lusi, I’m very reassured by her capability of expression, ability to elicit emotions, as well as her understanding of the drama’s character. She’s able to portray Sang Zhi at the different stages of her life!

2. Everyone may have an ideal "Sang Zhi" in their heart, and Zhao Lusi is Producer Zhang Junbo's first and only choice in his heart.
Zhang Junbo's first work in the Wajijiwa Production company is "Oh! My Emperor" He remembers that there were more than ten candidates for the female lead role. After three or four rounds of selection, when he saw Zhao Lusi, she felt that this girl was particularly captivating. Although she didn't study acting in school and didn't have strong acting traces, her performance was very genuine and infectious. Therefore, the casting team immediately decided on Zhao Lusi
"She is a very talented actress. She has sensitivity and can blend her understanding with the character, making everyone deeply engaged and believing in the authenticity of the character and the story," said Zhang Junbo.
At the end of 2020, when Zhang Junbo was preparing to develop "Hidden Love," she immediately thought of Zhao Lusi and didn't consider other candidates. At the end of 2021, Zhang Juno communicated with Zhao Lusi herself, and coincidentally, Zhao Lusi also wanted to take on a campus drama. After reading the script, she liked the story and earnestly studied the novel, manhua, and listened to the audio book. They quickly reached a cooperative intention.

Long Danni - CEO of Waijijiwa (Hidden Love Production Company) She’s also Victor Ma’s boss.
1. Lusi helped discuss the script with Ma Ge and has helped Ma Ge a lot
2. You can see that Zhao Lusi’s acting performance is so multi-dimensional, multi-level and sophisticated! I truly think that she’s a very talented, beautiful and gifted actress. She’s superb and has brought everyone a “Sang Zhi” that is completely beyond our imagination, even surpassing expectations.

Chen Zhe Yuan - Duan Jia Xu
1. She is extremely gifted and she is an actress with a strong sentience. On #HiddenLove filming set, she has many thoughts and will demonstrate them. She has a good sense of aesthetic especially for Idol dramas and she knows what kind of behavior girls like and what kind of things will make her feel charmed so she has given me a lot of help in terms of the control over the extent of my dialogues or actions. I will ask for her thoughts, “if I speak in this way, do you think it’s ok? Do you feel comfortable? Or is it over the top?” She’ll give me her genuine feedback. — Hidden Love Special
2. At the beginning of filming, our Hidden Love team was facing a little issue and was in quite a haste, so the costumes that we were wearing in the show...initially, we only had costumes enough for two days and back then Zhao Lusi has helped us by searching for brands and stylists to choose costumes, not just for herself but also for me, as well as the actors around her. — Hidden Love PressCon
3. She has so much energy!! I really don’t understand how can one have that many things to be happy about everyday. She’s forever in that state of (liveliness)~ maybe because she’s younger.

Victor Ma - Sang Yan
1. The entire filming period was extremely joyful! After we’ve gotten closer and developed a tacit understanding, Sang Zhi and I had many scenes that were actually improvised on set, Lusi is very skilful, it just felt like we were playing during filming, it was so joyful and I was so happy.
In the later part of the filming period, whenever I see Lusi, it just felt like I was seeing my real younger sister. I only have a younger brother and I used to want an elder sister but after I have younger sis, I realised I had unknowingly developed a sense of protectiveness. I’ll feel that I can play around with my younger sis but nobody is allowed to!
While we were on set and rehearing our lines, I kept feeling that I was so blissful. It’s just so nice to have a younger sis like sangzhi (Lusi) especially during the later part of filming, when I have sudden moments of realisations that woah, this is real.

2. When I look at Lusi, at Sang Zhi, I really think of her as my younger sis and I must protect her well. I really think it’s necessary to state here that Lusi is an extremely skilled actress. My acting performance depend on both of us between an elder bro and a younger sis. How we treat each other on set have also blended in with our real lives and (laughing) Lusi and I are the loudest on set. Before shooting begins and during our preparation and daily conversations, we’re always loud like that. so I think why we can portray our characters so vividly is because of our daily communication in real life. Lusi is really really really amazing. She’s truly so skilled.

Veteran Actors Qiu Xin Zhi (Papa Sang) and Zeng Li (Mama Sang)

1 QXZ: Although she’s young, her life experience is more than enough! She’s able to understand (get) the director’s feelings very quickly. She’s also able to grasp the chemistry between ZengLi

2 QXZ: She’s too cute. Whenever she’s present, it’ll be very joyful on set. She always prepare many delicious snacks for us. I find her so thoughtful
ZL: She even prepared Taiwanese Mahua for you
QXZ: Yes, she actually brought Taiwanese snacks for me
ZL: She’s especially bought that for him (since Qiu Laoshi from Taiwan) and Mahua is a speciality snack from Taiwan. She told him, “Qiu Laoshi, I bought this for you since I know you’re taiwanese”
QXZ: Only our First time meeting for filming and she gave me that Taiwanese Mahua”
ZL: Yes, our first scene together - crispy fried duck with yam”

3 ZL: Our personalities are similar, we’re both straightforward but she’s much more attentive and considerate than me. Just like what Qiu Laoshi mentioned, she would bring speciality snack for him. I’m much more careless. She’s pure-hearted and courageous so I find us to be on the same page. So we can get along well together.

Qi Tianqing
Recently many of you commented and asked for the product links of Yu Xin. Thank you all for liking it! I'm working hard to find them because Yu Xin's current outfits in the drama are mostly recommended by the costume teacher and even borrowed directly from the clothing brand recommended by Lu Si. When designing the characters in the early stages, Lu Si often sent me various clothing recommendations! Which suits Yu Xin, which suits me to wear, are really cool and have a great texture! Zhao Jie has put in a lot of effort I really have to thank the costume teacher and Zhao Jie for Yu Xin's many image creations!

Mom of child actress Zhang Xiwei
1. On Zhao Lusi jiejie’s birthday, she gave Xixi a present! Lusi is not only beautiful but kind-hearted. I could always feel that she’s taking care of everybody on set. She’s also the mood maker/in charge of spreading happiness. She’s adorable and warm-hearted and so cordial! already looking forward to work with her for the third time!
2. Zhao Lusi jiejie gave another round of presents to Xixi. Lusi jiejie always does this unexpectedly, she would send her heartwarming regards! These are all presents that can’t be rejected by children! This is also our genuine fondness and high praise for Lusi: she’s beautiful and adorable, gentle and humble, she’s considerate and approachable. at least this is how we feel about her. We hope that our excellent girl Zhao Lusi will be even better!

Hidden Love Make Up Artist
Happy wrap up!
Thank you Zhao Jie for the gift!
Beautiful person and beautiful heart!
ZLS gave farewell presents to the staff

Crowd Actor
I’ve been a crowd actor who has worked alongside her. She’s always been so gentle. Whenever you’re near her, she’ll initiate to start a conversation with you. She’s too adorable alright

Crowd Actor
When Lusi was next to me, I was really excited! I greeted her & she said hello to me very gently. She was very considerate and told us, “don’t worry, it’s very hot now so you can wear (the outfit) later instead when we resume filming.”
Her voice is as sweet as how she sounds online, very child-like and sweet! It felt like an fangirling experience while I was working. Although the pay is low and it was tiring, it’s ?? for Lusi’s sake!

Crowd Actors (1,2) posting the bubble tea ZLS given as treat
1 Who wouldn’t be fond of Zhao Lusi who was very gentle when she acted with me on the filming set

Learn more about Zhao Lusi here: testimonials from people Zhao Lusi actually met and worked with | Love Like The Galaxy Team | Gen Z Team | Hidden Love Team | The Long Ballad Team | Hutong | The Fairy Tales | The Last Immortal Team

Victor Ma mentioned Zhao Lusi in his recent appearance on Variety Show <Mao Xue Woof>

"Nearing the end of filming Hidden Love, Lusi felt more and more like a Real Lil Sister. I really viewed her as my Lil Sister. To have a Lil Sister like her in real life must be blissful."

translated by twt @wonwoncity