It took months of waiting for me to finally watch my favorite recently aired shows like

Koi Desu: Yankee-kun to Hakujou Garu or Konin Todoke ni Han wo Oshita dake desu ga.

I don't understand  the reason behind the delay. Is it because of  legal issue or less popularity? 

Most J-Dramas are targetted and marketed within their country, so rarely shows will get subbed officially. That leaves the subbing to fan subbers/unofficial subbers group. Since it's not their profession it's bound to take time.


Most J-Dramas are targetted and marketed within their country, so rarely shows will get subbed officially. That leaves the subbing to fan subbers/unofficial subbers group. Since it's not their profession it's bound to take time.

Oh I'm truly grateful to the subbers for what they are doing selflessly. I hope Jdrama  creator would broaden their market soon.

Yes, looks like jdrama isn't as globally marketed/targeted as kdrama or even cdrama.

I doubt there will ever be much subbing for Jdrama because Japanese doesn’t seem to want to promote their country internationally. China is currently taking a leaf from Korean  wave that positively promotes Korean culture, food, people and it’s nation through the use of music, drama, movies, pop culture and etc. I used to have to wait for Cdrama subbing for years but they are now subbed within weeks. Plus I am starting  to see many youtube channels promoting China dramas. Who knows, we may be able to watch free Cdrama soon without having to pay for subscriptions because it helps to promote China interest globally and also encourage foreigners to pick up Mandarin.