So far, I would say Jinyoung's is the best. :)
Sleepninja wrote: So far, I would say Jinyoung's is the best. :)

I like Sandeul's (:
B1A4 releases MV for ?Baby I?m Sorry?

I need to get the new cd!!! *heads to yesasia*

Their last album is really good ^^
NEWEST MV!!!!! Baby Good Night!!!!!!!
B1A4:)forever B1A4 my favorite group:D LET'S FLY!!
Hey all you Bana's out there, please vote for B1A4's Baby Good Night at Eat Your Kimchi, If they review B1A4's song, B1A4 can get a lot of recognition and a lot more popular. Plus Simon and Martina do awesome reviews! We are currently in 5th place but if we vote hard enough we can win. They post their reviews on Mondays, but they start filming on Sundays, so get voting BANA!! I believe in the power of B1A4, and us BANAs :D <3 <3 VOTE HERE!!!!
omg, I can't get over B1A4, they're so adorable. I can't even pick a favourite, I love them all. щ(ಥДಥщ)
Their Japanese MV for Beautiful Target, I don't know about you guys, but I kinda like this video a lot more than the original.
I love how they act so much like a girl group, haha. With all those individual close-ups of them doing something really cutesy, and then they're just so silly I can't.

I like the Japanese video better because the story was more clear, but then I prefer the song in Korean because the Japanese rapping sounds kind of awkward.
I first heard of B1A4 in the Match Up, than I watched their music videos, then I was already lost.... NOW I can't get away from them...Every time they have a new song I listen to it for some months (EVERYDAY!!!) That's not normal for me but everytime I hear them I get happy^^^ (At the moment I only hear Baby Goodnight~~~~ in my head^^)
Witchgirl247 wrote: Their Japanese MV for Beautiful Target, I don't know about you guys, but I kinda like this video a lot more than the original.

OMG! Huge cutesy overload! :D This version is really cute and funny..but the song is still better in Korean IMO. :)