Some years ago i started on a show, but did not watch many episode. But i really want to see it, so if anyone can figure out what show, with the few things i remember that would be awesome.
This is what i remember:
- About a girl who wants to perform at a place where they sing on a stage.
- And she starts working there hanging up posters.
- At one point she watches them on stage, woman and men perform. And she dreams about doing it too.
- I think there are also maybe side stories of other family members.
- Also i think i remember a guy who wants to perform too, but his family wants him to be a doctor or something like that,
Can someone please help, and let me know the name of the show.
I have tried to google alot, but i come up empty. So this i my last resort.
Pretty pretty please.
Kind Regards Marlee