Choi Seunghyo's Mini Homepage Entry 

ENTRY #1: 'Her embarrasing past'

"Because my room window and her room window have a short distance from each other, Bae Seokryu's private life often comes into my sight unintentionally. ?‍?

I actually expected it from the night before she confessed, when she crumpled up dozens of papers. That she'd 100% be dumped. ?

As expected my sad hunch was not wrong.

On the day she got dumped by the senior from the broadcasting club, she didn't make a fuss.

She's kicking the blanket too much it's a live show.

It's so loud.

Her blanket keeps flapping all throughout the night, but magic carpets do not exist right?

Then the next day, she came out with her eyes swollen.

uh? did I buy the banana milk for her?

I took it out from the fridge at home as it was past the expiration date. ?

I didn't buy it. It was originally there before. uh, i'm being serious"

P.S Translated this while waiting for next episode of Love Next Door. I have nothing else to do, if there are any mistakes do let me know. Also, this made me rewatch the banana milk scene in episode 2. Our best boy truly knows how to comfort her <3


Looking forward to the "note" for episodes 7 and/or 8.


Looking forward to the "note" for episodes 7 and/or 8.

oh regarding that, they were actually just their dialogues during those specific scenes...but one of the note is not a dialogue..someone translated it here is the link:

Choi Seunghyo's Mini Diary

ENTRY #1 : 'The Kind Hyungs at the Playground'

I have really been through all kinds of hardships because of that Bae Seokryu.

Especially at this playground. Every equipment here has a sad story behind it.

First it was the roundabout. She experimented with it to turn it into a Time Machine by spinning it fast, I ended up vomiting because of the motion sickness during that day.

Then that swing. Have you experienced eating sand? I have.

Bae Seokryu was pushing the swing that day, I ended up flying away and getting shoved in the sand. 

and then the long-awaited jungle gym! One day she put me on top of it and ran away.

No, of course, it wasn't because I was scared.

I just enjoyed my time thinking while I was high up there until late at night. 

Until very kind hyungs' wearing uniforms from the neighborhood found me.

I was a little young that time, so they climb up to the jungle gym to help me.

That was when Bae Seokryu appeared, she cried and made a fuss.

"Don't bully our baby!"

No, who was it that bullied me? Why is she whining at the kind hyungs who are trying to help me?

So, did the both of us came back holding hands?

...It wasn't me who grabbed her hand. It was Bae Seokryu who caught my hand.



ENTRY #2 : 'My Drinking Capacity'

It was February 2011,

She (Bae Seokryu) said that she would be going to the US to study.        US? Time difference...16hrs

Late at night inside the cart bar, she was chattering excitedly.

I couldn't open my mouth.

Whatever it is, I wish it would just come out of my mouth.

But no words are coming out.

So I drank soju.

It's an alcohol drink which I don't usually like. 

That day, why is it that no matter how much I drink, I still didn't get drunk.

They say that when people drink alcohol they are able to get something off their chest.

Why is it that my feelings just piled up inside along with the alcohol?

No matter how many bottles of alcohol I drank, I still couldn't get drunk.

I regretted it that day. If only I had been drunk, if it had been like that, 

I'm sure I would have told you what I wanted to tell you. 

So, I will surely tell you this time. This feelings.


ENTRY #3: 'Start of Swimming'

You know it right? Bae Seokryu swims like a brick (poor swimmer)

We went to a preschooler swim class together.

In fact at that time, I was shorter than Bae Seokryu and a little more weak.

The first thing which I could do better than Bae Seokryu, that was swimming.

The feeling of swimming more freely in the pool compared to Bae Seokryu who was struggling was great, but even more than that, there was a reason why I wanted to learn how to swim. 

It was Bae Seokryu.

Actually I knew it. Since we were kids, she has always been trying to protect me.

During the time when I was alone without my mother, when I was afraid because I couldn't speak the language well.

She was the one who had walk into my life without hesitation and eventually made me laugh.

That is why I continued swimming.

So that when she, who is afraid of water falls into it, I can save her.

Because she had always saved me.

I wanted to at least have one thing which I could protect her from.  



ENTRY #4: 'Best Driver, Bae Seokryu'

Well, we are already dating. haha

Also, it is just us two in the car. So what is this?

It's a date. First date.

I wanted to show off my forearm muscle while opening the door for her, and flaunt my neck muscles while fastening her seatbelt... that's what I planned to do.

But, she was already sitting firmly in the driver's seat.

Then she said, "I will take you to Seoul by a special express"

I had no choice but to sit in the passenger seat.

Bae Seokryu was completely focused on driving.

I didn't even exist.

Still, I thought she would at least stop at a rest area.

There was a rest area with a really beautiful scenery on the way. 

I imagined that we would buy a bag of walnut cookies there and share them.

I would finally get a good look at her face.

If the chance came up, I wanted to do something else.

but she just went right past the rest area?

and she's stepping fully on the gas pedal/accelerator???

why is she acting like this?

I'm really going crazy because of her.


Bae Seokryu's Mini Diary 

ENTRY #1: 'Origin of Baby'

Choisseung was born in France, he couldn't speak Korean at all when he was young.

So, I always showed him mercy everyday by making him as a spare/back-up player.

Then one day, when I picked up an empty banana milk container, some pebbles and whatever else I could with me.

As I was going to play house, I noticed that Choisseung wanted to play together with me.

however, baby was still not good at talking for him to join in this complicated play house.

That was when I have suddenly decided on Choisseung's role.

"From now on you are baby! it's alright because baby's can't talk."

Then he followed me because he liked it.

As I kept on calling him 'baby', it eventually became familiar to me.

That's how our Choisseung-i became our 'baby'.



ENTRY #2: 'Towel Production'

Choisseung was chosen for the national team,

As a person who raised Choi Seunghyo, I wanted to do something for him.

So, I thought about it with my little precious pocket money.

This kid wears branded clothes and underwear, so I don't think there is a need to buy him anything like that.

I was thinking if there was anything practical that could be used often. 

That's exactly when something came in mind.

a necessity for everyone who goes into the water...towel!

So, I went to our neighborhood's towel store. I chose the best option that is within my budget.

"Sajang-nim! Please give me the most expensive towel that you have. Please put a congratulatory text. 

'Choi Seunghyo 2008 Beijing Olympics go for gold'. Like this!"

"Is it a group order?"

"Nope. It's just one"

He (sajang-nim) kicked me out right away. However, there is no such thing as impossible in Bae Seokryu's dictionary.

I chased after the sajang-nim of the towel store all weekend,

They say if you have sincerity, you can move heaven. In the end, the sajang-nim was impressed by my sincerity and made it for me.

oh! and the sajang-nim told me not to comeback after that. hehe



ENTRY #3: 'Seunghyo's Gaurdian Seokryu'

Choisseung was very weak when he was young.

It was a normal thing for him to catch a cold, he would often get stomachaches together with other things too.

I really paid a lot of attention when it came to his hygiene management, but because he was very weak there was nothing I could do to help.

So I started with the rainbow skewers (Jijim Nureumjeok), I was really careful about what he eats.

But then, CEO Yoon called and said that Choisseung collapsed at the company.

He was alone at home, how could I leave a sick kid by himself too.

I went right away.

When I got there, his forehead was burning hot and he was suffering alone like an idiot/fool.

It's just that I felt very upset. I felt like my tears would fall for no reason.

I used a wet towel to cool down his fever, and fed him some medicine while he was half asleep, it seems like he was feeling a little better. It was only then that I started to feel relieved...huh?

But, was his eyelashes always this long?

was his sleeping face originally this clean and pretty?

hmm hmm, anyway Choisseung. Choi Seunghyo.

don't you get sick physically or mentally, seriously. I won't leave you alone!


ENTRY #4: 'Waves that hits my heart'

Ah, my hair is still gritty because of the saltwater.

The other day, Choisseung told me that i'm a habitual offender, right?

But now, he suddenly hugged me and threw me recklessly into the sea,

and then he hugged me again.

He is still sick and weak, yet he did all that by himself?

And when did he start preparing a surprise party without me knowing.

Why did he confess. Bluntly just like that, without any warning.

I don't know why he keeps interfering with my life since we were young.

Even so, why am I so nervous like this???

It it because it is cold?

But, it is summer right now.

The seawater was warm earlier too.

My face is burning. My heart feels like it is fluttering/pounding too.

What is this. Why is there a wave recklessly hitting my heart?  This, what is it?



ENTRY #5: 'Cart Bar to Atelier Inn'

When I was young, I used to carry Choi Seunghyo around on my back.

Well now I can't. No way, absolutely not.

He looks so skinny on the outside but why is he this heavy?

It's been a while since he quit swimming... what other exercise is he doing?

hmm, I wanted to take him home right away but I thought I should sober him up first.

So I took him to Atelier Inn.

I kept lifting him up as he continuously slipped as we went.

huh. why is his breath so hot?

The sound of his breathing comes and goes in my ears.

My heart is pounding hard.

I'm really having a very hard time.

What was hard, you asked? Oh please don't ask, just don't.


ENTRY #6: 'Best Driver, Bae Seokryu'

Are you talking about the way back to Seoul from Gangwon-do?

Well, Choisseung must have been tired from his business trip.

Besides, I fell asleep while talking to him the night before.

This fool didn't wake me up until dawn, he stayed there as my pillow.

In the past, he was originally my favorite pillow.

Anyway, he can't drive when he is still drowsy.

So that is why I am the one driving.

I wanted to take him home quickly so that he could rest.

Since there was no traffic, I was able to speed up a bit.

I drove nonstop to Seoul without making a single stop at a rest area.

But something feels off with him.

When he first got inside the car, he definitely had a good expression on his face.

He was smiling brightly like a real sunflower.

However, as we got closer to Seoul, his facial expression became darker.

What's the matter? Did he want to go to the restroom?

huh? am I a fool?  wow, what am I even saying.

I can handle everything else, but I can't stand doubting my own mind.

Isn't that the problem?  then what is it?


Mo Eum's Mini Diary

ENTRY #1: 'Moeum's Tears'

Do you know what you will shed the most when working as a paramedic?

a deep sigh and tears.

But, a senior I really liked from a long time ago said,

let's at least save one more person while we're crying.

because that's what a hero would do.

However, that day the tears just wouldn't stop.

I wanted to be Jung Mo Eum the red cloaked hero friend to Bae Seokryu. 

I feel really sorry knowing about Seokryu's pain, 

I hated myself so much.

I decided that I wouldn't cry, but my tears kept coming out.

But, reporter-nim said that it was okay to cry.

It's weird.

I'm tearing up but my sadness slowly melted away.

So, I thought about it.

I want to melt this person's sadness too.


thank you for this

Danho's Mini Diary

ENTRY #1: 'Your Mudflat Man'

People think that I am the one who is protecting Yeondu,

but the truth is, it was Yeondu who protected me when I lost my family.

Probably without Yeondu, I would have fallen apart.

So, I made a promise to myself, to become a dad who would do anything for Yeondu.

We came to Hyereung-dong to escape from the people who hurt Yeondu,

here, there is a friendly neighborhood, warm friends

and this is also where I met a love that feels like a miracle.

I met someone who has a similar interest as me, and someone with a righteous heart. 

That is why I know that my situation is not suitable.

But, the hero always makes me want to be greedy, i'm talking about Chief Jung.

I remember feeling bad about the wound on Chief Jung's face, and buying a bunch of ointments.

When her face turned red whenever she sees me in that mudflat t-shirt, I thought she looked very cute.

Just seeing her smiling in photos made me smile too,

And then, the day that she told me that she liked me,

every single one of those moments was the most heart-racing moments of my life.

So, in front of love, I am not going to be a petty villain, I am going to show courage.

I, the real mudflat man, I will become Moeum-ssi's hero!


Choi Seunghyo's TMI

[from a jewelry shop seller]

ENTRY #1: 'That Area, That Customer'

Oh, that customer. I remember him.

At first, I thought that he was a celebrity. He was so handsome.

His facial features are sharp, I think his family must have some amazing genes.

He looks delicate but his forearm is very muscular.

Anyway, he checked out all the bracelets in our shop.

It's not even a ring but a bracelet, it isn't common to see someone go that far for a bracelet.

He is definitely a memorable customer.

Not only the wrist sizes of each bracelet, 

He also did the simulation by himself, considering everything from his eye expression to the overall vibe.

It was fun watching him get all excited and then calm down again. 

Oh, right he also said something.

He said that he is going to propose to someone who is like a gold medal in his life.

In the end, he bought the prettiest and most expensive bracelet (the one with diamonds) from out of all the products we have. He bought it in an instant.

He left smiling so happily.

It was a very rewarding day for me too. I liked it!


Thanks for translating.  The final one - the jewelry store thoughts - I wish they had shown this scene.  But, perhaps the tvN blurbs/releases/etc that are strictly Korean text provide a special Korean-only gift.  Which is okay with me.  

** Happy Ending Spoilers **

Bae Seokryu's Mini Diary

ENTRY #7: 'Seokryu's Proposal' 

We closed down Root's Diner and headed home.

My Dad went up with my Mom to the rooftop bringing along soju and some drink snacks with them.

They said that from now on, the two of them will do some catching up and no one should follow them.

But then, as soon as they went up the stairs, they couldn't stand the moment and started bickering.

It was about not putting cheongyang red peppers in the mayonnaise where they were going to dip the dried pollock that they will eat.

As I watch the two of them bickering from behind, I suddenly had a thought.

I also want Seunghyo to be beside me when I take off my apron, just like my dad. I would love it.

As soon as I thought of it, I ran to the kitchen.

I took the ingredients out of the refrigerator and heated the frying pan.

I was going to make rainbow skewers (Jijim Nureumjeok).

It wasn't even for a memorial service, not even for a holiday, but in the middle of the night I was suddenly making this dish while being covered by the smell of oil.

I suddenly felt happy.

Because it's a dish I like to make.

Because it's a food that someone I love will eat.

That's right. I am going to give it to Choi Seunghyo.

Then, did you think the reason I made this is for it to be eaten by the likes of Bae Dongjin?

While it is still warm, I better hurry and feed it to him before it gets cold.

And from now on, I am going to live my life savoring this happiness everyday.

Together with my rainbow, Choi Seunghyo.


Moeum's Mini Diary

ENTRY #2 : 'Moeum's Bouquet'

I have lived for over 30 years trusting my intuition as I witnessed their embarrassing past and dark history. haha

And Today! the day has finally come for the popcorn to pop all morning. 

Choi Seunghyo wearing a bow tie and Bae Seokryu wearing a dress walked in,

I was really prepared to tease them.

But I ended tearing up a little bit which is embarrassing.

They said they couldn't get married without me and waited until I got back from Antarctica.

At this rate, the depth of our friendship cannot be measured.

Anyway, who do you think will catch the bouquet? it's me.

It was a bouquet of yellow sunflowers.

The flower language of sunflowers is said to be 'admiration' and 'waiting', I am sure Choi Seunghyo chose this.

When Bae Seokryu threw the bouquet, she is stronger compared to how she looks.

It flew like a missile so quickly and went past the expected track.

But who am I? I am a former aspiring Spiderman, Jung Moeum.

I quickly dove to catch it, but of all things, the heel of the shoe which I haven't worn for a long time got twisted and I slipped.

The moment that I thought that I was going to fall, just like that! a hero appeared.

It's my mudflat man.

(There was even a BGM playing in my ears for a moment)

I remember he was somewhere at the corner, but he suddenly popped out and wrapped his arms around me! 

Everyone might not know this, but mudflat man doesn't lose anywhere because he also has strong forearm muscles.

I caught the bouquet, and Danho-ssi supported me, so we both got the bouquet together.

So, is there anyone here who wants to catch my bouquet?

if so, raise your hand.


☆ — C O M P L E T E D — ☆


translated by xuehua