Having a lot of thoughts and feelings! This episode was really good. I was disappointed that there wasn't more wrap-up though from episode 6--the kidnapping, the development of the relationship, whether Porsche was staying or going back to his regular life. (I know there was that mini episode that kind of fills in the gap for when they are recovering, but it wasn't sufficient imo!)

Something that is irking me is that so far the two times Porsche and Kinn have gone beyond kissing, Porsche was under the influence of something (#1 drugged, #2 in this episode alcohol). I hope that they show them have sober consensual sex soon...

The chemistry is unreal!

Sometimes sex under the influence is fun. It may seem like dubcon but it's really not because when Porsche is sober he shows how much he cares for Kinn, therefore, I don't think it's unreasonable to know Porsche is okay with their sexual acts at all times. 

Well Porsche seems sober again, when Kinn arrived. Maybe not fully, but also not fully drunk.

Yeah I also wished they showed more than just the side story after Ep6, because in the book it was the time, they couldn't sleep if they are not in the same bed cuddling <3

.All BL storylines especially from GMMTV are not mature relationships but more fantasy from female perspective. Kim and Porsche storyline is more from male or gay male perspective which sex is part of the courting. I actually love Kinn and Porsche storylines above any all current BL storylines.

Yeah I love the show and the relationship, that is just the small nagging thing that is irking me. I would probably be less annoyed if in the most recent scene, both of them had been drinking instead of just Porsche. As far as BL goes, I think this is among the best consent-wise.

i dont understand or like how they go from fighting to having sex straight afterwards. They said shit to each other and its kinda toxic

The "sex" scene at the end was hot, but kind of...out of place? Dunno it felt strange that they have the handjobs at that moment.


The "sex" scene at the end was hot, but kind of...out of place? Dunno it felt strange that they have the handjobs at that moment.

I agree with you and also you that wrote this topic. Their sex scenes good but strange and comes from drug or liquor, so far non of them from consensual. I feel like watch soft porn series. 

Honestly I confused about the story, the development of the story and the characterization. Would you mind tell me why Porsche suddenly love Kinn after their intercourse on episode 4? Did I miss something? I rewatch from the first episode but I can't find reason why he like then love Kinn. 


I agree with you and also you that wrote this topic. Their sex scenes good but strange and comes from drug or liquor, so far non of them from consensual. I feel like watch soft porn series. 

Honestly I confused about the story, the development of the story and the characterization. Would you mind tell me why Porsche suddenly love Kinn after their intercourse on episode 4? Did I miss something? I rewatch from the first episode but I can't find reason why he like then love Kinn. 

He fell in love with him on episode 6 when they were in the forest. :) Because he saw a different side of Kinn and he liked that. Also Kinn apologized to him so Porsche sees more and more that Kinn is not that of a big asshole that he thought.


He fell in love with him on episode 6 when they were in the forest. :) Because he saw a different side of Kinn and he liked that. Also Kinn apologized to him so Porsche sees more and more that Kinn is not that of a big asshole that he thought.

Ah ok thanks, so all started because the intercourse

Before that it is only interest not like nor love


Ah ok thanks, so all started because the intercourse

Before that it is only interest not like nor love

Yeah, I think that he was kind of intrigued any and attracted to Kinn all along, and slowly maybe started to like him more (like when they kissed on the pier), but was slower to actually care about him or like him romantically than Kinn, possibly because Kinn already knew he liked men, but it seems that Porsche is newer to it.

I find the growth of their feelings for each other fine, and even on the better-developed side of things compared to many shows where it is only based on looks and having a crush at a distance. My real issue is with the one-sided intoxicated sex.


The "sex" scene at the end was hot, but kind of...out of place? Dunno it felt strange that they have the handjobs at that moment.

well, in the book they have "sex" everywhere and anytime they want :)))) that passion and desire is the main thing in their toxic relationship, especially after their fights :))


Yeah, I think that he was kind of intrigued any and attracted to Kinn all along, and slowly maybe started to like him more (like when they kissed on the pier), but was slower to actually care about him or like him romantically than Kinn, possibly because Kinn already knew he liked men, but it seems that Porsche is newer to it.

I find the growth of their feelings for each other fine, and even on the better-developed side of things compared to many shows where it is only based on looks and having a crush at a distance. My real issue is with the one-sided intoxicated sex.

I think Porsche's feelings have changed after their first kiss. because in the book, he is the one who forgets everything and everyone around when Kinn is touching him. In the novel Porsche's feelings and desire is  much more beautiful and emotional than in the series. (not because of  acting, I think it's because of screen time they can't show more). And the scene in the bath is the result of realizing that his body is under Kinn's control, even if he resists him phisically his body is against his mind.