B2ST’s Doojoon discusses popularity, winning, and upcoming world tour

Having risen to the top of idol groups in just two years, B2ST is now looking forward to a 14-country worldwide tour. They’ve been on the fast track to success since their debut, and each new month brings even bigger and better achievements.

To celebrate the year’s end, leader Doojoon sat down for a series of interviews honoring the ‘Hot People Who Made This Year Shine’ by OSEN.

He began, “We still have to work so much harder. Really. I’m not saying this because it’s an interview, but we truly felt disappointed in that we hoped, ‘If only we could release another album…’ Officially, we only had five weeks worth of promotion time in Korea.”

At the mention of their growing popularity, Doojoon immediately shook his hands no. “Honestly speaking, we thought we’d hit it really big with our debut (laughter). We thought that even though we might not reach top star status, we’d still gain quite a bit of recognition. That wasn’t it, though. Thanks to other idol groups, we received some attention, but other than that, it was really hard for us. The members prepared their hearts, with some wondering whether they should get a part time job while others wondered what other career paths to take, really seriously.”

Even though they look like they’re always joking around and having fun, the quality of their work reflects the amount of hard work and thought put into their products.

“It was during ‘Mystery‘ where we noticed that we were suddenly having many fans come to our promotions. We thought that if we worked just a little bit harder, we could receive more attention. For a long time, we thought hard and worried a lot. We were.. what would you call it.. desperate.”

On the completion of a successful solo concert at the Seoul Olympic Stadium earlier this year, he expressed, “Performing at the Stadium was an unbelievable moment for us. Previously, we had attended the concerts for G-Dragon and Boyz II Men and wondered when we would be able to perform there as well. But once it was actually time for us to perform there, I know it sounds pitiful now, but at the time, we were really worried that people would think we were just blowing hot air. It had only been two years into our debut, and time wise, it was a bit early. Fortunately, a lot of people came, and I’ll never forget that concert.”

B2ST has always been “early” in achieving everything, though. From their solo concert to even a Daesang and a world tour, they’ve achieved everything at a faster pace than many of their peers. Instead of getting arrogant, they’ve become more humble.

“We received a lot of hate after receiving the Daesang (laughter). We acknowledged that and told ourselves that we’d promote longer the year after so that we can receive the Daesang more confidently. The world tour is also a lot of pressure, especially since in terms of Hallyu, we’re still babies. I’m nervous in that I feel we’re starting a bit early compared to our seniors, but we’ll work hard to pull it off. I also hope that people will anticipate our Korean album release after our tour. We’re really determined about this. Honestly speaking, the awards don’t really matter. More than anything, we want to become a group that even the elderly will be able to name when surveyed about idol groups.”

Concluding the interview, Doojoon talked about the bond between his members. “We all have a great relationship. I think our relationship right now is the best it has been since debut. Past Christmas, we watched a movie together in our dorm titled ‘Take Off‘. All of us were lying down, crying (laughter).“

Source + Photos: OSEN |via: Naver & allkpop
Beast Intro and Performance 2011 SBS GAyo Daejun

I feel sad all over again seeing Kikwang sitting there, to the side.

That was a great performance. :D Yoseob was shamazing, they all were. I just love the song Fiction. Poor Kikwang had to sit down because of his injury. :(
Injury?? Whatever happened? At the intro I noticed he was not there, then I thought probably I skipped his face or something. After the intro I saw him sitting at a corner.
AdeNike wrote: Injury?? Whatever happened? At the intro I noticed he was not there, then I thought probably I skipped his face or something. After the intro I saw him sitting at a corner.

He injured his leg, sprained his ankle or something like that. I remember seeing an article about it. I think it was on the set of Me Too, Flower.
AdeNike wrote: Injury?? Whatever happened? At the intro I noticed he was not there, then I thought probably I skipped his face or something. After the intro I saw him sitting at a corner.

He injured his ankle. Yeah, I was watching it and I asked someone on IM, "isn't Beast a 6 member group?" Someone is missing...lol
Here is an article about it.
Oh boy!!! I hope his ankle/leg heals real fast.
B2ST’s Kikwang sprains his ankle

It has just been reported that B2ST‘s Kikwang sprained his ankle while on the set of ‘I’m a Flower Too’.

On December 10th, Kikwang pulled a ligament while exercising during his break time between filming. He was taken to the hospital and had a short leg cast put on.

Cube Entertainment told Star News on December 11th, “Although it’s not a severe injury that affects his ability to walk greatly, he had the short leg cast put on him for fast recovery.”

Kikwang is scheduled to perform on stage with the other artists from Cube Entertainment for the ‘United Cube Concert’ in Brazil on December 13th (local time).

The agency stated, “He will go on stage after we have determined his health condition. However, since this is not a big injury, we expect that he will be okay to perform on stage.”

Kikwang will be leaving for Brazil later today after finishing the filming for ‘I’m a Flower Too’.

Source+ Photo: Star News |via: allkpop & SN


Lee Ki Kwang's Strong Spirit and M-Live by CJ United Cube in Brazil

A picture of BEAST's Lee Ki Kwang's "fighting spirit" was revealed through a picture of him in a wheelchair at a performance in Brazil.

An episode of Mnet's Boom the K-Pop which airs on December 29 will show the first ever South American K-Pop concert "M-Live by CJ United Cube in Brazil" in Sao Paulo, which was held on December 13.

BEAST, G.NA, 4minute, and other artist groups from Cube Entertainment were greeted with hot attention from the moment they arrived at the airport in Brazil. It was evident that K-pop is taking the international music industry by storm.

BEAST'S Lee Ki Kwang made fans shed a few tears upon seeing him in a wheelchair. Due to an injury he had received before leaving for South America, he had to be wheeled around. Fans felt bad, knowing that Lee Ki Kwang was in an airplane for 30 hours with his temporary handicap.

However, due to his team spirit, Ki Kwang even stood up on stage. The full events of the concert will be revealed through the broadcast, which will air at 7:30PM KST.

source: soompi
:( Poor Kikwang!! Fighting and get well soon!!!
B2ST wins ‘Song of the Year’ + Performances from the ’2011 KBS Music Festival’ (Part 2)

The ‘2011 KBS Music Festival‘ hosted a bevy of strong performances from many of this year’s top artists.

As reported earlier, the festival did not see performances from YG Entertainment and C-JeS Entertainment artists due to scheduling conflicts and other tensions. That being said, fans still got to see great stages from the likes of SNSD, IU, INFINITE, Lee Seung Gi, and more.

Check out their performances below! (And be sure to check out ‘Part 1′ of our 2011 KBS Music Festival coverage for more stages)


Additionally, B2ST won the ‘Song of the Year’ distinction from KBS with their song, “Fiction“. Congratulations, boys!

< B2ST’s Triumph >

Congrats!!!!!!!! :D
Gikwang vs Yoseob dance battle poses

Lee Joon vs Gikwang dance battle poses

Lee Joon & Gikwang aegyo battle

Jajaja...I used to love those battles!