Welcome to the discussion board for Episode 10!

What are your thoughts regarding this episode?

God, I just hate Queen Yoo so much!! Why does she make everyone around her suffer?! Also, my poor Wang So :( When will he ever get the love that he deserves? This episode was really tense, seeing the preview for Ep 11 made my heart skip a beat. 
Hessa Volunteer Staff
I thought this episode was short. I had to re-check that I did not accidently skip some scenes. The ending, though. I'm dying, I need more.
My fave episode so far. For someone in Wook-Soo team, I was YELLING through So-Soo moments like a wild fangirl. x_x When he tells her he won't kiss her again without permission I HAD TO PAUSE AND BREATH AND YELP because yeeeees, thank you you little wild thing for being considerate of her personal space. c': (Which is unexpected tbh)
My cousin told me something about a season in present time? So I don't know what to expect, I'm climbing the walls anticipating. T A T