
Can someone who has read the novel answer this question: 

What is the political structure in You Are the One? How is Cui Xingzhou related to the imperial family, if he is?

I haven't finished the novel, but here's what I know so far.

The Imperial Family's surname is Liu (刘), not Liu Miantang's Liu (柳) though. They are the ruling imperial power of the Great Yan Empire. The current emperor's name in the novel was Liu Tang. I don't knows if he's a child like in the drama. Some comments said they don't remember a child emperor mentioned in the novel.

The Cui Family isn't related to the Royal Family, they earned their Wang title from contribution to the court. The Late Emperor bestowed the title of Huaiyang Wang / Lord Huaiyang to Cui Xingzhou 's father. He had many concubines and had 9 sons, CXZ being the youngest. Cui Xingzhou inherited his position as Lord Huaiyang from his father as he was the legitimate son born from the first wife. The novel said there was a bloody succession battle that left them with only 4 sons left. The Cui Family's fiefdom is Zhenzhou, which covers Lingquan Town, the novel said it's in Jiangnan. They ruled over the prefecture, but also serving the imperial court.

As of ep 12, another Wang has appeared, but this Wang is different as he was the Late Emperor's brother. Sui Wang / Prince Sui seems to plan sth big to overthrow the current ruling power. The drama having a child emperor would be even easier to install another emperor. (It's coming, yeah)

Liu Tang and his mother, Empress Dowager Wu (then Consort Xi) deposed the crown prince, and massacred a lot of people to sit on the throne. That's why we see Liu Yu / Ziyu, planning to do something "big". Yeah, he was that crown prince.

Fujiwara-san, thank you for detail explanation! I wish subtitle can include chinese characters so that we can tell name differences. When names are translated in ENG with alphabet, they all the same. but last name in chinese has different writing characters.  I can tell the differences but for ppl don't know chinese character and only seeing in ENG, it's confusing. 

 U-chan U-chan:

Fujiwara-san, thank you for detail explanation! I wish subtitle can include chinese characters so that we can tell name differences. When names are translated in ENG with alphabet, they all the same. but last name in chinese has different writing characters.  I can tell the differences but for ppl don't know chinese character and only seeing in ENG, it's confusing. 

Ahh, you're welcome. I was confused at first too. Like it could lead to "The heck?!! They are siblings?!! Cousins?!". Then I checked out the novel, and read some spoilers, I finally understood lol. 

 Fujihara Tomomi:

Ahh, you're welcome. I was confused at first too. Like it could lead to "The heck?!! They are siblings?!! Cousins?!". Then I checked out the novel, and read some spoilers, I finally understood lol. 

I started to read the novel but full of spoilers ? so i will patiently watch 2 episodes a day! I just need help to clarify time to time. I think MDL, this plat form, is the best for it!

 U-chan U-chan:

I started to read the novel but full of spoilers ? so i will patiently watch 2 episodes a day! I just need help to clarify time to time. I think MDL, this plat form, is the best for it!

Ohh same, I'm currently at Ch 22, but I know most of the crucial plot points. I want to read the novel and get a closer view on the story. I found myself laughing and bewildered by Miantang's antics a lot lol. They toned it down in the drama. But I think I like Cui Xingzhou in the drama better (as of now), he's pretty funny, and the way things kept escalating against his ways is just so fun to watch lol. So far in the novel, he's pretty calm, and reserved. Not like the cold, ice-block, heartless, and ruthless MLs. The drama actually made him even more likable, and adorable I would say. We'll see if further down the novel, he will become more likable. (Well, I still feel bad for Miantang being used by him tho, she took his so-called "playing house" too seriously. I also can't wait to see her stab him one or two lol) I read some spoilers that he's actually pretty arrogant and shameless lol. Yeah, given his privileged upbringings, but yeah, they said he will change.

 Fujihara Tomomi:

Ahh, you're welcome. I was confused at first too. Like it could lead to "The heck?!! They are siblings?!! Cousins?!". Then I checked out the novel, and read some spoilers, I finally understood lol. 

 Thanks for this! I didnt know they fought over the title. I thought he got it by default being the son of the main wife. 

 I got so confused as well that i went googling. Im going to read the novel once i finish the last episode.  Heres what i replied some similar qns in the comments section:

His father was an ex governor but rose to the rank of 王 prince through his accomplishments. Hence their title of HuaiYangWang is a 异姓王YiXingWang which indicates they do not share royal surname. CXZ has been sent to war because of that (General Shi and Prince Tuo said in epi12 ) and also cos he holds a lot of military power.

"而崔榭虽然风流,但是官运亨通,原本不过是一方的节度使,后来屡次建功,被封为了异姓王。"   https://m.taicike.com/juqing/96035463.html

His mom was a Wang Fei王妃, which is the wife of a prince. Not the emperors consort (also called Fei). And since her son has inherited the title, she becomes Tai Fei. His parents did not have a very good relationship. His dad had numerous concubines and the guy in the wheelchair is one of his brothers. ZQ called CXZ CuiJiu (9)  because he is the 9th in his family.

I think I will read novel after the drama. I made the mistake of finishing the Lost You Forever novel right after S1 because I couldn't wait a year for S2 ? Then story changed in drama ? So it's best for me to read it later. Such a great show so nice to read great novel with actual good looking humans in my head that play each characters! 

I'm curious to know how come his cousin and bestie Zhao Quan is also a lord.


I'm curious to know how come his cousin and bestie Zhao Quan is also a lord.

Hi there ?️ I'm not sure. Per relationship chart, it says brothers between CJ and ZQ.  I know CJ and the fiancé is cousins because his mom and her mom are sisters. Maybe CJ's father had so many concubines,  ZQ maybe one of his son, so CJ and ZQ are brothers , its my guess. CJ's mom is real wife and she gathered with few concubines for tea and there were ZQ's mom there if I am not mistaken. 


I'm curious to know how come his cousin and bestie Zhao Quan is also a lord.

I haven't found out their relation yet but they have different surnames so they do not have the same father. Lol

ZQ and CXZ are 冤种兄弟 (yuan zhong xiong di) on the map which means best buddies.

ZQ  is a Hou (marquis) while CXZ is a Wang(prince) rank.

 U-chan U-chan:

Hi there ?️ I'm not sure. Per relationship chart, it says brothers between CJ and ZQ.  I know CJ and the fiancé is cousins because his mom and her mom are sisters. Maybe CJ's father had so many concubines,  ZQ maybe one of his son, so CJ and ZQ are brothers , its my guess. CJ's mom is real wife and she gathered with few concubines for tea and there were ZQ's mom there if I am not mistaken. 

Is the scene you’re referring to the one with CJ mom, the fiance’s mom and ZQ’s mom are having tea in the court yard? And where at some point they discuss their marriages and kids and ZQ’s mom says some thing along the line “CJ mom you’re so lucky to have a son (CJ) so responsible, mine is a lord that studies medicine and now he’s studying art, what kind of lord is that?”. Because this is the scene that made me just assume that all three women are sisters and that CJ and ZQ are maternal cousins alongside ex-fiancé, 

Because this is the scene that made me just assume that all three women are sisters and that CJ and ZQ are maternal cousins alongside ex-fiancé,

There was also a scene where ZhaoQuan was referring to Lian BingLan as cousin, and since XingZhou and BingLan are cousins, at the very least, Xingzhou and ZhaoQuan must be somewhat related too.


I haven't found out their relation yet but they have different surnames so they do not have the same father. Lol

ZQ and CXZ are 冤种兄弟 (yuan zhong xiong di) on the map which means best buddies.

ZQ  is a Hou (marquis) while CXZ is a Wang(prince) rank.

Thx! I could understand 兄弟 in the chart, but I didn't know the meaning of 2 more chinese characters before 兄弟, so I assumed they are brothers with different mothers. 


There was also a scene where ZhaoQuan was referring to Lian BingLan as cousin, and since XingZhou and BingLan are cousins, at the very least, Xingzhou and ZhaoQuan must be somewhat related too.

Sounds like they are not brothers. I'm glad it's clear. Besides, if they are brothers with different mothers , means son of concubines, them CJ and ZQ cannot be that close. Usually these brothers will fight for positions in the house ?