After I finished watching Extracurricular, I was more or less left speechless about what I had just seen. The ending was not what I had expected (not that I knew what I was expecting), but I was pretty satisfied. I like open endings when they’re done properly.
I have 5 points I would like to comment on:
- The protagonist is a criminal
- It is of course not the first time the protagonist in a movie/drama is a criminal. But when the main guy also is a bad guy it makes me question how we perceive good and evil depending on what view we see it from. I both wanted Jisoo to get caught but I also didn’t want him to get caught. That is absurd, because of course a criminal needs to get caught. He justifies himself by saying it is a security-network to make sure nothing happens to the girls, which I suppose is better than sending them to any and everyone, but we saw that it almost went wrong with Minhee.
- Jisoo’s motive for doing all of this is that he wants a normal life, so he needs money to go to high school and after that university. His dream and desire are relatable but his ways to reach that dream are (hopefully) not. I think this can be related to the Korean title which directly translated means “human class”. Jisoo wants to “move up” but in the end he just ends up falling down.
- New kind of feeling of stress
- Usually when I watch k-dramas I feel all kinds of emotions such as stress and frustration. I did so too this time, but it wasn’t the same kind of feeling. I both wanted Jisoo not to get caught but at the same time I wanted him to get caught because he needs to get punished for what he’s doing, so I felt very conflicted all the time. Why do we feel that way?
- The ending
The ending was a little confusing at first, but when I thought more about it and watched it again it made more sense. First of all, I don’t think Minhee is gonna die.
Second, where did Kitae go? He was not there when the policewoman arrived, and neither was Jisoo and Gyuri. Which means that Kitae regained consciousness and left the apartment. I here see two posibilites:
1: Jisoo and Gyuri got away before Kitae regained consciousness (but who was Jisoo smiling at then?)
2: The person Jisoo was “smiling” at was Kitae. I don’t see it as a positive smile, which is why I think it could’ve been him.
Also, I see the second possibility as more possible since when the policewoman got to the stairs one shoe was missing, which makes me think there was a struggle (between Gyuri/Jisoo and Kitae) and one of them lost their shoe.
I have seen other people say the person Jisoo was smiling at might’ve been the teacher coming to help them, but I don’t see that as a possibility tbh, but you never know.
The question is, if it was Kitae, what exactly happened? I don’t see any of them wanting to help each other. Which is why it is also a possibility Jisoo and Gyuri (and whoever Jisoo was smiling at) got away before Kitae woke up, then Kitae woke up and got away and then the cop arrived. - More questions
I also have more questions that could potentially be explored in a second season:
- How did it all start after Mr. Lee helped Jisoo from the bullies?
- Why didn’t Mr. Lee seem to recognize Jisoo at the fast food restaurant? or did he actually recognize him and just didn’t do anything to blow his cover?
- I want to know more about Kitae, why is he a school bully?
- What happens to Minhee? Will she be able to remember what happened? Will she tell the cops everything about Jisoo? - Season 2?
Do I want a season 2? Yes and no. I’m nervous the story would get drawn out/not keep the same pace if a season 2 happens, but I still have so many questions and there are so many more things they can explore as I said before. I’m sure the writers would do a good job if it gets renewed. I don’t mind open ending, but since it has raised so many questions it wouldn’t be bad.
These are all my own thoughts and opinions and you are allowed to agree or disagree with me. What do ya’ll think?
To be really honest, and I've already posted a short rant about it, I had big expectations from this show since the moment I saw its trailer.
I was expecting a darker plot, and because it is a Netflix show, it gave it full freedom to do so as compared to the network dramas which are bound to do otherwise.
The result? I wasn't impressed.
It wasn't a bad show for me but neither it was something that blew me away, personally. And I'll give my reasons for the same so bear with me.
The plot :-
For a crime thriller, this one felt a bit underwhelming. Although, in terms of plot, it had a huge potential. I was really impressed to see that they took up one of the most sensitive and controversial topics as its background theme. But unfortunately, they were quick to dispose it off and shifted their focus on other things. The way they handled it was amateur at its best and something that I really didn't like. When you are working with sensitive and triggering issues it's your responsibility to execute it wisely but here it didn't seem like it. And as a result, half of the viewers ended up not putting much focus in it.
They had a perfect chance to make it up through the character of Minhee, she could have served as a passage, after all she was a victim of the dirty game Jisoo and Gyuri played and could have added a lot more insight into her life, the complications and the risks involving her job. They did try it out with the "traumatic episode" but soon gave it up yet again.
Moreover, they didn't even make her much likeable, she was just whiny for the most part (though, I do believe she showed great development as a character).
The direction :- There were many things that didn't make sense at all. Jisoo's character (I'll come onto that later), various incidents such as the whole mafia who didn't even seem like one, using the Dexter's method to look cool, their overall behaviour (which was funny but still it was so not realistic and even absurd), Jisoo teaching them about the app, them making the deals, there were many unnecessary scenes as well.
The characters :- I'll mainly talk about Jisoo and Gyuri - Jisoo, a gullible, seemingly innocent and clumsy guy came up with a plan he called "security service" to secure his future. His character made it really hard for me to be convinced of the fact that he did in fact pulled something like this off. Now, good grades aren't enough and definitely isn't equivalent to being street smart. Also, the way he handled the situation with Gyuri further made it Impossible for me.
The most important thing that still bothers me about this show is the portrayal of his character.
I love watching psychological crime thrillers, and psychotic criminals. But oftentimes in those shows, we do get a timely reminder of the reality of the said protagonist. We aren't conflicted (even though we love them) but we do somewhere accept their realities. A crime is always a crime with no justifications whatsoever.
Surely, we do know it here as well, but the way they portrayed Jisoo here, made it seem at times that his innocence overshadowed his crimes. Perhaps, they wanted to highlight how his circumstances turned him into someone he wasn't, but sadly, it overpowered the cruelty of his crimes.
He was a pimp no matter what. And he made the money out of underaged girls and women.
And to make it worse, they added Gyuri into the mix who ultimately became the person into whom we put all of the blame. Because things got worse when she entered the scene and began manipulating him (but we know he was doomed no matter what)
Judging by many comments and including myself, it was clear that we spent more time being frustrated about their characters than actually realising the extent of his crimes. And that's why many of us were conflicted with do we want him to run away or be punished? And many even hated the police lol
Now coming on to your points!
I think the ending meant to things - 1) they ran away
2) they were caught because Jisoo is tired of everything and we've seen it.
And also, I feel Mr Lee did recognise him because at the hospital he tells him "this time we were unlucky"
I assume, the we meant both of them.
And yes I do agree! There are many more questions regarding how Mr Lee came to help him and all.
Do I want season 2?
While, there were things I didn't like or enjoy, I do feel this show has a great potential. It had some powerful metaphoric scenes (like the broken snail and the way light flickered at the bus stop where Jisoo was sitting . the Cinderella effect when Gyuri is kidnapped and leaves one of her shoes behind lol and when Gyuri gets a red coloured hair once she starts rebelling against her parents)
so yep! Definitely would give the season a shot if it comes.
I would like to disagree on this one. I gave this show a 7/10, because it was not great, but it was not horrible either. The plot idea was very interesting, however I believe the writers could have executed it better. I would like to talk about a few things which did not make sense or frustrated me about the show.
1) The main protagonist
Oh Ji soo is one of the most frustrating and pathetic characters. Nothing much else to say about it, he just annoyed the hell out of me throughout the whole show.
2) Mr. Lee
Honestly, this character was the best one in the show and had so much potential, however I feel that the writers just did him wrong.. His background story was very vague and lazily written. All we know about him is that he served in the army(which is where I assume he learned how to beat people to death?) and then after that he became homeless. First of all, him living in the streets makes no sense as he seemed like a smart and genuine man who was willing to work(he accepted Oh Ji soo's offer) and he did not have any problems with substance usage. Secondly, there was no development in his character even though he was presented as an important role in the story. Thirdly, why was he so willing to die? The first fight with mafia is understandable as he was attacked and fighting for his life, however why did he come back, still injured, knowing damn well that he was walking into the arms of death? Did he want to get revenge? Then why did he not wait till he was recovered and played it smart? That is the only "logical" explanation, because, surely, he did not come back there to fight for Uncle as he had no idea what was going on while being in the hospital.
3) Bae Gyu Ri
An unnecessary character. During the very first few episodes she had a purpose: to point the story into the direction of doom, however, after that, she became completely useless. Neither her own backstory, neither the relationship between Bae Gyu Ri and Oh Ji soo developed any further than surface level.
4) The relationship between the two main characters
So we know that Bae Gyu Ri was(?) Oh Ji soo's crush. But then she ruined everything for him and he expressed total hatred for her. But then he liked her again. But then he could not stand her. Never ending cycle. What about Bae Gyu Ri? She was in it for the game and money, however it was also shown that she cared for Oh Ji soo. Their partnership/friendship was very confusing and I believe that it could have had some kind of direction and development.
4) Other main characters
Seo Min Hee. Whiny, had a lot of potential, very confusing character. The main thing which made me frustrated about her is that she put all of the blame about the incident on Uncle even though she was clearly told that the workers were given a day off and will not be provided with the company's service. She felt betrayed and used so she wanted to get revenge on Uncle. Why?
Gwak Gi Tae . Can someone tell me why he is a main character? From what I understand, he was there to develop Seo Min Hee's character, however he failed to do that. He was in a relationship with her for the money and knew all the time that she was getting it from compensated dating, but the moment she breaks up with him and tells him that she is a sex worker he suddenly cares, wants to kill her pimp and get her back. Ugh.
5) Homeroom teacher
Why was he so involved in his students' personal lives? Whenever they got in trouble he was there or staying with them in hospitals and stuff. Where are the kids' parents????
Overall, I could go on an on about what annoyed me about this show, however I would also like to mention the good things about it. It was very entertaining: there were many scenes which made my adrenaline RUSH, the fighting scenes were well done, had a lot of drama. Also, Extracurricular was beautifully filmed. So, ya.
Ok. I tend to disagree with some of the comments above...
For me, the show was about the teenagers who are confused about their life, and bring out their rebellious self to the world (behind the classroom). However, during class, they have to pretend like normal high schoolers, according to their society's perspective (whether as a popular bully, smart student, top leader, etc).
The main protagonist may seem “annoying,” but he is still a kid, a high school student who wants to live up for a better future. The protagonist was hesitant throughout. Also near the end, he made almost near death like actions to fulfill his toxic romance with Bae Gyu Ri. Maybe his behaviors weren’t always smart and, of course, flawed, but that made the drama more realistic. The main protagonist isn’t yet an adult.
I wish Mr. Lee’s background were also discussed more throughout the show... but we do get the sense that Mr. Lee and Ji Soo have some loyalty and attachment. Even in the earlier episodes when Ji Soo couldn’t pay Mr.Lee, Mr.Lee refused to work for the hookers without Ji Soo. Moreover, even during the middle of the scene where Mr.Lee was stuck with the gangsters, Ji Soo helped to save Mr.Lee while also risking his own life.
Seo Min Hee was an annoying character with the most immature mentality. However, that made her more “teen” like rather than an adult-like person. I think her situation made her “foolish” and annoying actions more plausible. In the earlier episodes, when Mr. Lee questioned why Min Hee is still working, Min Hee couldn’t answer. Moreover, her relationship with her aunt doesn’t seem that strong. Min Hee also stood up for Mr. Lee when her coworkers wanted to switch the insurer, implying that maybe Mr.Lee’s concern was one of the most genuine connections that she has received. Thus, I don’t think she has fully received all the care at home and throughout the show, she probably was a lost and emotional child.
Bae Gyu Ri played an important role in this drama. Yes, she caused trouble for the protagonist, but also, she was more of a fuel to cause the protagonist to sacrifice himself more in the dangerous times, as seen in episode 9 And even ep 10, taking all the Gyu Ri’s blame when confessing to Min Hee. Other than the dangerous romance and crime partner, Gyu Ri represents some of the strict students today who are living with probably a well off parents but also live with constant stress for high achievements. Gyu Ri’s background is the most interesting since we see that her “wonderful” life isn’t that great. She is stuck and controlled by her parents. For example, She sometimes has to fake her self to meet other business partners from her parent's company. She couldn’t be herself. I think when Gyu Ri is with Ji Soo, she can release her rebellious inner demons out. Be freer, but also that led to more consequences and a screw-up.
The homeroom teacher represented an ignorant parent. I feel like he represents some of the parents today who are very kindly caring for their teenaged children, but behind the parent's back, their children are hanging out with the bad crowd, not always doing the right thing. But no matter what, the homeroom teacher is an extreme side of the “loving parent” who care for their children but has not yet built the capacity to suspect such a horrendous crime that their children are committing behind their backs....
This drama is gripping and at times disturbing... however, I feel like this drama also lets some of the younger audience (at least me, who is a college student) relate to the struggle and conflicts that teens face and without the adult help, trying to survive the hectic society. Maybe some people have a very supportive and also equally balanced restrictive parents to guide their children to the right direction. However, some may not have supportive parents (like Gyu Ri or Min Hee) or very naive parents (homeroom teacher). And we see the children (teens) gathering together to do something that their parents or the homeroom teacher don’t know about.
wow i wasn't expecting such long and in-depth answers so thank you!! (i cant quote any of your replies cause they're too long haha)
(I'm going to put three comments with each reply to you so you can quote mine if you want to comment further).
The plot: So you mean they shifted their focus from the prostitution ring theme too quick? I can see what you mean, but I think I got too carried away in the other things that happened to really notice.
And I agree about what you said about Minhee!
The direction: Maybe the mafia was there to make some comic relief, and no real mafias probably isn’t like that, but I don’t think everything necessarily has to be 100% realistic, but that’s just my opinion.
The characters: Your point about not being convinced about him making all of this by himself, makes me think if it actually was him all alone? Maybe there is more we don’t know if they get to explore the show more.
And I agree about Jisoo’s innocence overshadowing his crimes, that’s probably why a lot felt conflicted even though we clearly shouldn’t. (and I want to make clear that of course I believe that people who do stuff like this needs to get punished)
I think Gyuri was a good character to start jisoo’s (and eventually her own) downfall, cause there is no way the series should end with them getting away.
Your thoughts on the ending seem pretty possible! They have to get caught cause how are they gonna treat jisoo’s stab wounds? Like I don’t think they know how to do that haha
I forgot about Mr. Lee saying that at the hospital :o thanks for reminding me! Honestly now what I think is the most interesting is 1) everything about Mr. Lee and 2) how are they gonna get caught.
Vilte: (maybe this is too long to get quoted too)
Main protagonist: I’m not sure how much I agree, but I can see where you’re coming from!
Mr. Lee: To try to answer your question about why he was so willing to die, I want to say that maybe there’s something we don’t know (that would potentially be explained in a second season), but that argument doesn’t work all the time, and everything can’t keep on being pushed to a season 2.
But now that I think more about it, you’re right about his motive being unclear, idk if someone told him off camera or what, (maybe I missed a tiny tiny detail).
Maybe another reason could be that he also knew that this would be the downfall for him if he got caught. As far as I understood he got out of the hospital to get away from the police, so I just assumed he came there to fight for someone(maybe just himself). But when I think about how caring he seemed towards Minhee (despite the facts that he also was a part of the crime obviously) it would seem ooc for him to go to his death to get away.
Gyu Ri: I don’t really agree with this, except that she was there to put the story into the direction of doom. I must also say it is limited how deep a show with only 10 episodes can go into each character, and for me I didn’t feel like I needed to go into details about her (at least not yet). For me she brought chaos that made me intrigued for what was gonna happen next, and I did think some of the moves she made was stupid. If it wasn’t for her, Jisoo had never gone crazy.
Their relationship: For me personally I didn’t mind their relationship being chaotic because everything was chaotic in the first place. I think their relationship did develop, especially at the hotel where they almost kissed, it felt like some kind of metaphor that I found strong(not sure how to explain exactly what I mean sorry). And when Jisoo was confessing his crimes to Minhee he also took all the blame from Gyuri, even though it was her involvement that led to all the chaos. But one thing is for sure, and that is that their relationship was toxic as hell.
Minhee: I also thought “why does she absolutely wanna work today when she knows they wont be there to watch over her” I found that a bit stupid, but I did think (as Sirius above also said) that she had some great character development (which is also why I don’t think she’s gonna die, it would be waste to kill of a character like her (like they did with mr lee…)
Gitae: I wanted him to get into the story earlier too to get to know more about him. I found his relationship with Minhee a bit weird too…
Teacher: maybe he was there to represent the parent that the kids needed? (kinda like Eunjun Choo commented below your comment). Clearly Jisoo’s parents don’t care about him, and Gyuri’s parents are too superficial. But yeah why didn’t any parents go to the hospital? You’re right about that!
Eunjun Choo:
I agree about their behavior being (somewhat) realistic since they are still young and their choices flawed.
And I agree about Minhee probably seeing some sort of father/adult-role-model-figure in Mr. Lee, cause why else would she always seek his company and buy him food? It didn’t seem like the other girls did that.
And I also think, as I mentioned in my earlier reply, that Gyuri did play an important role!
And thanks again, it was interesting to read all three of yours thoughts and opinions!
To Sigr0487 -
Yes, they did. And the fact that you too were busy to focus on other things just explains it even more xD They shouldn't have taken such sensitive issue in the first place I feel. Their interpretations weren't perfect as well.
I agree with you that not everything has to be genuine and it's a work of fiction after all. But I think for me personally, I draw a line somewhere xD
The motif of the show as told by the director and writer was to throw some serious questions at the viewers. Which makes me assume that they were going for some serious tone and mood.
And the gang members were in fact an important part of the plot, I don't mind the comic relief but their characters were really absurd which in return made things absurd and unbelievable for me. And it's not even their behaviour, but them as a whole. Even Gyuri being "miss know it all" and easily acquiring information from Minhee regarding her work. There were scenes that were all too easy to be convinced.
It could definitely be possible that Mr Lee helped him more than we have known so far. But I also think that with or without Gyuri, Jisoo's downfall was apparent. One can argue that he successfully carried it out till the present time. But his innocence, clumsy and gullible behaviour makes me think so.
He was probably doomed ever since the beginning. It was only time that his seemingly "innocent" plan (which was anything but) would have led him to his doom (which is what eventually happened here as well)
I agree!! There are many questions and the whole mystery about Mr Lee. He is my favourite as well :)
And thank you! For creating this thread and being up for a discussion! I was dying to discuss these things with someone xD
I think the main lead was fine, people just lack perspective in understanding his character. Watch a makjang to learn what a trully annoying character is, where each action is just to annoy you.
I think there is no chance it could'e been Kitae, Jisoo would not smile even if it was a bad smile if it was him. His usual response to those kind of situations are panic, he would've told Gyuri to run. I also don't think it's the teacher, cus he went to see Minhee - who should be quite obvious, lived. Thankfully.
I hope it was Mr Lee, who faked his death. Another possibility is his dad? He never showed up for him, partially helped causing this mess and why Jisoo had to rush, and never repaid any money. And then, in the end, he shows up to help him? The smile was for "wtf, are you serious with this shit??".
I absolutely want 2nd season, I don't care if it will be less popular - well, I do, I want these actors and authors to receive positive feedback, but for me it would still be enjoyable even if it was "dragged" out like some say. There's loads of metaphorical life lessons to learn in day to day dramas, and that's why I love, yet most people seem to call them slow, plotless, etc. A bit infuriating that people can't understand there are different kinds of dramas for different people, just don't watch if you want to see some action/romance rather than see people going through different day to day life situations and learn from it, metaphorically or not.
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