Is There Any Kanjani8 Fan?
I'm not that familiar with their music, but I do like the other bands from Johnny's Entertainment. Like Smap, NEWS, Kat-Tun, and Arashi. :) Do you have any favorite songs by Kanjanin8 to recommend to me?
I have no idea who/what they are? lol
They are a Japanese boy band. That much I do know. And Ryo, one of the former members of NEWS, is a member of the group.
I don't know them that well, but I thought their movie 8Uppers was cute and I've liked a couple songs I've heard, but I can't remember the names hehe. I've seen a few mins of their variety show as well. They are very personable.
I want to start listening to them but I haven't yet :p
LisNoir wrote: I have no idea who/what they are? lol

Second that one. Can anyone recommend a song? I am in the right mood to try something new. :)
Kanjani8 are awesome <3 I Love them..
I loved Ryo in both NEWS and now in Kanjani 8..
And for the k8 newbies, here are some tidbits.. :D
A English song by them
A Japanese song by them

Their music is often licensed so I couldn't find a youtube link for the japanese song..

Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did <3
Check out Wahaha and Blowing Journey.
KJ8 fan here!! <3 haha i loveeee Kanjani8~ my favorite songs would be Osaka Romanesque and Eden <3
I love Kanjani8!! Unfortunately I don't know much of their music, but I'll watch just about anything with a Kanjani8 member in it; ESPECIALLY if it's something with all of them in it.
I love kanjani8! especially Yokoyama Yuu and Nishikido ryo!! haha:)) Blowing journey, snow white and eden are my fave songs from them.
Another Kanjani8-Lover here!!! I like them for quite a number of years now, but watch them even more closely for some time past, they are just awesome <3 Love the band sessions in their concerts, especially in Puzzle and EightxEighter...but actually I love everything about them ;)
Kanjani8 used to be one of my favorite jpop bands back in the days, haha! I loved them so much! Therefore I only know (and like) their old songs:

Zukkoke Otokomichi
All Of Me For You
KangAhSsi wrote: All Of Me For You

I just realised how nostalgic that song is for me. Someone used to quote it to me when I was sad.