In an effort to capture one of K-drama's most elusive baddies the Kontent Office has set up this hotline to post sightings of the instances of Murder-truck kun AKA White Truck of Doom or Truck of Doom. Screenshots and Episode, name of show  and  timestamps are greatly appreciated. o(*°▽°*)o

Goblin - Episode 16 - 36m30’

Duly Noted. Thank you for the tip

Another sighting!

I Can Hear Your Voice, episode 1 05:32

Thank you for the tip^_^

I remember seeing the truck of doom attempting, but failing in You who came from the stars. It's a memory you can find in almost every episode.

Truck-kuns evil little brother Trash-kun succeeded in You are all surrounded ep 18 - 55:45. No first aid attempt needed there. Totally dead right away.

And then there was Truck-kuns trip to Europe!

Are you human too - episode 2 - 27:29

You must see the giphy for this Truck of Doom scene in Uncanny Counter my lord!

Here's all the dramas I've found so far that have the WTOD or other color truck in them.
I was shocked at how many I found!

Beautiful Gong Shim
Cheese in the Trap
Come Back Mister
Crash Landing on You
Dear My Friends
Defendant (red truck)
Falling for Innocence
Fated to Love You
Hi Bye Mama
I Hear Your Voice
Itaewon Class
Live Up To Your Name (actually a Bus of Doom)
My Absolute Boyfriend
My Love From Another Sta
Padam Padam
Shut Up Flower Boy Band
Somehow 18
The Chaser (not a truck but a car)
The Cursed
The Greatest Love
Tomorrow with you
Uncanny Counter
W: Two Worlds
You Are All Surrounded



I remember seeing the truck of doom attempting, but failing in You who came from the stars. It's a memory you can find in almost every episode.

Truck-kuns evil little brother Trash-kun succeeded in You are all surrounded ep 18 - 55:45. No first aid attempt needed there. Totally dead right away.

And then there was Truck-kuns trip to Europe!

Are you human too - episode 2 - 27:29

Thanks for the tip will get on it immediately 

Episode one Undercover 33: 24 Close brush by drunken idiots

LMAO beat by the superhuman. This is the second WTD sighting gif I've been given from Uncanny Encounter. They seem to have something of a lover affair with Truckenings.

 The White Truck of Doom :
Here's all the dramas I've found so far that have the WTOD or other color truck in them.
I was shocked at how many I found!

Beautiful Gong Shim
Cheese in the Trap
Come Back Mister
Crash Landing on You
Dear My Friends
Defendant (red truck)
Falling for Innocence
Fated to Love You
Hi Bye Mama
I Hear Your Voice
Itaewon Class
Live Up To Your Name (actually a Bus of Doom)
My Absolute Boyfrie

Now this is the mother load. Ive seen quite a few of these and probably just didn't remember those moments in it.

Found in China: Flavour It's Yours Ep 1 min 13