Hi everyone! I created this discussion thread for sharing more about the important messages and life lessons that The Miracle of Teddy Bear has brought to us as viewers.

Unfortunately, at the moment, people are still fixated on the ending, which is perfectly understandable because of the emotional impact that the series and its characters, especially Tofu, has on us. However, this should not negate or erase the entire series. The Miracle of Teddy Bear is immensely powerful in its way of telling us about often painful and hard-to-accept truths in life, and they managed to package it in such a way that is not awkward at all.

Do share here for everyone's benefit, the many life lessons that The Miracle of Teddy Bear has taught us.

I will start the sharing with this one (spoilers ahead):

'To live in the present as best as we can and move on from the past.'

This applies to both the case when Tofu helped both Na and Nut to move away from their painful past, and be reconciled to each other, and making use of whatever time they have in the present (as Na's Alzheimer's meant that they won't have much time together), and also when Tofu passed away, and Nut having to move on in the present (while at the same time still keeping his love for Tofu - love is timeless).

In a way, Saen and Jan were also trapped in their past, because the former kept on regretting that Na wasn't the one he married, while Jan kept on hoping and pining that her husband would finally love her instead of Na. Their inability to move on was what caused (directly or indirectly) some of the most important tragedies in the entire story of the series, namely Saen killing Sib, Na's husband and his own brother, and Jan killing Tofu with the poisoned drink.

The series is good, but the ending is a mistake. Because by reuniting Taran and Nut, the opposite of what the series preached happens. Both take a step back, trying to undo the past. Nut says Taran showed me the world, Tofu the beauty of this world. That's why Tofu is present and future for Nut, the ending just frustrated me, but I would still recommend this series to everyone.