Look, I love me some Johnny Huang. I’ve watched almost all of his recent dramas. I am currently on episode 18 of Lucky With You and I’m rather disappointed. All of the dramas I’ve watched with him he has always been an alpha male, strong and decisive. This one is a little hard for me, but I’m soldiering on because I do love his acting. I keep forgetting that this will be a 40-41 episode drama until another overused plot twist is introduced. So far in 18 episodes, we’ve already had someone try to ruin his relationship with Wu Shiyi. Now we’re moving on tothe highly overused parents arranging marriages despite the feelings of their children. Which just spells more trouble for Wu Shiyi down the road. The best friend possibly betraying him for money to pursue the woman he loves, who is secretly dating his best friends father! The disgruntled worker trying to sabotage the business. While the father is falling in love with the same type of woman his son is already in love with. Who wrote this?
I am trying to watch it all the way through, but every time I see an overly used, predictable trope enter stage right, I want to stop watching and exist stage left. This could actually be a beautiful love story of overcoming the social caste system and being able to love whomever you want without judgement or prejudice or any outside interference from family. Wu Shiyi has had an amazing impact on Hou Jue already, why does love in these dramas always have to be a struggle. I would need therapy if I had to go through all of that just for the man I love. Aren’t we going through enough in the world right now? Why can’t it just be sweet and simple? Just the rants of an American that consumes way too many dramas.

Maybe you should change the title to "drama discussions - SPOILERS". Fortunately I'm already at ep 19.

Hai Xing and Shi Yi's father are stalkers who should be imprisoned. The former trespassed into the woman's empty home and then hurt his feelings when he found out she was dating someone. Granted, the guy was his supposed best friend's father, but the writer shouldn't have condoned his behaviour; there are many ways Hai Xing could have discovered their relationship. He's always making deliveries; let him find out this way, not by committing a criminal offence. 

It astounds me how possessive HX and ShiYi's father are towards women who have expressed that they don't desire a romantic relationship with them.

It's random & weird because I don't usually like these kind of dramas, but thought I'd try it for Johnny and glad I did. Surprised myself by liking this!