First time using the discussion board so please bear with me. I'm going to list out the difference between the novel from the time skip to the end (Episode 52 to Episode 56). I copied the Recaps from an earlier post I made. The immediate post following these recaps will be novel differences.
Episode 52
5 years later, the Empress Xuan's health continues to deteriorate. She wants CSS to marry someone she loves, before collapsing. Yuan Shen tries to convince CSS to marry him. The guy has been friend-zoned hard and says that CSS is short-sighted, that's why she hasn't married yet. (Whatever dirty shirt. Someone in the comments started calling Yuan Shen this and I thought it's an apt description.) She tells him she still has HBY in her heart and if he is still willing to marry her knowing that. Yuan Shen says yes. CSS considers the Empress's word thinking she should move-on, however the Empress Xuan is trying to hint her to let go of her grievances (and forgive HBY). CSS decides to accept Yuan Shen's offer and asks for permission to leave the Palace in order to finalize the proposal.
HBY returns from his exile. Along with Third Prince (the current Crown Prince) he visits the Emperor and Empress Yue. Third Prince insinuates that Luo Jitong (LJT), who has been taking care of HBY during his exile, is betrothed to HBY. LJT has been telling everyone that she is going to get married to HBY soon. HBY quickly denies there is anything between them. He tells A'Fei to send LJT gifts for her dowry (as payment for her services) and to help find her a new suitable husband. A’Fei asks his master if he really plans to avoid seeing CSS. Just then, HBY runs into CSS and Yuan Shen who are outside the Palace gates. CSS runs away and gets on her horse as HBY helps to adjust her stirrups. CSS has a flood of emotions and memories but acts colds towards HBY. CSS ditches Yuan Shen. That’s it for Yuan Shen’s chances. He still tries to say that CSS may not choose him (HBY) in the end. (Another delusional person).
LJT visits the Empress who has CSS by her side. LJT says he (HBY) was in such a rush to return to the Capital to see the sick Empress that he forgot to take her with him. (The delusions. This is kind of sad.) LJT is trying to earn the pity of the Empress and shut down CSS. She fails and instead gets admonished by CSS and the Empress. HBY is pissed. He tells off LJT that there is nothing between them and he knows that she murdered her own husband. (A lot of people ask about the signifiance of HBY giving LJT a bronze mirror. My understanding is that mirrors would be used to ward off evil spirits. After that purpose has been served, the mirror would be discarded since it contains bad juju. Also, it just means to take a look at herself and reflect. He is indirectly saying that he knows LJT is evil and he is trying to keep her away from himself.)
Episode 53
HBY has a reunion with Empress Xuan. Empress Xuan confirms to HBY that CSS and Yuan Shen did not get engaged and that CSS still cares about him. She gives HBY advice on how to treat CSS and he promises to always be truthful with CSS and will share each other's burdens. The Empress’s servant worriedly tells HBY that CSS went out with LJT and they have not returned. Suspecting something is wrong HBY rushes out to search for them.
LJT tries to stab CSS in the carriage. If she can’t have him, neither can she. If CSS wasn’t here, then HBY would have married her. (yep, definitely…poor thing) HBY catches up on a horse and grabs the knife by the blade with his bare hand before it can strike CSS. The carriage with the horse and LJT falls off a cliff (there is a post scene that basically says no horses were harmed.) HBY is holding CSS with his bloody hand, while holding on to the cliff’s edge with his other. CSS tells him she won’t forgive him and to let her go. HBY declares he won’t live without her and they are eventually pulled up when help arrives. CSS remains stubborn and still does not accept HBY. (I lost count of how many times it has been that he saved her. In this scene alone, add 2 more times.) They get word that the Empress is about to pass away and rush back.
The Empress gives her final words to everyone and wishes that CSS can live for herself as well as for her to continue where she left off with HBY. She tells her to follow her heart and cherish the present. The Empress passes away. CSS walks out into the rain lifeless and passes out. HBY carries CSS back home. CSS’s parents admonish HBY on how he has treated CSS. They end with saying they are also guilty of the same and will let CSS decide what she wants to do.
Episode 54
CSS updates HBY on what has happened over the 5 years and that she is no longer the same person. (She said this for the nth time. The more she says it, the more I think she is trying to fool herself into believing it. I think that’s the purpose.) CSS tells HBY it’s impossible to ever trust him again. (I’m going to call bullshit now.) HBY says he will support whatever decision she makes and asks for another chance to prove his sincerity to her. HBY is going to leave the Capital to defend the borders saying that he will protect the galaxy and will live a good life. CSS breaks a smile, but immediately has a sorrowful face. (I think she remembers what he said when they first met and really thought about forgiving him on the spot, but hesitates again. The betrayal is still too much.) The two walk away from each other without turning around to look back.
CSS’s mom makes some food for CSS and tries to dote on her. She knows she wronged CSS and is trying her best to make up. CSS appreciates the gesture. CSS overhears Old Madam crying over what HBY did to hurt CSS over the past years and is touched. CSS reminisces about the past and realizes that her mother was right about being stubborn. CSS decides to leave her past behind and move forward. She will return the favor to those who have treated her well and will not worry about what other people are saying. (I think she is implying that she was affected by what the naysayers said to her during the five years, but now doesn't care anymore. Those who have treated her well will be rewarded. This probably includes HBY and her parents. That's just what I'm guessing. She is letting go of any resentments.) CSS meets with Yuan Shen to bid him farewell. She is going to the Empress’s home town to deliver the Empress’s crown. Yuan Shen divulges that two years ago HBY risked his life to help save Yuan Shen’s father and nearly died. He finally confirms that he has lost, but he didn’t say HBY won. (If you’ve followed my posts, I’ve been consistent about Yuan Shen. I feel nothing for Yuan Shen, so I didn’t feel sad even a little. CSS never led him on and was upfront about her feelings from the beginning. He foolishly followed his master.) CSS apologizes for not being able to give him what he wanted in the end and walks away.
Yuan Shen meets HBY to bid him farewell. HBY has always supported Yuan Shen, not just because of CSS, but because he believes he will be a good official and will protect the country. Yuan Shen says that HBY is more foolish than him, but deserves CSS the most since he will treat her the best and that’s all he has wanted. CSS is on her way to the Empress’s hometown but gets invited by Lou Li on behalf of Lou Yao to visit Hua County. CSS decides to go and stay for dinner before returning to her mission. CSS finds out that Lou Li invited CSS herself and it was not Lou Yao's plan. (Sus.) It looks like Lou Li is still bitter over CSS’s involvement regarding Lou Ben’s death. (Literally, everyone blames CSS for everything.) CSS suspects that her food may be poisoned, but luckily He Zhaojun (for those who forgot she is Lou Yao’s wife) goes into labor so she has an excuse to stop eating. HBY successfully staves off an ambush. His men finds out that Yuan Shen’s guards have all been killed and Yuan Shen is missing. He immediately breaks for Hua County. While Lou Yao leaves to find a doctor, Lou Li lures CSS and He Zhaojun into what looks like the ancestral hall of the Lou family. Lou Li loudly exclaims: "Cheng Shaoshang!" Lou Li takes out a knife and tries to stab CSS.
Episode 55
He Zhaojun opens up a secret chamber and asks CSS to rush in. They escape for now. A hooded person walks in and thanks Lou Li for luring CSS there. CSS finds Yuan Shen who is chained in the secret chamber. Yuan Shen reveals he was investigating a suspiciously large amount of kerosene that was acquired and was captured. The hooded person kills Lou Li and says she hates her and her family more than CSS and HBY.
HBY arrives to Hua County and a fight breaks out with warriors disguised as villagers. CSS is able to undo the lock holding Yuan Shen and attempts to flee, but the three all fall through a trap door. As the trap door is closing a figure jumps down. The figure is none other than HBY. He figures out that CSS would be used as a lure, since she is the most important person to him. CSS tells HBY he is foolish for jumping down knowing it’s a trap for him. (Love. The thing that makes fools out of all of us.) CSS believes she is going to die and starts to admonish HBY, telling him he should've tried to avenge her in a different way, instead of risking his life. (Kind of messed up since He Zhaojun is still right there and is in labor and hurt, not really the time and place, but okay, when in love only the two of you exist.) HBY: “If you are not here with me, then what is the point of revenge? You staying alive is the most important thing.”
The hooded person from before walks in and it’s revealed to be Wang Yanji (Lou Ben’s widow). She is still alive and plans to kill everyone as revenge for her late husband. In typical villainess fashion, she divulges all her plans, which involve killing the Crown Prince and destroying a village. HBY and CSS try convincing Wang Yanji that her late husband wouldn’t have wanted her to become this way. Wang Yanji calls out HBY on how he treated CSS. HBY admits he has regretted his decisions. CSS starts to waver upon hearing HBY's confession. Wang Yanji doesn’t care about being hated by her late husband and will go to his side in the afterlife regardless. Her anger and hate is irreconcilable. She starts a fire that starts to engulf the chamber. HBY’s guards arrive to open the trap door and starts pulling everyone out. HBY, the last one to go, is held back by Wang Yanji as the trap door begins to close again. With smoke and fire everywhere and an explosion imminent, he tells his guards to take CSS away. CSS starts to scream for HBY as she is pulled away and the trap door closes. They escape through to the ancestral hall as an explosion rings out and knocks everyone to the floor.
CSS gets up, held back by A’Qi, she calls out for HBY and is completely in tears believing he has died in the explosion. Everyone breaks down on their knees mourning the loss. CSS internally monologues while crying in agony: “Didn’t you say you regretted it? Didn’t you say you are not giving up on me? Didn’t you say you hurt me and made me suffer and you will treat me well in the years to come? I promise you. I've forgiven you. Answer me! Will you please answer me?”
A’Fei’s eyes slowly pan to the entrance doorway, as someone walks in. A’Fei: “Young Master!” Everyone turns to face HBY who is alive. CSS in full disbelief, rushes over to HBY and embraces him. HBY who is in more disbelief, has only one thing on his mind (and heart): “Shaoshang, are you forgiving me?” (LOL, he almost just died, but he’s still worried about what CSS thinks. That’s HBY. Aww. He’s worried it’s not real.) CSS questions how he escaped. HBY managed to escape since he figured that if Wang Yanji had a way to come in, there should be a way out. Luckily, he found the passage at the last second and escaped. (CSS is like his lucky star. Aww.) CSS finally forgives him and the two reconcile.
Lou Yao returns and doesn’t realize that He Zhaojun made it out as well. He starts confessing that she promised to grow old with him and all the things they were going to do together. She is there on the floor, still very much in labor, but hears all of it. Despite their rough start and circumstances, they are really a loving couple. He Zhaojun calls out for Lou Yao who finally notices her and the two embrace. The only person not paired is Yuan Shen, who asks them if they are done being lovey-dovey? (Ouch, I felt that.) Yuan Shen reminds them that they need to save the Crown Prince. HBY does not want to leave CSS alone, but she convinces him to save the Crown Prince, while she will go to protect Guo Village. Now our CP will do things together and share each other's burden. They take off for their respective battles. The Crown Prince is ambushed, but HBY arrives with his black armored guards to even the odds.
Episode 56 (finale)
At Guo Village, CSS makes preparations for the upcoming battle. CSS figures out that Tian Shou (the final villain) plans to destroy the entire country’s food production to starve the citizens. They are worried since there is a shortage of water to put out fires. Just then, the village is attacked by fire arrows. The whole town is rigged with kerosene and explosions start everywhere. The Crown Prince asks HBY to save the village, food and CSS. But HBY stays firm. He believes in CSS’s abilities to survive and win.
HBY defeats Tian Shou but does not kill him when provoked about the Huo massacre. (I guess he has moved on from his vengeance.) He immediately heads over to Guo Village to support CSS. The village is being overrun by Tian Shou’s rebel force. CSS and the villagers are cornered. Suddenly, through the smoke, the entire Cheng family rides in to save CSS. (I have no idea how they found out and got there in time, but it’s a touching scene.)
CSS leads the villagers to put out the fire using dirt and sand while the Cheng family and remaining guards protect CSS and the villagers. HBY arrives to the aftermath. Everyone has survived and the fires are extinguished. Our CP run to each other and embrace, much to the delight of all the onlookers. The entire crew return to a military camp to rest up.
Our CP are stargazing and talk about how each star represents a person. CSS calls out for the late Empress Xuan and the star she is looking at sparkles. CSS believes that her call was heard. HBY tells the Empress Xuan and his parents in the stars that he has finally found the one for him. CSS is overcome with emotion and begins to cry. She mentions that the Empress Xuan had always hoped they could reconcile and they finally have. She fulfilled the Empress's wish. CSS pulls up HBY’s wrist and touches the wire. She tells him something she should've told him a long time ago, that he is the best man in the world. (This is a mirror of what he said when he first proposed marriage.) HBY returns the same words, that she is the best woman in the world. They both admit they are lucky to have met each other. They kiss for one last final time for the audience. CSS’s parents come out to give their approval of their marriage. The rest of the family members all come out as well to welcome their new member. HBY now has a new family. Back at home, Old Madam Sheng finds out that HBY is going to be his new grandson-in-law and is delighted. With him, nobody dares to bully his granddaughter. The Emperor gets news that CSS and HBY will get married in Hua County without him. He is upset and throws a fit, as the Empress Yue rolls her eyes and walks away. The entire family looks up to the beauty of the stars as the screen pans out with a wide shot of our new family.
The End.
I'll be slowly updating this as I have time. Full disclaimer: I read the Google Translated version. Some of this will include my biases and interpretations and will probably be just wrong. The "true" ending is posted at the very bottom. With all due respect, you are free to make your own opinion, judgements and interpretations. Additionally, if there is just something that is factually wrong, please let me know and I will correct it. Thanks! I'll try to color code stuff.
- Differences Between Novel or Drama Related
- Novel Insight
- Personal Thoughts or Notes
Shoutout to @rays who is doing a novel difference pre-time skip. The link for that is below. Hope everyone can go over and show some support.
Episode 52:
The major difference is that Yuan Shen and CSS actually get engaged for several months in the novel. The Empress's last dying wish is for CSS to get married. CSS actually tries to get engaged with the former Crown Prince as well as Fifth Prince. This fact alone is enough for me to know that CSS never loved Yuan Shen. He was the bottom of the barrel, even against Fifth Prince. They both deny her request. It's hinted that they don't want to get in HBY's way and they know she still loves HBY. Yuan Shen proposes marriage and after some time, CSS reluctantly agrees. The Empress means so much to CSS that she remained unmarried, until she had no choice. Even though she denies still loving HBY, subconsciously, I think she was waiting for him. The Empress Xuan is not happy that she is engaged to Yuan Shen. The Empress Xuan actually wants her to get married to HBY, but it's never said. The Empress Xuan let's CSS know that he requested HBY to return from his exile early, since she wants to see HBY before she passes away. He is supposed to have been exiled for 6 years, but is able to return in the 5th year due to the Empress Xuan. The Empress Xuan let's CSS know that after much reflection she has forgiven HBY. All this information shocks CSS. She was still very much angry with HBY. I don't think she ever took the time to reflect on it. It's implied that she started to make plans in order to avoid having to see HBY in the future. Unlike in the drama, she is not aware of her feelings for HBY. She is obvious in her "hate" for him. She actually doesn't hate him. CSS at this point in the novel actually "hates" everything she actually likes/loves.
Episode 53:
We do not get all the details and dialogue that is between the Empress Xuan and HBY in the drama, other than he has gotten more skinny and has white hair. HBY along with the Crown Prince enters the Empress Xuan's chambers. When the doors open, they are all in tears. Since, CSS and Yuan Shen are engaged, her telling HBY that CSS didn't get engaged, didn't happen. Luo Jitong does not try to outright kill CSS in the Capital. She finds CSS and pulls up her sleeve to confirm that CSS has a bite mark scar. Luo Jitong noticed that HBY would sometimes fondly touch the same area on his arm when he was exiled. Luo Jitong actually meets and is confronted by HBY later where he tells her that he knows of all her sinister acts: including killing her husband with poison, killing her maid and trying to frame CSS. The only reasons he spared her was because she helped to save A'Fei's life. Afterwards he reveals that he has told her father everything she has done. Out of spite she tells HBY that the bite mark scar on CSS is about to disappear, where HBY tells her that he didn't bite her hard since he was worried about hurting her. Luo Jitong is forced out of the Capital by her father, but will come back later in the story.
Quick summary of what happens to Luo Jitong. I'm a little bit sketchy on the details, since it's been awhile since I read the novel, but here we go. While CSS is out on her trip to Empress Xuan's hometown she is ambused by Luo Jitong. Luo Jitong delusional love for HBY has no ends. Sensing that something was wrong, CSS had planted fire bombs around the area. She learned how to make them during HBY's exile. It explains why she is so familiar with putting out fires, since she started many at the palace when she was experimenting. She ignites them killing many of Luo Jitong's troops. Luo Jitong is also injured. CSS's brother and his troops also comes in to reinforce CSS. Luo jitong is forced to retreat. In the aftermath HBY shows up in CSS's tent. CSS and HBY have a discussion where she finally confesses that she understands HBY and that he is the only one she wants to marry. HBY is in disbelief but embrances CSS tightly. CSS is a little upset, since she thought that HBY had followed her to ensure her safety. Actually, HBY followed Luo Jitong, since CSS didn't allow HBY to accompany her or give her troops. Later OTP find Luo Jitong's hideout. They investigate together to find that everyone is dead. HBY reveals he is familiar with the fighting style of the killers since he had fought them before to earn merit for Yuan Shen's father, to protect the Yuan family and in extention CSS. CSS notices the scars that is on HBY's arms and is heartbroken. HBY notices and just plans to slowly tell CSS of everything he has done for her and to let her pay him back slowly. There is a short dialogue where HBY tells CSS not to go in or she will have nightmares. But CSS rebuffs him by saying that she has him to protect her. They find Luo Jitong's body which is dismembered and impaled into a wall. HBY has an idea of who the culprit is. It's Wang Yanji, who killed Luo Jitong to lure HBY into her trap.
When the Empress Xuan passes away, CSS does not faint and gets princess carried back to the Cheng Manor by HBY. You might want to skip to the novel insight for Episode 54 where I explain what happens to Yuan Shen's engagement with CSS. The Empress Xuan passes away after the engagement between CSS and Yuan Shen is broken off. To me, it was as if she was hanging on until our CP could reconcile. CSS already wants to go back to HBY, but she wants to confirm her feelings. This shows some of her growth. She is no longer as impulsive as before. After Yuan Shen's reveal on what HBY has done for her, CSS immediately tries to find HBY. However, she hesitates at the last second. She wants to confirm her feelings again first, before she goes to see him. The Empress Xuan gets up from her bed to look outside of her courtyard. On one side, HBY is preparing a decoction for her. On the other side, she spots CSS who is hiding behind a pillar peeking at HBY. I think the Empress Xuan knows everything is going to be fine between the two. As she tries to get up to go outside she faints. She is in a coma for a few days before she wakes up. When she does, she is surrounded by the Royal family along with HBY and CSS. CSS plays her flute for the Empress one last time before she peacefully passes away. Afterwards, HBY searches for and finds CSS who is alone, quietly crying in in a corner. To CSS, the Empress Xuan was the only person who showed and gave her the type of love and affection that she always wanted.
Episode 54:
I don't think the conversation of them living their lives took place in the novel like this. However, this is probably my favorite scene of the reconciliation in the drama. The music, seeing HBY tearing up, CSS finally breaking a smile and it immediately turning into sorrow. The pain and regret as they both walk away from each other. It's really well done. The only thing I wish was that they each turned around at different moments. But, I think the point was suppose to be them moving on without looking back. I needed more of these quiet reconciliation moments.
There is not a heartfelt conversation between CSS and the Cheng family. CSS's mom loses her chance to be motherly when CSS decided to "rescue" LBY, who was about to carry out his revenge and when CSS enters the "Cold Palace" to be with the Empress. When CSS leaves to find LBY, she actually tells off her mom that it's too late to start trying. On the note of CSS's "rescue," LBY actually kidnaps CSS when she confronts him at the massacre. He ties her up and brings her along as he tries to escape. After realizing he is surrounded he shoves CSS off the horse and falls down the cliff. I think even up to this point, CSS was still willing to die with LBY. I think it's a strange situation where LBY knows CSS is willing to die with him, but LBY is not willing to let her die. He would rather forsake her. I think the final straw for her was when LBY says that he wants to break off the engagement. So LBY kind of got what he wanted, but at the same time lost the only person he cared most about.
The conversation where Yuan Shen admits defeat plays out very different in the novel. After LJT tells HBY the scar on CSS is about to disappear, HBY bites her again. I'm not going to try and summarize the scene, because it won't do it justice. I'm going to provide the Google Translate for anyone to read themselves. I cleaned it up as much as I could and hope it will be a treat. After HBY bites CSS again he confesses that he does not plan to marry anyone:
"You're crazy, the Huo family is waiting for you to pass on the incense (continue the bloodline). If you dare to be alone all your life, His Majesty will eat you alive!" She lowered her voice, stunned beyond words.
Huo Buyi is smiling resolutely without any care.
Shaoshang's eyes were wet, and she persuaded in a good voice: "Can't you look away (move on), the past is gone, we parted each other, got married and had children, and after more than ten or twenty years, old friends gathered to talk and laugh. Isn't it beautiful to laugh?" If he was lonely all his life, standing alone, what would she do, just look at him like that?
Huo Buyi grabbed her thin back, hugged her tightly, and said sullenly, "I don't want to be old friends with you, I want us to be an old couple."
Shaoshang felt a scorching breath coming towards her, his warm head buried in her neck, surrounded by a clean masculine scent mixed with the familiar scent of medicinal herbs and rust-smelling blood.
She silently shed tears, then slammed her heart hard, pushed him away, stood up straight, and said coldly: "If you want to marry a wife, you can marry whoever you want. It has nothing to do with me! I'm done, I'm leaving."
Huo Buyi grabbed her, knelt down on one leg, firmly hugged her slender waist, and begged, "Don't be so cruel, I wronged you six years ago, others don't understand, but I understand—you never believed in others or depended on others, but I forced you to accept me, and when you wanted to be with me wholeheartedly, I gave up on you..."
Shaoshang burst into tears again, and a crack was torn open in her heart that had been scabbed.
She has a high wall made of solid ice in her heart. She is alone on this side of the wall, and no one can walk in. Six years ago, Ling Buyi smashed through this ice wall with a mighty thunderbolt, saying that they could keep each other warm in the future. She tried her best to believe him, and the result... She had made up her mind that she would never let it (her heart) come out again in this life!
"I will never forgive you!" She cried, gritted her teeth, and said fiercely, "Stop dreaming, I have been able to live well until now, just by being hard-hearted. I will never forgive those who have wronged me. Once you are unfaithful once, you will do it a hundred times. You abandoned me six years ago, how can you know that you will not repeat the same mistakes in the future! I know that everyone speaks for you, including my family members, but I am not as good as you wish! Without you, I can live very well, I will never trust you again. Never!"
Huo Buyi also shed tears and begged humbly: "They are not helping me, they are helping us. Take a mirror and look at yourself. The way you look at Yuan Shen is completely different from when you look at me. I'm not blind, others are also not blind. Not blind!"
Shaoshang burst into tears, choked and unable to speak: "Without you, I can live well, Yuan Shen and I will grow old together and spend our whole life together..."
Huo Buyi softly said: "Yes, I deserve to be lonely all my life, you can always forget me."
Shaoshang's throat is uncomfortable.
Huo Buyi looked up at her: "I never thought of hurting you, I have always hoped that your life will be smooth and joyful. Back then, I even found a place for you and Lou Yao, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful and the folk customs are simple. If you like to burn bricks and tiles, burn bricks and tiles and if you like to make wine, make wine. No one will criticize you."
"In the past six years, I have always had a dream, dreaming that my parents, brothers and sisters are living well and there has never been a disaster; I went to your house to propose a marriage, you agreed, and then we happily became husband and wife——"
Shaoshang's tears blurred, thinking how great it would be if Huo Chong and his wife were still alive, if everyone was alive.
Huo Buyi will definitely be the most heroic and cheerful young man in the entire capital, and they will meet at the lantern festival, but this time, he will no longer have any worries, but walk over confidently, and as soon as she saw his face, she would definitely go crazy.
Maybe Mrs. Xiao would think that she was reckless, and Father Cheng would think that she was impulsive, but given the prominence of the Huo family, she would always marry him; when the children were around their knees, she would tell everyone how she found love*.
Huo Buyi's eyes were red, and his eyelashes condensed into tears. He grabbed her hands and put them on his cheeks: "Don't be so cruel, please, don't be so cruel to me."
Shaoshang could no longer hold on to her air of indifference, and cried like a child, with tears and snot, and no dignity; today, she was defeated and could not fight back.
*So this is where it sucks to not know Chinese analogies/idioms. The Google Translate for this sentence is "When her children were around their knees, she would tell everyone it was the cabbage who moved first." This is the meaning of the analogy/idiom according to my friend: It means for a daughter to grow up and start finding love. Farmers (parents) grow (raise) their cabbages (daughters) and once they are ripe (old enough), pigs (sons) would eat (woo) the cabbages. So in this case. The pig (HBY) would eat (woo) the cabbage (CSS), or the story of how HBY wooed CSS. (i.e. Their love story). I hope this makes sense.
In my opinion, the final piece that CSS was missing to forgive HBY, was empathy. She didn't try to put herself in his shoes. When she finally did during HBY's begging, she truly realized how much he has suffered. To truly love someone, you need to accept all of them and so stick by their side.
After the rebite, CSS remembers the time that HBY said that he would marry no one else but her. She starts her plan of getting what she really wants (HBY). She finds and tells Yuan Shen that she wants to start back from the beginning and take her time to think about what she really wants. She ends by telling Yuan Shen she wants to break off the engagement and that this is the only thing she can do. She must do it. To Yuan Shen's credit, he was the only friend that CSS had during HBY's exile. However, he wasn't just acting as a friend, he was actively pursuing her, knowing that she only has HBY in her heart. He didn't care and kept chasing anyways. CSS rejected his proposals throughout the years, every single time. CSS can't marry him though, since she doesn't love him. It was only a desperate situation that got CSS to say yes. But when her true love returned, his chances were over. He ended up with the same fate of his master, with no one to blame, but himself. While preparing the annulment letter, she finds out that Yuan Shen and his family have been arrested. In the drama, only Yuan Shen's father and his sworn brother were in trouble. Everyone gets into trouble in the novel. Yuan Shen later finds out that the things his brother was doing all happened under his watch. He was complacent in his role. When he looked at his records more carefully he found red flags and later gives all the evidence to the Crown Prince. When Yuan Shen is arrested, CSS immediately tries to help. She can't be his wife, but she also can't bear to see him suffer in jail. She bumps into HBY and tells him not to do anything rash regarding Yuan Shen and to just wait for her. Unknown to her, HBY already helped to take care of Yuan Shen's problem. During the third year of HBY's exile, HBY found out about the Yuan family's problem and carried out an assassination on a rebel leader and his group. HBY credited the merit to Yuan Shen's father so that the merit would cancel out the Yuan family's crimes. HBY did this in secret mainly to protect CSS, since he correctly guessed that Yuan Shen would be her next marriage candidate. Just like in the drama, HBY gets severly injured. After some interceding from some of the ministers, saying that Yuan Shen's father's merit for killing the rebel leader cancels the crimes, Yuan Shen and his family are released from jail. Yuan Shen deduced that HBY was the real one who killed the rebel leader and not his father. He confronts HBY. After Yuan Shen finds out what HBY did for CSS's sake he finally admits defeat. He didn't say HBY didn't win, like in the drama. This line kind of doesn't make sense. I guess Yuan Shen is implying that HBY won't get CSS in the end too, but it doesn't make sense, since then he later goes on to say HBY deserves her the most. But, then CSS hasn't forgiven HBY yet, so I guess he's not technically wrong. The line seems off to me. CSS is talking to Yuan Shen and questioning how he got out and is talking nonstop. He abruptly cuts her off and tells her the truth of what HBY has done. CSS is too stunned to speak. Yuan Shen exclaims to CSS he will not return the favor to LBY, but she has to, before tearfully running away.
OTP does actually visit Lou Yao. In the novel timeline, they have already reconciled. He Zhaojun still has a haughty personality, but it's more mellowed out. She lets CSS know that she took all of her words to heart. CSS is there when He Zhaojun gives birth to her child. I think this might be their third one. Just like in the drama, it's obvious that Lou Yao and He Zhaojun have found love with one another. Lou Yao will always be like a little brother to CSS and she will make short work of He Zhaojun if she ever bullies him.
Episode 55:
Before facing Wang Yanji, CSS and HBY have already reconciled. HBY witnesses CSS fall into the trap door and he dives in with her. Wang Yanji didn't have a death wish and was only going to kill our CP by burning them alive with the kerosene. Wang Yanji, does not tell her plans right away. HBY and CSS were stalling for time so that his subordinates could create a human shield wall using the dead bodies that were in the catacombs they fell in. There is an interesting conversation that happens between CSS and Wang Yanji, where she is asked if she had the choice, who would she save. Without hesitation, CSS chooses to save HBY at the sacrifice of Yuan Shen. I smiled seeing how confident CSS is with her love for HBY. They are in full sync. She list out all the scenarios and smugly correctly guesses how HBY would answer the question. HBY cracks a smile, while Wang Yanji is livid. After stalling for enough time, our crew hides behind the human shield wall and HBY shoots an explosive at the window that Wang Yanji is peeking from which causes the whole area to start collapsing. HBY tells CSS to head out first and stays to try to extract Wang Yanji's plan. HBY convinces that Wang Yanji was abandoned by her husband and that he didn't deserve her love. After seeing CSS rush back in to get HBY, Wang Yanji decides to dilvuge her plan to HBY, before passing away from her injuries.
Episode 56:
The whole Cheng family does not ride in to save the day in the final battle. I think the only person that is with CSS is her brother, who by now is a capable fighter and leader. There is no confirmation that OTP will be married in Hua County. A'fei was upset for being fooled by LJT, but it happens earlier in the novel after the confrontation with LJT.
One line I wished they included in the final scene was that CSS actually tells HBY that his family would be proud of him. I think he needed that bit of affirmation after everything.
CSS is not the person who gives HBY the wire around his wrist. I could be mistaken here, but I believe it was not CSS, but HBY that says he feels warmth when touching the wire. I guess in the drama, they made it seem that CSS noticed he kept the wire the whole time and never took it off. A sign of his undying love for her. HBY had the wire around his wrist earlier in the novel. CSS noticed it, but did not have a clue what it was until the final chapter. She figures out that the wire represents her. It's always coiled tightly around his wrist so he feels it is there. I believe it's a constant reminder for HBY to live for CSS and his affection for her. He needs to continue to protect her until he dies. The wire along with the bite mark was the only thing that gave HBY any "warmth" during his exile.
True Ending (Epilogue / Extra Chapters):
2 years after the original novel ended, the author wrote 4 additional chapters to supplement the story. Some people refer to this as the epilogue. Chapters 1 and 2 occur during the original novel, while chapters 3 and 4 happen after the end of the original novel. I'll try to summarize each of them.
Extra Chapter 1
Told from the perspective of a soldier. LBY is currently in his third year of exile. We find out that a decree arrives that grants HBY the ability to earn merit again and to establish a manor to live in. (When HBY was exiled, he was stripped of all his titles and merits. I assume property and wealth as well. He would not be allowed to be an official. The decree reverses all of that. This most likely happens, thanks to the Empress Xuan, who probably has just forgiven him.) He gets some news that the Yuan family may be involved with some shady dealings. He decides to investigate. (He probably already figured out that Yuan Shen would be CSS's next marriage candidate at this point.)
Extra Chapter 2
Told from the perspective of the Crown Prince (Third Prince). He is reminiscing about the leads. He is conflicted because of the current situation regarding CSS's engagement with Yuan Shen. He doesn't know that the engagement between Yuan Shen and CSS has been broken off. To his surprise, Yuan Shen shows up. He looks like a shell of his former self, due to being jailed for some time. He brings in evidence regarding his family's crime. He also finds out that the Crown Prince still doesn't know that the engagement has been broken off. Yuan Shen, hurriedly excuses himself, knowing what is coming. CSS arrives and starts begging for forgiveness. (I believe it is for troubling him with her marriage to Yuan Shen, not knowing she actually still loves HBY. If he knew the truth, he never would've bestowed the marriage.) CSS let's the Crown Prince know that HBY had already sent a letter to the Emperor to propose marriage to CSS again. She is waiting for the decree of marriage, which is probably going to be announced soon. The Crown Prince asks CSS to leave and get ready for her wedding. As CSS begins to leave, the Crown Prince stoops to CSS's level for the first time and throws something at her. CSS is shocked and angrily leaves. Crown Prince starts to make plans to marry his future son to CSS's future daughter.
Extra Chapter 3
Told from the perspective of a villager. Newly married couple, HBY and CSS arrive to a village where HBY is an official (I think governer or something equivalent. It's probably the type of position that Lou Yao has in the drama.) After settling in, we later find out that CSS is pregnant. HBY is overjoyed. CSS tells HBY that he will no longer be alone. HBY mentions that he was no longer alone since he had her. They both begin to cry. The villager continues to grow up under the teachings of HBY and CSS. OTP have several more children but receive a letter letting them know that the Emperor has passed away. They soon leave with their children to return to the Capital. The villager becomes a Chief of his tribe. Sadly, he is mortally wounded fighting. His last thoughts were thanking OTP for all they taught him.
Extra Chapter 4
Told from the perspective of Yuan Shen. HBY has helped to establish the new Emperor and is working as a high ranking official, as an adviser. They are much older now and I believe OTP already have grandchildren. CSS visits Yuan Shen, since I think she misses him (as a friend). We find out that Yuan Shen also has grandchildren, so we can assume that he married someone afterall. Yuan Shen (who still obviously has feelings for CSS) is annoyed of her presence and tries to get her to leave. However, CSS is thankful for all that Yuan Shen has done for her and wants him to be aware that she plans to continue their friendship. Over the years Yuan Shen has continued to send gifts to CSS (since he still loves her). Always thinking about CSS, Yuan Shen goes to visit her one day. However, we find out that OTP have left months earlier to go travelling. OTP found out that the villager from Extra Chapter 3, passed away tragically and decided that life is too short and they should enjoy it. HBY resigned from his position and OTP decide to fulfill their initial dream of travelling together. Yuan Shen begins to recite a poem that is about CSS. It's a story of his one true love and how he lost her. (Although, technically they were engaged, he never had her heart. You can't lose something you didn't actually have my man.) As he finishes it, he is in tears. (I'll admit. I actually felt a smidge of sympathy for him here. It was the one and only time.)
Character Analysis / Relationships / Random Stuff / Rants (I'll be updating this slowly, as stuff comes to me and I re-read the novel.)
Chang Shaoshang (CSS)
There is a good amount of people (especially novel readers) that felt that the drama did CSS dirty. I am also with this group. CSS in the drama turns into an ice queen with little to no emotion. We don't get any insight to what she did over the 5 years, except for some small dialogue.
In the novel, during the 5 years, CSS has changed. She is putting on a facade where she "hates" the things that she likes/loves and is putting on airs. She was always this type of person. The only person who can see through it, is HBY. When HBY returns from his exile, he immediately calls her out on it.
Huo Buyi (HBY)
His love never wavered.
Yuan Shen
I never liked him since the beginning.
Ohh interesting. I think the difference in Shaoshang's background in the novel and the drama contribute so much to the character and plot, especially in the latter episodes.
In the novel, she's a modern college girl transmigrated to the body of 15-year old CSS. Also in her past life she's a daughter of divorced parent. In the drama, because CSS has always been herself, the abandonment issue was real thus influenced her decision in ep 51.
In the novel, CSS actually wasn't "that" in love with LBY pre 5years separation. If I remember correctly it was not until chapter 177 or 178 that she realized her love for LBY. In the drama, even before 5years she was deeply in love with him and ready to die with him, which in my opinion made the separation much much sadder.
Ohh interesting. I think the difference in Shaoshang's background in the novel and the drama contribute so much to the character and plot, especially in the latter episodes.
In the novel, she's a modern college girl transmigrated to the body of 15-year old CSS. Also in her past life she's a daughter of divorced parent. In the drama, because CSS has always been herself, the abandonment issue was real thus influenced her decision in ep 51.
In the novel, CSS actually wasn't "that" in love with LBY pre 5years separation. If I remember correctly it was not until chapter 177 or 178 that she realized her love for LBY. In the drama, even before 5years she was deeply in love with him and ready to die with him, which in my opinion made the separation much much sadder.
Definately she is not in love with him at the beginning. I always thought she was infatuated with him. She didn't have the indifference that she had with Yuan Shen. I believe she describes Yuan Shen and Lou Yao as open books. That's why she never worried about them. However, she didn't understand LBY, but was in awe of him. He was majestic in her eyes and never thought she would have a chance with him. The change of her behavior happens when she visits the Wan family and finally understands how well LBY has treated her. She finally whole heartedly loves him after the flogging. It was a long slow process.
Thank you @SpicyLime so much for taking the time to pin your recaps and interpretations here! I was actually looking for it from the discussion because I read it earlier today and meant to to go back to comment. Only to find out, the discussion moves at lightning and I lost it. Thank you so much for the time and energy in posting and sharing these wonderful insights to the story, especially for beans like me who can't read the novel, and can't bear to go through Google translate for this.
I just finished watching the drama and was surprised many scenes were missing in drama.Especially, between ane after 5 yrs.What i read in the book.I was eagrly waiting for LBY forgivness scene from CSS,but to my surprise that scene was not there.I am disappointed from last few episodes,felt like they just wrapped up . Thank you for sharing your view.
Yep. Just like what you suggested. I'm going to slowly update this until I think I got the main points across <3
Hahaa.. I'll keep an eye on! Appreciate your hard work! I really can't with google translation --" Btw there's a scene in the book where CSS bites LBY lip till it bleed. Is it happen before/after revenge? Reading your recap, looks like it's not gonna happen in the drama future eps? *it's ep 48 for VIP now
Yep. Just like what you suggested. I'm going to slowly update this until I think I got the main points across <3
I am in awe at the amount of thought and effort you've put into this parallel between the book and drama! SpicyLime, you are one of a kind! It was also a great idea to organize things in a separate thread. The content is easy to find and I will certainly refer back to it when I'm feeling nostalgic about LLTG.
Thank you SpicyLime for starting this Novel vs Drama thread and sharing the differences.
I have read the snippets from the novel here and there. When I was watching the drama, I was wondering how it was as compared to the novel. And I was hoping someone would be kind enough to share the differences.
And here you are! You are a godsend!
Yep. Just like what you suggested. I'm going to slowly update this until I think I got the main points across <3
Hi! Thank you so much for this...I have to ask you about the significance of the MIRROR that was given as a dowry to LJT by HBY? Can you please tell me why it is being emphasized in the drama? Thank you...
Hi! Thank you so much for this...I have to ask you about the significance of the MIRROR that was given as a dowry to LJT by HBY? Can you please tell me why it is being emphasized in the drama? Thank you...
Basically he said "go look at yourself" lol. And bronze mirror is believed to ward off evil.
Hahaa.. I'll keep an eye on! Appreciate your hard work! I really can't with google translation --" Btw there's a scene in the book where CSS bites LBY lip till it bleed. Is it happen before/after revenge? Reading your recap, looks like it's not gonna happen in the drama future eps? *it's ep 48 for VIP now
Shoot. I actually don't remember when that bloody kiss happens. I think it might be like the 2nd kiss in the book. I'm pretty sure it's before the revenge. Don't quote me on that.
No. Sadly you are not going to see a lot of the scenes that are in novel. It sounds like a good amount of content was removed. I think the infamous don't be so cruel scene was shot, but it was decided that it didn't fit the narrative that the cast and crew wanted to portray. I heard the reason was because HBY was not regretful of his decision to kill the Ling family, which is true to the novel. CSS accepts the fact that HBY needed to carry out his revenge and forgives him in the novel. She accepts all of HBY. In the novel they are trying to make it like the revenge is the sole thing that breaks up the couple. It's kind of is and isn't. The real thing that bothered CSS is forsaking her, not the revenge. Getting his revenge did not forsake CSS. HBY calling off the engagement, did. Everyone was disappointed by him.
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