Welcome! This thread is created specifically for a LYF fan fiction "Kissing Xiang Liu" which is very popular in China and is being translated by me. The synopsis of the story is as follows:

A modern reader of novel Lost You Forever who loves Xiang Liu very much accidentally time-traveled to the Dahuang world, and became princess Ah Nian on her way to Qingshui Town. She changed Xiang Liu's fate and eventually became his love. A long novel with a happy ending, one chapter updated (translated) each week.

Author: 吉巴罗

Original URL: https://m.jjwxc.net/book2/8259656

Note: Some names in the story are taken from the novel, not the drama. It won't affect reading.

If there are any errors or deficiencies in the translation, please correct me, thank you :-)

Comments are welcome!

Kissing Xiang Liu

chapter 1

The night was getting darker and the city lights had just turned on.

The desk lamp in a house was on, and someone was reading a book under the light. The book was held religiously by that person, and a page was turned from time to time.

From noon to dusk, till the food in the neighbors smelled delicious, the person reading the book did not even move.

She was clearly entranced.

She couldn't know how much time passed, until the night was about to end, the stars and the moon gradually disappeared, until the book wrote at the end:

"Xiang Liu said silently in his heart: Xiao Yao, from now on, I can no longer protect you. You have to take good care of yourself. I wish you happiness and peace for the rest of your life!"

The person reading the book started to move. She could no longer restrain her emotions and burst into tears.

Zhong Nianliu is not a sentimental person, nor does she like to cry, but at this moment, she was deeply moved by this character Xiang Liu and was completely conquered.

As for any chances to change his fate, she could only say that line of poetry: "How can I find a solution in this world, so that I can neither betray the Buddha nor fail you?"

What's special about Xiang Liu has nothing to do with romance, but his own character. Xiang Liu's regret is that since he has already given his promise to his country, he can no longer give it to his love...

"Nine-life Xiang Liu" has become Zhong Nianliu's eternal regret.


The set of books Zhong Nianliu read was "Lost You Forever" written by the author Tong Hua, which she found by chance in an old bookstore.

Since the rapid development of e-commerce, many physical bookstores have declined and closed down.

The person who sells her books is a white-haired "grandpa" with a pair of reading glasses always hanging around his neck. The small bookstore he runs huddles between a large sale mall and a trendy milk tea shop. People come and go outside the bookstore, and the customer flow is only moderate.

Zhong Nianliu has loved coming to this bookstore to read books since she can remember. Although it is old and small, the collection of books inside is of high quality. It does have "gold houses" and "faces like jade" inside, and it is a retreat for countless leisurely people and literati.

The name of the bookstore is more romantic than other antiques. It is called "Dreaming Destiny Bookstore".

That day, Zhong Nianliu bought a cup of milk tea from next door and passed by Dreaming Destiny. The "grandpa" held up a thermos cup and greeted her: "Little Liu, do you want to come in and read today?"

Nianliu looked up at the sun. It was high and scorching. It was still early.

So she nodded and entered the bookstore, "Grandpa, have you bought any new books recently?"

Hearing her sincere question, grandpa took a sip of tea, sighed and smiled: "I won't buy books any more!"

Although Zhong Nianliu didn't know the reason, she had a guess in her heart, so she asked reluctantly, "Why?"

"I'm going to the big city and live with my son and daughter-in-law."

He is smiling and affable.

"I see..." When Nian Liu heard this, she felt mixed emotions in her heart.

This small bookstore not only carries her childhood, but also her youth. If Dreaming Destiny Bookstore closes, she will lose the spiritual paradise where she recalls her childhood and youth.

However, it would be great for grandpa to be reunited with his family and enjoy leisure time with the younger generation. Thinking of this, Nianliu restrained her melancholy. Actually, she was happy for grandpa.

Zhong Nianliu handed over her favorite milk tea, "Grandpa, do you want to drink it? I treat you."

The old man didn’t answer for a while, but then he raised the thermos cup towards her and shook his head with a smile.

"Come in and see if there is a book you like. If you like it, just take it."

Only then did Zhong Nianliu realize that the bookshelves that were usually full of books became empty. It seemed grandpa had already given away many of them.

"Do you like this set?"

The old man put down the cup and walked straight to the place where her eyes had just stopped, pointing to the set of books with envelope-like covers.

The books were placed on the topmost level of the shelf. A warm orange light shone on the cover and the three words "长相思" had a simple, ancient and mysterious air.

Zhong Nianliu nodded as if she was bewitched.

"Then grandpa will get it for you. Just wait." Grandpa took the ladder and put on his reading glasses. He rubbed the cover as he took the books down.

"Lost You Forever. Well...it's destined."

Zhong Nianliu took the book and felt her heart beat faster for a moment. She thanked him repeatedly.

But grandpa waved his hand and said with a smile: "Girl, I wish you all your wishes come true and getting what you want!"


Late at night, Zhong Nianliu was lying on the bed. She was still immersed in the world of the book and couldn't leave.

She remembered that when she read the end, the character she admired most, the Nine-Life Xiang Liu, eventually died in battle.

His life was miserable and lonely. When he fell in love with someone he shouldn't have fallen in love with, he could only push her away. On the battlefield, his white clothes were stained with blood, and he was no longer seen in the world.

Whenever the moonlight shrouded her through the window, Zhong Nianliu would think of General Xiang Liu, who was as bright as the moon, dressed in white and spotless.

So she sat up and faced the bright moon and made a wish: I hope that in that parallel world, he would be able to protect himself, have someone to rely on, a place to go, and be happy and worry-free for the rest of his life.

The night was long and no one answered her.

That night, she thought about Xiang Liu and wet the pillow with tears.

With lingering thoughts, she finally fell asleep.

The moment she fell into sleep, the evening breeze blew and the pages on the table turned.

The moonlight is like a waterfall, and the girl sleeping soundly on the bed has disappeared.


"Princess, princess?"

Amid the gentle call, someone was carefully shaking Zhong Nianliu's arm.

The sound of wheels grinding on the sand slowly came to her ears, mixed with a few crisp bird calls.

Zhong Nianliu rubbed her eyes and woke up. A wooden roof appeared in her field of vision, surrounded by gorgeous silk satins in a classic style.

Combining the hazy figure of the man sitting upright outside the rolling curtain with the occasional gasping sound of the horse, Zhong Nianliu quickly came to the conclusion that it turned out that she dreamed that she was sleeping in a carriage.

The bed in the carriage is quite soft. Zhong Nianliu yawned a few times, pulled on the scented quilt, turned over and continued to sleep.

Haitang originally thought that their princess had woken up, so she was preparing things for dressing up, but when she turned around, she found that she had fallen asleep again.

She helplessly shook the girl's soft body again: "Princess, I beg you to get up quickly. We are about to arrive at Qingshui Town. It's time for you to dress up."

Zhong Nianliu, who was sleeping lightly with her eyes closed, couldn't help but frown when she heard this. Her eyes widened instantly.


...Qingshui Town?

Brainstorming is like a raging tide. Zhong Nianliu's consciousness suddenly became clearer than ever before - weren't these words in the novel she read before falling asleep? !

Seeing that Zhong Nianliu was motionless, Haitang wanted to urge her again, but was afraid of upsetting the princess. She wanted to speak but didn't dare.

She twisted her handkerchief and thought, "Let's wait a little longer."

Zhong Nianliu didn't give her a chance to wait any longer. She sat up suddenly, first looked around in confusion, and then looked at Haitang with panicked and unfamiliar eyes.

The princess was so rarely quiet and docile, which actually looked endearing, but precisely because of this rare demeanor, Haitang couldn't help but feel terrified.

She quickly turned her head to the rolling curtain and shouted in panic: "Master Cangxuan! Princess, princess..."

The figure behind the curtain heard the sound and approached. The rolling curtain was held up by a man. His face seemed a little tired, but the concern in his eyes was unquestionably sincere.

The man asked softly in a low voice: "A Nian, what happened?"

Zhong Nianliu has read more than a dozen, if not dozens, of book-time-traveling novels. Seeing the young man with warm eyes and elegant aura in front of her, she could already confirm that she, Zhong Nianliu, an outgoing college student who likes to stay at home, had actually time-traveled into the novel!

The "Lost You Forever" that made her liver and spleen bleed.

And she suddenly shapeshifted and became the little princess who was loved by the people of Gaoxin!

The one she dislikes the most, that self-indulgent noble Gaoxin Yi!

(To be continued)

Oh, are you putting it here too?  Or in both places.

Excellent start!


Oh, are you putting it here too?  Or in both places.

Excellent start!

Yes, I will serialize it in both this thread and the fan fiction thread, you can read it in either one :-)

Chapter 2

Zhong Nianliu was helped off the carriage by Cangxuan's hand.

She is twenty-one years old and has never held a boy's hand before, let alone a handsome boy's. She was a little shy as well as embarrassed for a moment. When she opened the curtain and came out, her foot stepped on her skirt and she almost fell into Cangxuan's arms.

Cangxuan stopped for a moment, then smiled lovingly, and stretched out his arms to lift her off the carriage.

How dare Zhong Nianliu accept it?

She quickly avoided his hands and pointed to his hand that was close to her: "Let, let me hold your hand...Ge."

Zhong Nianliu blinked her big eyes, trying to make herself appear easy to control.

She was truly shy, with a bit red on her fair little face, which made her look quite cute and innocent.

According to the book, the man A Nian loves is Cangxuan. She had admired him since childhood and regarded him as a brother and a husband.

She must not mess up the performance, at least not deviate from A Nian's character from the very beginning.

Cangxuan's jade-gentle eyes glanced over. If she hadn't known how ruthless and secretive he actually was in the book, Zhong Nianliu would have regarded this personable young man in front of her as an elegant scholar.

Perhaps due to preconceptions, Zhong Nianliu was still a little afraid of him.

"Thank you, ge." After getting off the carriage, Zhong Nianliu quickly let go of his hand and walked first into the house where they would stay. Cangxuan was behind her, carefully telling her to walk slowly.

A group of people who looked like servants opened the door for them, and then stood respectfully on both sides of the door. Although they were servants, they all seemed to have very keen eyes, and one could tell at a glance that none of them were ordinary.

When Zhong Nianliu crossed the threshold and walked into the house, she had an illusion that was quite inconsistent with the scene - she felt that the two rows of people standing at attention would bow to her at any time like in Japanese cartoons, and then Shouting: "Welcome home, lady Nianliu!"

Then a formally dressed housekeeper would flash up next to her, biting his handkerchief, smiling with tears in his eyes: "Oh my God, I haven't seen the lady smile like this in a long time!"

Zhong Nianliu thought about this silently, intoxicated for a moment.

Haitang saw Zhong Nianliu with her hands on her hips, her eyes closed, and her expression was inexplicably intoxicated. The panic that she had just suppressed came to her mind again.

Nothing special happened on the way here, so why did something suddenly go wrong with princess?

She recalled that after that scene on the carriage -

After Master Cangxuan comforted her, the princess's mood calmed down a lot. She even took the initiative to explain that she had a nightmare, she was still immersed in it and was very scared.

Things in dreams are absurd, which is not surprising, but the strange thing about this incident is that princess very rarely has nightmares.

Occasionally when she dreamed of something bad, she would take that opportunity to throw herself into Master Cangxuan's arms and cry and talk. If Master Cangxuan failed to comfort her properly, she'd be upset for quite a while.

She had such a terrible nightmare today, but was very calm. Weird, weird!


After a few cock crows, the sky gradually became brighter.

Zhong Nianliu got up from the soft bed, stretched and walked to the window.

After these days, she has the ancient routine now like others, going to bed as soon as it gets dark and getting up before dawn every day.

In the center of the courtyard outside the window, there is a jade-calyx plum tree from Island Ying planted specially for her by Cangxuan. He also used his spiritual power to make the flowering period last forever. When the wind blows, the petals fall like snow, and the ground is pure white.

In fact, she doesn't like this kind of flower. It looks too cold. What's so good about it?

She likes peach blossoms, the fresh pink color, romantic and delightful.

But it doesn't matter anyway. He planted it for A Nian, not for her, so she doesn't care.

After thinking hard for so long, she still couldn't figure out the reason why she time-traveled into the world in the book.

Now she has taken possession of A Nian's body, which is actually lucky. She enjoyed the title and status of a princess and lived a comfortable and free life.

She finally understood why A Nian was raised to be so overbearing and domineering: Oh my God, such doting and flattery now makes her suffocating!

Here's the thing -

Yesterday she and Haitang went shopping. Zhong Nianliu said she wanted to go shopping, but in fact she wanted to find the heroine of this book. To be precise, it is Wen Xiaoliu who is still a man now.

Zhong Nianliu has never been able to let go of the ending of this book. The only reason is that Nine-life Xiang Liu.

She feels something special about him. Her appreciation is mixed with curiosity, mostly admiration. She feels like a butterfly chasing a flower.

He is extremely attractive to her. She wants to be near him, to touch him.

She is already here, why not meet him?

She also wanted to meet the heroine. After all, when she first read the book, she felt that the heroine was like a female version of Xiang Liu. She was so unfortunate that it made her heart ache.

Zhong Nianliu has always been soft-hearted and has strong empathy, so she has great sympathy and preference for this type of character.

As a result, she actually met the key person that day.

That day, she was so flattered by Haitang that she really thought she'd look beautiful no matter how she dressed up. As a result, she bought a lot of jewelry and cosmetics that she only found out when she got home were not suitable for her. While she was enjoying herself, she bumped into a pedestrian.

The person was also a woman, about the same size as her. She walked extremely slowly because she was holding something in her hands.

Suddenly a flying insect flew over. The woman lowered her head. Just as she was about to wave away that flying insect on the sheep blood, she was caught off guard and bumped into Zhong Nianliu who was talking to Haitang.

The woman lost her balance and the sheep blood spilled out, turning Zhong Nianliu's clothes into scarlet.

The incident happened so suddenly that Zhong Nianliu didn't react for a moment, until the disgusting fishy smell rushed into her nose. She felt like vomiting out everything she had eaten this morning.

Haitang next to her saw this scene, she immediately struck preemptively: "Cheeky inferior! How dare you offend my lady! You, choke her by water!"

Zhong Nianliu immediately panicked.

She didn't look at the road, so bumped into someone and spilled her thing. How could she punish the victim??

She suppressed her nausea, interrupted Haitang, and tried to stop her servants who was about to drag the woman away.

The woman was obviously not a person who could be bullied. She rolled her eyes at Haitang, rolled up her linen sleeves, and started to yell: "Who are you calling inferior?! You have any sense of shame? It was your lady who hit me! Uneducated thing!"

A few words instantly annoyed Haitang. She first pulled Zhong Nianliu behind her, and then used her eyes to signal the servants to protect the lady and punish the woman.

Soon, a crowd gathered to watch this drama.

The woman was caught by the servants but kept yelling and cursing.

Zhong Nianliu, who was obviously the person involved, was quickly pushed out of the crowd and became an irrelevant person.

It's farce inside, comedy outside. Zhong Nianliu squeezed desperately into the crowd, and struggled to reach the center. Just as she was about to open her mouth to stop the servants, two people came beside the woman. It was probably someone who knew the woman informed them.

Walking in front was a burly man with a wide and dirty mo'e tied on his forehead. His face was full of muscles, and he was particularly fierce when he pulled Zhong Nianliu's servants. There was another strong man beside him, with a tiger-like back and a bear-like waist. Although he also showed anger, his movements were not as rough as the big man.

"Look! Butcher Gao is here!"

"Chuntao's man is here too!"

People in the crowd muttered like this.

The two names "Butcher Gao" and "Chuntao" were like a switch, which suddenly killed Zhong Nianliu's idea of stopping the fight.

If she remembered correctly, the butcher Gao and Chuntao were in the book, one was Wen Xiaoliu's in-laws, and the other was Wen Xiaoliu's daughter-in-law!

To achieve the goal, one cannot be indecisive. Zhong Nianliu apologized like crazy in her heart, but on the surface she showed off all her acting skills.

Good to finally have a chance to go mad. Let her take this opportunity to vent all the fear and anxiety she has suppressed since she came to this world!

Zhong Nianliu first cried loudly, and then began to curse, pouring out a large number of modern or ancient nonsense.

The scene was originally noisy, but seeing how crazy she was, the crowd gradually became quiet.

In a tea pavilion not far away, a man in white who could not conceal his extraordinary handsomeness despite wearing a mask suddenly sneered.

He locked his eyes in the direction of Zhong Nianliu, tilting one corner of his mouth up, and drank the tea in one gulp.

Zhong Nianliu took a peek and saw that everyone was stunned, so she immediately struck while the iron was hot: "Haitang, use magic!"

Haitang was stunned and asked her princess in a low voice, "Princess, what is 'magic'?"

Zhong Nianliu stamped her foot and leaned close to Haitang's ear: "They humiliated me like this, don't you want to avenge me? Do something like somersaults, frog jumps, donkey rolls...to make me feel better?"

Nianliu finished speaking, Haitang had a great enlightenment.

She then loyally and firmly expressed her stance to Zhong Nianliu: "Don't worry, my lady, I will definitely avenge you!"

"Okay!" The delicate girl added with tears in her eyes, "But don't go too far...just teach them a lesson."

"You know...gege likes gentle girl." She added more.


The two held their hands, their eyes determined, their hearts colluded.

Zhong Nianliu prayed silently in her heart: Wen Xiaoliu, Wen Xiaoliu, you must show up!

(To be continued)

Chapter 3

They made a great noise, and everyone nearby came to watch this show.

Zhong Nianliu picked the strong man to attack, namely Chuntao's husband, Mazi.

The method was not excessive: Haitang was commanded by her to use spiritual power to pull Mazi into the air and shake him.

Mazi looked tough, but he couldn't stand the tossing. No one had expected that after being shaken for a while, he foamed at the mouth, which made Chuntao panic.

Only then did Chuntao plead to Zhong Nianliu: "My lady, I was wrong. I apologize to you. The dress is ruined. We will compensate. What good does it do you to tease ordinary people like us?"

Haitang immediately said with disdain: "Compensate? You can never afford it!"

The butcher Gao only had a daughter, Chuntao. After Mazi married Chuntao, he is his son.

Now that his son was humiliated and his daughter was scolded, his anger suddenly rose, and he rushed over and roared viciously: "How dare a group of foreign hooligans bully me! I, the butcher Gao, have slaughtered thousands of living things in Qingshui Town. Believe it or not, I'll chop you into pieces!”

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Haitang couldn't bear it, Zhong Nianliu's face also turned ugly. The servant was very experienced. When Butcher Gao rushed towards Haitang and Zhong Nianliu unexpectedly, he kicked him back hard.


Following Chuntao's scream, the butcher fell down at her feet.

Mazi didn't want his father-in-law to be beaten, so he wiped the foam from his mouth and attacked the servant.

The servants around Zhong Nianliu were all carefully selected by Cangxuan. Even though Mazi was as strong as an ox, he had no advantage against the professional bodyguard of the gods.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, Mazi fell down next to the butcher Gao, and landed on his face. His forehead, mouth and nose were all visibly red and swollen. When the servant who attacked him felt it was not enough and wanted to hit him harder, Zhong Nianliu shouted at him and raised her hand to stop him.

Chuntao just kept crying, not daring to speak arrogant words to them anymore.

Someone cast a shadow on the ground in front of Chuntao. Chuntao supported her father and raised her head. The graceful girl wearing a veil spoke to her: "Go and call the head of your family over, and I will spare your life!"

Zhong Nianliu looked calm and majestic on the surface, but the fists clenched behind her back were shaking slightly.

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills! It was her first time being A Nian, and she was so nervous!

Chuntao didn't dare to refute, and she and Butcher Gao quickly lifted up the seriously injured Mazi and walked to the Huichun Clinic at the end of the street.

Looking at the lonely backs of the three people, Zhong Nianliu thought about whether she should let the buyers from Wushen Mountain go to their house to discuss business in the future.

Soon, a thin man came with a hoe. As soon as he appeared, Zhong Nianliu knew that he was Chuanzi - because Mazi had already appeared, and Wen Xiaoliu would definitely come with bare hands.

"Haitang, he is weak, just use your spiritual power to suppress him." Zhong Nianliu said.

Chuanzi and his hoe immediately stuck to the ground.

Next up was Lao Mu, an uncle over fifty years old with a goatee.

This is a key figure. Zhong Nianliu thought about it for a while, but still couldn't do what A Nian did in the book, so she quietly whispered in Haitang's ear: "Hang him in the air and...conjure up a few dogtail grass to scratch the soles of his feet!”

Haitang was puzzled. This was not the behavior of the domineering princess of the past. In the past, princess would tease others just for her own pleasure and would not care about the severity of their actions.

"Princess, didn't you just say you wanted to see somersaults, frog-jumping, and donkey-rolling?"

Zhong Nianliu immediately frowned and said unhappily: "I am the princess, you will do whatever I say!"

After hearing this, Haitang felt relieved. Yes, these words, this tone, still have the same flavor!

Haitang got to work immediately, suspended Lao Mu in the air, took off his straw sandals, and created a few dogtail grass to scratch the soles of his feet.

Lao Mu was ticklish and tried hard to endure it for a while. He couldn't laugh or cry, and felt quite uncomfortable.

At this time, a young man broke through the crowd and walked in.

He looks about sixteen years old. Although his skin is a bit rough, he is handsome. The contours of his face are strong and have the charm like a Northern Desert man.

The young man first glanced at the immobile Chuanzi on the ground, then moved his gaze to Lao Mu, and finally stopped at Haitang and Zhong Nianliu.

He first cupped his fists at Zhong Nianliu, and then said to Haitang: "He admits defeat. Please stop, miss."

Haitang looked at Zhong Nianliu, but Zhong Nianliu stared straight at the young man.

If she guessed correctly, this person is the heroine Wen Xiaoliu!

Look at this man's height, bone, Adam's apple, and mellow masculinity. Who can look at her and not say "real man"?

No wonder that idiot Cangxuan couldn't recognize her. Who can mistake this man in front of her for a woman?

"The rule of Qingshui Town is: if there is no revenge for murder, and one party admits defeat, then the fight will stop." Wen Xiaoliu spoke again, reluctantly.

Zhong Nianliu actually didn't want to embarrass anyone, let alone, it was her who accidentally bumped into Chuntao. Although Chuntao sprinkled her with sheep blood and scolded her, she was at fault after all.

So Wen Xiaoliu's words undoubtedly gave her a step down.

She would be a fool not to seize this opportunity!

Zhong Nianliu agreed, and Haitang stopped.

Wen Xiaoliu's expression relaxed when she saw that they didn't make things difficult for them anymore. Just when she was about to speak, Zhong Nianliu said first:

"What happened today is actually a misunderstanding. I think you are a reasonable person. Why don't we find a time to have a good chat to resolve the misunderstanding? What do you think?"

Wen Xiaoliu's movements froze, and then she showed a fake smile: "Okay, then I'll wait for you at the Huichun Clinic."


After returning to the liquor store, Zhong Nianliu and Haitang tiptoed around the front desk and tried to walk back to the back room.

This was a critical period, and she didn't want Cangxuan to mess up the situation.

Whatever you fear will come. Cangxuan just finished his work, and when he looked up, he saw two people sneaking into the yard.

What trouble did A Nian get into again?

Cangxuan couldn't help but frown slightly and walked forward quickly: "A Nian, You are back."

He was very gentle, but in Zhong Nianliu's eyes, that gentleness contained an elder-like sense of control.

Oops, she was seen.

Zhong Nianliu was furious: This man's eyes are as sharp as a cobra's. If this could be applied to Wen Xiaoliu, how could he not recognize her in three years?

Book fan like her is pissed to death...

"We were going shopping just now, and someone offended the lady. She poured a large basin of sheep blood on the lady and her men even wanted to hit her!" Haitang was still angry and took the lead in complaining to Cangxuan.

During this period, in order to cooperate with Haitang, Zhong Nianliu opened her arms silently and rotated in a circle, so that Cangxuan could see her miserable condition and understand why she tried to sneak into the yard.

The sleeves, chest, waist and hem on the left side were all dyed red, with varying degrees of blood color, and due to air oxidation, some places had already turned rusty red.

In fact, the blood-stained position is not ugly. If it were in modern times, she could even say that this is a Gothic-style art design and a trend.

But in Cangxuan's eyes, Zhong Nianliu looked miserable and covered in filth.

His warm eyes suddenly burst into flames. When Haitang saw this, her smile was full of pride that someone was supporting them. On the other hand, Zhong Nianliu pursed her lips worriedly, thinking that Cangxuan might be a lunatic hiding under the mask of a gentleman.

Cangxuan's eyes darkened and he said seriously: "Who offended you?"

What is majesty that does not require anger to be displayed? What is imperial spirit?

Cangxuan's reaction at this time already showed the first signs of imperial aura.

Zhong Nianliu was afraid that Cangxuan would avenge her, so she quickly pretended to be obedient and downplayed the matter: "The people here are simple and honest, so there may be a misunderstanding in this matter. But don't worry, Ge, am I the kind of person who can be bullied? I will definitely find out about this matter!"

"Besides, my brother is so powerful. Who dares to bully me when he is here? Ge, don't you think so?"

Zhong Nianliu's pretending to be cute was fake, but flattering him was real. If she kept living in this book, she would have to rely on him in the future, so she had to at least make her guardian happy.

Cangxuan really liked this, and his expression softened slightly when he heard Zhong Nianliu praising him sweetly.

"A Nian has grown up and knows negotiation. Okay, if you have any trouble, just tell your brother and he will help you."

This is great! Zhong Nianliu smiled and said: "Okay, Ge! Now I'll go back to the room to change clothes, then I'll go to their house to reason with them as soon as possible!"

After saying that, Zhong Nianliu didn't dare to look at Cangxuan anymore and pulled Haitang towards the yard.

Cangxuan behind her didn't answer, just stared at them silently, and didn't stop looking until the two figures disappeared through the door.

As soon as she entered the room, Zhong Nianliu immediately surrounded Haitang like a little skylark, looking left and right.

"How do you feel? Are you okay? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Haitang was dazzled by her, and said with a smile: "My good princess, why should I feel uncomfortable? Don't you want to change clothes? I will serve you."

Zhong Nianliu put on a Conan-like posture and thought: Could it be that... Wen Xiaoliu didn't poison Haitang?

After saying that, Haitang wanted to get A Nian's clothes from the rattan box, but Zhong Nianliu stopped her and ordered: "Haitang, I'll do it myself. You go and help me prepare something. When everything is ready, we will go to Huichun Clinic to find that boy!"


After working hard for several days, Haitang finally gathered what Zhong Nianliu wanted.

She took a look at the items in the bamboo basket: red dates, longan, wolfberry, angelica and other medicinal materials rare in Qingshui Town, hard-to-find wood moths, shiitake mushrooms, and a freshly killed fat black-bone chicken.

Doctor Wucheng happened to see this basket when he was visiting, and quickly asked her about the condition of Prince Cangxuan and Princess A Nian.

Haitang didn't understand what he meant, but after asking, she found out that these things were used to replenish qi and blood.

She couldn't understand her princess's purpose - could she be giving them to the shrew to replenish the sheep's blood with medicinal herbs? Or is she going to sit down and eat in that Huichun Clinic and use these things to mock those people at the dinner table?

Haitang thought hard and couldn't figure it out.

When Zhong Nianliu saw that everything was ready, she couldn't help but feel excited. She almost wanted to drag Haitang to dance together!

"Haitang, let's go to the Huichun Clinic!" Zhong Nianliu's eyes were bent and shining.

Does this look like someone going to "collect debt"?

It’s clearly like going to meet a lover!

Haitang felt that she could no longer guess the princess's thoughts.

(To be continued)


Kissing Xiang Liu

Chapter 4

Wen Xiaoliu's Huichun Clinic is located at the end of the street. There is a big river at the end of the street. If you go upstream, you will see a gourd-shaped lake - this is how it is written in the novel.

If possible, Zhong Nianliu would also like to overlook the lake from the air.

The afterglow gradually faded, and Qingshui Town sank into the dusk. The water mist was thick, the moss-covered stone steps became damp, and the evening air was refreshing.

Zhong Nianliu took Haitang and the servant A Dao who had attacked this family to Huichun Clinic. She couldn't help but hum a song during the journey, which made the two people behind her even more surprised.

Ever since she came to Qingshui Town, the little princess seemed to have become a different person.

The first thing they saw was an empty yard, with various medicinal materials placed to dry around, and the aroma of the plants hit their faces.

When you first smell it, it feels a little pungent, but after smelling it for a while, you feel inexplicably nostalgic.

No one greeted them in the yard. According to the plot in the book, Wen Xiaoliu's future husband Ye Shiqi (Tushan Jing) was still living in her house at this time. In order to avoid her, Tushan Jing would disappear suddenly, making Wen Xiaoliu angry.

By now, Tushan Jing should have already slipped away.

Mazi, Chuntao and butcher Gao have been living in the butcher's and are not in Huichun Clinic at the moment.

The group of people continued to walk into the house - the door was open, and there were a few people sitting at the table inside.

They walked in and Lao Mu, Chuanzi and Wen Xiaoliu were all there.

Lao Mu's face was gloomy, Chuanzi stared with dissatisfaction, while Wen Xiaoliu seemed more polite. She made a "please" gesture and motioned for her to sit down.

Zhong Nianliu did not sit down, but first showed everyone the solemn etiquette of the 21st century: a perfect 90-degree bow like a stewardess.

Wen Xiaoliu didn't expect such a scene and was quite at a loss. Just as she was about to help her up, Zhong Nianliu straightened up on her own.

She introduced herself: "My name is A Nian, the sister of the shopkeeper of the liquor shop on that street. My brother's name is Xuan, he is the shopkeeper."

Zhong Nianliu took several jars of mulberry wine from A Dao and glanced at Wen Xiaoliu: "This is mulberry wine. My brother brewed it for his another sister. My brother is very good at making wine. Because that sister likes to drink mulberry wine, mulberry wine is the best wine he makes and is the most suitable for making amends. "

Wen Xiaoliu was obviously startled, and her eyes suddenly turned red. She suppressed her words and said, "Your...brother truly loves that sister."

"Yes! Speaking of which, I also call her sister." Zhong Nianliu sighed, and the thin veil fluttered with her breath. The delicate girl continued: "Unfortunately, my sister has been missing for many years and has not yet been found. My brother tried his best to find her for a long time, and he has never given up even now."

"...Really? Then I want to wish him to find his sister as soon as possible." A soft light flashed in Wen Xiaoliu's eyes, and it disappeared fleetingly.

"Thank you. I will definitely bring your wishes."

Wen Xiaoliu's attitude has quietly changed at this moment. She was polite and distant before, but now she is as gentle and kind as a friend.

She quickly took the mulberry wine and said with a grin, "Then I can't let the lady down."

After hearing this, Lao Mu and Chuanzi next to her had doubts in their eyes, but they didn't say anything and their expressions softened a bit.

Zhong Nianliu took the basket from Haitang next to her and placed it in the center of the table. However, she leaned towards the cold-faced Lao Mu and Chuanzi. She said sincerely: "I offended everyone that day. It was me who was too arrogant and didn't understand the matter before starting to attack you and embarrass you in public. After I returned home, I felt guilty and had an uneasy conscience, so I came here to apologize. I hope you can forgive me."

Everyone had different expressions when they heard this.

First came Haitang and A Dao. If they hadn't had excellent expression management skills, their chins would have been on the ground by now.

When Lao Mu and Chuanzi heard this, their faces froze. They looked at each other for a while, then waved their hands half-heartedly, indicating that the matter was over.

When Wen Xiaoliu saw this, she knew that the farce was over and quickly put on a smile to smooth things over.

"Miss, you are such a thoughtful person. This is probably just a misunderstanding." She kicked Lao Mu and Chuanzi with her feet, and winked at them: "Our Lao Mu and Chuanzi are also reasonable people. If they did anything inappropriate, Please forgive them, miss."

Lao Mu coughed, lowered his eyes and nodded, and Chuanzi waved his hands sheepishly: "Yes, probably because I scared the girl that day with the hoe."

Zhong Nianliu could finally feel that their anger had really subsided, and couldn't help but feel relieved.

She pointed to the things in the basket and said to Wen Xiaoliu: "Lang Jun, these are good tonics, which are beneficial to qi and blood. You are so thin, you should have them."

These words again made everyone have different expressions.

Now, Haitang, A Dao, Lao Mu, Chuanzi, and even Wen Xiaoliu are all standing on the "united front". All five faces are shocked: God, this girl has a crush on him/me??

If Zhong Nianliu remembers correctly, tonight's plot is: Xiang Liu takes Wen Xiaoliu to Hulu Lake for the first time, and then Xiang Liu will suck Wen Xiaoliu's blood for the first time on the lake shore.

She likes both Xiang Liu and Wen Xiaoliu (Xiaoyao), but she cannot reveal all the plot to Wen Xiaoliu at once, nor can she stop Xiang Liu from sucking blood. After all, that's how the story goes.

If she wants to change everyone's tragedy, she has to take her time - exposing Cangxuan's identity is already the upper limit, and now all she can do is secretly replenish Wen Xiaoliu's blood.

Several men in the room, including Wen Xiaoliu who was still a man at this moment, felt embarrassed.

"Don't call me Lang Jun, I feel embarrassed. Why don't you call me Liu Ge? My name is Wen Xiaoliu, a doctor who specializes in gynecology."

Wen Xiaoliu rubbed her bun, laughed enthusiastically, stuffed the basket into Lao Mu's arms, and pushed him and Chuanzi to the kitchen to cook.

Xiaoliu invited them: "It's dinner time, why not stay and have dinner and a drink together?"

"Okay!" Zhong Nianliu was overjoyed from the bottom of her heart.

Oh my God, not only is there a fan meeting, but she can actually have dinner with the heroine!

Haitang and A Dao never thought that things would turn out this way.

Seeing that their delicate princess was willing to stay in a commoner's home, Haitang couldn't help but pull Zhong Nianliu's sleeve worriedly.


Zhong Nianliu turned around and remembered the butcher Gao and Mazi. She quickly reached out to Haitang for money.

Haitang obeyed and took out all the silver and placed it in Zhong Nianliu's hand. Unexpectedly, as soon as the delicate money bag fell into the jade-like hand, she stuffed it into Wen Xiaoliu's rough hand.

The three heard the girl say: "Liu Ge, I didn't want to hurt your family that day. My men took action because they were worried about my safety. I hope you don't blame them. This is my apology and I want to compensate the injured.”

Wen Xiaoliu hurriedly pushed the money away and said in a soft tone: "No, meimei, it's enough for you to have this heart."

Zhong Nianliu patiently put the money bag back into her hand: "Liu Ge, this is for the injured family. If you refuse to accept it, I will be embarrassed to eat at your house."

Wen Xiaoliu stared at Zhong Nianliu, knowing that she was also a stubborn one, so she stopped refusing, collected the money bag, and went to find a bowl to pour wine.

The lights were dimmed and people were drinking happily. After Zhong Nianliu took off her veil, she became a different person.

Not only did she drink and dine with Xiaoliu and the others, she also asked Haitang and A Dao to sit down and play games together.

"Catch the duck", "You have it, but I don't", "Who is the undercover", the 21st century wine table games took turns, and everyone who was originally reserved gradually became relaxed and laughed in the game. A group of people were blushing and almost forgetful about what they were doing.

When playing "Truth or Dare", Zhong Nianliu lost. She didn't want to be forced to lie, so she chose to challenge her courage.

It happened that it was Chuanzi's turn to pose the question. Chuanzi was the most careless and simple-minded. At this time, he only regarded Zhong Nianliu as a female man who could drink with them. He thought and said: "I'll punish you to go to the river and bring back a bowl of water and drink it.”

Wen Xiaoliu immediately scolded him and slapped him on the head: "You brat! Can we torment the guest like this?!"

Zhong Nianliu was having fun and didn't care: "No, Liu Ge! Don't underestimate me!"

When Haitang and A Dao saw that she was really going to go out the door, they immediately stood up.

Zhong Nianliu didn't allow them to follow, and ordered with a straight face: "Don't follow me! I'm just going to scoop a bowl of water from the river. What's the problem? Wait for me!"

Haitang and A Dao had no choice but to be pushed back to their seats by Chuanzi with a smile.

The night was getting darker, the moon was bright and the stars were dotted outside the house.

There were several lanterns hanging on both sides of the green steps, and the candlelight could be dimly seen inside. Looking forward and looking back made Nianliu have different feelings.

Looking forward is the direction, looking back is life, which is interesting.

Zhong Nianliu originally had a high tolerance to alcohol. When she was in college, she often drank and ate with people in club and student union. But her current body belongs to A Nian. A Nian rarely drank alcohol in the past, so how could this body withstand Zhong Nianliu's drinking?

So she dragged her limp legs to a riverbank with lights.

Qingshui Town, as its name suggests, is a town with clear water. The moonlight shines brightly tonight, and the river water is sparkling and crystal clear.

Zhong Nianliu was not afraid of drinking raw water. She scooped up half a bowl of river water and put it directly in her mouth.

The river water in ancient times was naturally pollution-free and was sweet and cool in the mouth. Zhong Nianliu squatted on the shore comfortably, drinking water while looking at the moon.

The moon here is very beautiful, big and round, and it occasionally passes by the clouds, showing a beauty that modern people cannot see.

Zhong Nianliu looked at it, drunk, and all her thoughts and emotions were entangled together.

For a moment, she recalled a lot of messy things - the carefree life in her grandmother's house when she was a child; her family was broken up in elementary school and she became an unwanted burden; she picked up a lame little black dog in junior high school; She was isolated by her classmates when she was in high school; She performed poorly in the college entrance examination...

It is said that wine is a good thing, after drinking it, the sorrow will disappear, but at this moment, Zhong Nianliu's heart was full of mixed emotions, "If you cut off the water with a knife, the water will be more turbulent. If you raise a glass to relieve the sorrow, the sorrow will be deeper."

She was feeling sad when suddenly there was a shadow of a flying beast in the moon, and there was also a vague figure standing on the back of the flying beast.

Zhong Nianliu thought she was dazzled and quickly used her free hand to rub her eyes.

She looked again carefully and saw that the moon was still bright, there was no any shadow.

Zhong Nianliu sighed, wiped her tears, scooped another bowl of river water, stood up, and suddenly felt someone standing behind her.

She was frightened and turned around subconsciously - there was no one behind her.

Just as the girl was about to breathe a sigh of relief, she heard a deep voice falling from the sky.

He said coldly: "A good actress' mind is more powerful than her mouth."

She raised her head sharply, and her eyes immediately reflected the white shadow standing gracefully on the branch of the giant tree.

The man was dressed in white. The breeze blew by, his clothes fluttered, and occasionally his silver hair brushed against the white cheeks. The figure was steady and noble, like an immortal.

But he was so gorgeous, like a flower like the moon, red lips and white teeth, making her unable to take her eyes away.

Zhong Nianliu once again had tears in her eyes.

Except for Xiang Liu, she could not think of anyone with such a god-like appearance.

Xiang Liu quickly jumped down and landed in front of Zhong Nianliu. The silver threads on his forehead floated up, intertwined with the wind with his neat movements, and he looked like an elegant warrior god from heaven.

He suddenly leaned closer, and the two looked at each other through a layer of ice mask. The pair of bright, almost pure black eyes of Xiang Liu became more and more intoxicating under the moonlight.

Zhong Nianliu was so stunned that she forgot to blink, and almost dropped the bowl in her hand.

"Who are you? What's the purpose of approaching Wen Xiaoliu?" Xiang Liu looked closely at Zhong Nianliu's eyes. There were complex emotions hidden in the girl's eyes. That lake in her eyes was clear, but covered with dense water vapor.

"I...I am..."

Zhong Nianliu's remaining sense told her: You must not be cowardly! You have to be arrogant! A Nian’s character cannot collapse!

She is here to change the ending of the Yaoliu ship, so that this dumb snake can have a happy second half of his life!

While she was hesitating and trying to get into the scene, Wen Xiaoliu came to find her.

"Xiang Liu? A Nian!" Wen Xiaoliu exclaimed and paused on the spot.

Xiang Liu turned back to her with a smile on his face. Then, he grabbed Zhong Nianliu's neck, jumped on the white eagle, and kidnapped her on the spot.

Wen Xiaoliu was worried about Zhong Nianliu and chased after him, but how could she outrun Mao Qiu?

In desperation, she could only witness their figures flying farther and farther away, becoming more and more blurry, until they could no longer be found.

The world is so big, but Nianliu can only see the white figure next to her at this moment.

"Sir, please tell your bird to drive slowly. I, I want to vomit..." She knelt down on the white feathers. She looked small and pitiful.

Xiang Liu ignored her and picked her up like a little chicken: "Who are you?"

Nianliu opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word.

The faint aroma of wine floated to the tip of his nose. Xiang Liu felt that the woman in front of him seemed drunk.

Then...it's time for her to wake up.

Xiang Liu smiled, stretched out his long arm, and pushed Zhong Nianliu off the eagle mercilessly.

In an instant, a scream sounded in the distant air, making Xiang Liu raise his handsome eyebrows and inexplicably want to laugh.

"Ah - help - "

"I'll tell - I'll tell - "

The light in Xiang Liu's eyes changed slightly, and he seemed to be smiling. He slowly patted the back of the white-feathered golden-crowned eagle, and the bird immediately turned 180 degrees and cooperated with its owner to catch the falling woman.

Zhong Nianliu was tortured like this, the wine she drank tonight was mixed with the black-bone chicken and angelica soup, her throat tightened and she felt like vomiting.

Xiang Liu's eyes turned cold under the mask, and he warned her: "If you dare to get those disgusting things on me, I will chop off your head."

At this time, the domineering sea demon written in the novel, Nine-Life Xiang Liu, seemed to have really stepped out of the book, and that aura of suppressing all living beings was comparable to that of her nominal brother Xuanyuan Cangxuan.

Zhong Nianliu was shocked and tried her best to push the filth back into her stomach.

It was really aggrieved to think about it. She cried and cried over Xiang Liu's ending and felt melancholy for him for a long time. One day, she really time-traveled into the book, met him for the first time, and was actually intimidated and suppressed by him?

She finally understood that sentence deeply at this moment - the best distance between you and your idol is to be closer to his works and farther away from his life.

Now that she has this wonderful opportunity to see this person's true appearance and even talk to him. It can be said that the filter is totally shattered.

"...Stinky straight man! No wonder you don't have a girlfriend." Zhong Nianliu's child's temper was aroused and she muttered dissatisfiedly.

How perspicacious Xiang Liu is? With suspicion in his eyes, he asked her coldly: "What is a stinky straight man? What is a girlfriend?"

Zhong Nianliu imagined A Nian, put her hands on her hips, and said to him unhappily: "Why should I tell you? You took me away without authorization, do you know who I am?!"

Xiang Liu looked deeply and asked her, "Then do you know who I am?"

Nianliu sighed in her heart: Of course I know. You are the Nine-Life Xiang Liu, the most powerful demon in the sea. Your true body is a snow-white giant snake with nine heads. How cool!

On the surface, Zhong Nianliu twisted her pretty eyebrows and asked aggressively: "If you don't tell me, how can I know?"

Xiang Liu's eyes flashed red, and he looked down at her sinisterly: "I am Xiang Liu with nine lives."

"The Nine-headed Demon you call it."

"Nine-headed Demon? What kind of unknown person?" Zhong Nianliu waved her sleeve and turned away with guilt, but her voice was arrogant and disdainful: "I've never heard of it."

Xiang Liu was stunned for a moment, and the red light in his eyes gradually turned black. He suddenly became interested in teasing Zhong Nianliu, and stepped lightly with his boot. The white bird under him immediately understood, closed its wings, and swooped down like a hurricane.

Before Zhong Nianliu's acting skills were fully unleashed, she encountered a sudden stop in the air. She immediately instinctively pounced on Xiang Liu, the only thing she could hold on to at the moment. Xiang Liu never thought that someone would dare to get close to him like this. He was so distracted that he couldn't even stop the two of them from falling into the air in time.

The white-feathered golden-crowned eagle knows how to protect its master. It suddenly fell and turned around, catching the two of them firmly.

Then the scene became weird——

The two fell into the feathers. Zhong Nianliu hugged Xiang Liu's neck tightly, clinging to his body like a koala. The air between the two solidified in silence. Only a gust of evening breeze could be heard.

There was a fresh fragrance on the girl's hair, and her warm and rapid breath was like feathers or silk, gently teasing the man's collarbone, making him unable to concentrate.

Xiang Liu's Adam's apple moved slightly, his hand on Mao Qiu's back silently clenched and then relaxed.

He pushed the beauty away from him relentlessly.

Xiang Liu stood up elegantly, his face expressionless. Zhong Nianliu heard him say: "That day on the street, you wanted to calm down the trouble, but why did you start making trouble again?"

"On the street? What did you see?"

Xiang Liu sneered: "You obviously wanted to let them go, but why did you suddenly start acting up after the butcher came?"

"What do you want to do?" He turned around with sharp eyes.

Zhong Nianliu rubbed her waist and stood up, asking him, "What else could it be?"

"I'm asking you."

On top of the alcohol, Zhong Nianliu said the truth: "Of course it was because I wanted to see Wen Xiaoliu!"

"Oh?" Xiang Liu tilted his head, his eyes full of inquiry, "Why did you want to see him?"

His persistent questioning made Zhong Nianliu flustered and irritated at this moment. Her blood rose to head and she spoke defiantly: "I wanted to see him, of course because...because I have a crush on him!"

As soon as these words came out, both of them were stunned.

Xiang Liu's eyes were filled with shock. He looked at her calmly, thoughts flashing through his eyes.

But this is a good excuse. Zhong Nianliu began to praise Wen Xiaoliu with a tongue that was no longer obedient: "Liu Ge is righteous, bold, capable, loves his family, and is a celebrity in Qingshui Town. Who doesn't like him?"

She suddenly approached him teasingly and winked: "Don't you like him?"


Nine-Life Xiang Liu couldn't bear it anymore and quickly kicked her into the water.

The drunken body fell into the icy lake water, and a biting chill instantly swept through her body.

Fortunately, Zhong Nianliu could swim. After struggling a few times, she surfaced and wiped away the water stains on her face. Like a lotus emerged from the water under the moon, her bright eyes washed by the lake water were particularly moving.

The girl faced the white shadow on the giant eagle and shouted: "Xiang Liu! Damn you!"

(To be continued)

Why have you stopped updating it was soo good