So i started this drama for three reasons
1. as Jeanie pointed out it is a classic.
2. Skye was crying over it :p
3. I was watching Running Man & they were at the theme park where some of this drama was shot & they were making references to it.
I have seen 3 eps & my views so far are that things are moving at an incredible pace I hope it doesn't stall in later eps .....
my gripes with the characters are they all weak in whatever way...
Jung Suh is too much of a weakling goody two shoes the expression killing with kindness comes to mind. Instead of being firm with Tae Wah she keeps pushing him away only to then comfort him sending him the wrong message.
Tae wah is downright creepy, i felt sorry for him in ep 1 but when he started becoming a stalker who cant take no for an answer i started disliking him
Yuri & her mom (the evil step mom) are downright despicable, selfish, self centred characters with no redeeming qualities as yet....
i will come back with more when i have seen a few more eps..