I watched some of Mana's movies and series. As everyone knows, the acting skill of this little kid is unbelievable, especially in Mother (2010), but I didn't know that she also sings. I just watched her first concert (2011?) and she is again unbelievably amazing. To update Immanuel Kant's famous words: Three things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe ...: the starry heaven above me, the moral law without me, and the cuteness of Mana Ashida, out there in Japan.
So, I'd like to share the link in case someone is interested.
Regarding kid actors and especially actresses, there is a possibility that as grown-up, they lose, more or less, their popularity. I'm not sure why this happens, maybe they are not seen as cute and beautiful as before, or maybe, at some point, they lose their motivation and want to experience other aspects of life. I think this has happened to Mirai Shida to some extent, but I really hope this won't happen to Mana, as she is exceptional in many respects.
P.S. I searched the forum to find previous discussion on Mana. I'm sure that people here have talked about her, but couldn't find anything.