Apparently wiping food off your mouth is sexy ( I always thought it made you look messy lol)
And having a bagel body is a good thing....................(if my body was shaped like a bagel wouldn't that mean I need to work out?)
Sleepninja wrote: Apparently wiping food off your mouth is sexy ( I always thought it made you look messy lol)
And having a bagel body is a good thing....................(if my body shaped like a bagel wouldn't that mean I need to work out?)

Excuse my ignorance but what is a bagel body?
K-Pop Dance Tutorial - Dal★Shabet "Hit U"

I learned to be a stalker. Getting a taxi and Following them wherever they go. Take a picture/video of what they do. Remembering every details about them.. what color they wear, what they ate, what they drink, what they said, where their moles are, where are their scars, their pimples and almost everything..
If you are in a K-pop band, you can act in a drama. You don't need to know how to act or/and sing. Just look good and be cool. If you don't use your jacket collar for a move in your choregraphy, then your choregraphy is incomplete. If you absolutely don't want to use your collar, you can always wipe off the dust on your shoulder. But you HAVE to use your jacket.
Things I Learned From Kpop Spiky hair = Rapper Floppy hair = Vocalist :p
"You cannot produce a great product without teamwork, and trust in each other " :)
wrote: I learned to be a stalker. Getting a taxi and Following them wherever they go. Take a picture/video of what they do. Remembering every details about them.. what color they wear, what they ate, what they drink, what they said, where their moles are, where are their scars, their pimples and almost everything..

It seems that I have my companion too... regarding that case :)
I learned that people can be really scary when it comes to their idols.
I learned that its ok to have fantasies about your idol as long as you don't share them with anyone or hope they come true. Also never ever plan on dating your idol unless your stardom/famousness is better than his/hers. Cause you will get scary scary antis who will come after you...
wrote: from: twinklelie
I learned that people can be really scary when it comes to their idols.

--- hehe I love that ;)
I learned that even if the music sucks, they still have nice voices.
wrote: From: Twinklelie
I learned that even if the music sucks, they still have nice voices.

Right :)
Koreans drive on the right-hand side. It was actually kind of hard to notice because I mostly can't take my eyes off the smokin' hot guy who is driving the car. (SHINee - Lucifer, MBLAQ - Y,...)
Dasuti wrote: LOL...I think it's been done by every boy band in Korea. I'm tempted to find clips and put a video together... "Tribute to hand sliding across some part of the face"
