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Fan's translation in updating:

Explain the Past Life Storyline of FL:

Two Hidden Identities of Xie Wei:

Novel Ending (HE) / Full Epilogues (4 epilogues in total) :

Xie Wei ❤️Jiang Xue Ning storyline explained (based on novel): Ep1 - EP20

In their first meeting on the way to the capital, she deliberately acted domineering to avoid being looked down upon by her maids for her rural origins. Despite his simple clothes, he unintentionally showed refined manners. She felt jealous, thinking he was pretending. Feeling inferior, she felt their huge difference is like ‘云泥之别’ (the difference between the cloud in the sky and mud on the earth). They were robbed by bandits and escaped into the mountains. When he fell ill, due to the fear of a dead body, she tried to use her own blood as medicine to save him. He remembered it in his heart.

One day, he visited her home but witnessed the girl bullying a maid. He found that the harsh and mean expression seemed unfamiliar. Later, he learned that she often played with YL and caused chaos in the capital. The prosperity corrupted her, erasing the shadows of the past. Occasionally, he would recall the girl later.

In their previous life, as she schemed her way to become the empress, she avoided seeing him because his presence reminded her of her disgraceful origins. With the insight into human nature, he also tried to avoid encountering her in the palace. Yet, he saw her standing there, waiting for Zhang Zhe in the dark night (she begged Zhang Zhe for help). He cleverly lied about losing something, returning to find it, leaving privacy for them.

In the end, he led the rebellion. Yan Lin wanted to make her his empress. Xie Wei was angry, captured YL and took him to her. Unexpectedly, she chose to end her life without hesitation, and the only person she thought of before her death was Zhang Zhe. He thought she was just playing a role with everyone, but he didn't expect she had invested a fully true heart in Zhang Zhe.

He opened a book, and the word '妒' (jealousy) was written in it, with the explanation '害也' (it’s harmful). He threw the book into the fire. The next day, he went to the prison, telling Zhang Zhe, 'Ning Er died,' and added, 'Your empress died.' He found it ironic, as if someone watched him like a joke. On his way out, he encountered the person she had arranged to send plum blossoms to Zhang Zhe. His eyes turned cold, and he slowly crushed the plum blossoms underfoot.

In the end, he went to the temple, burned all the books he had read over the years, filled a jar with snow, watched it slowly melt, cleaned the short knife he just used, and placed it with her golden hairpin. No one left in this world that he yearns for. He was tired of the mortal world and died calmly. It was afternoon, with the snow almost melted and spring approaching.

In this life, because of her father and YL's entrustment, he thought that sometimes people might stray from the right path, but if he could guide her, she might return to the right path. Spending time together, he found she was still kind and not foolish.

He still remembered her smile when she first tasted the walnut cake four years ago. So he made it himself to make her happy. Perhaps even he didn't realize his hidden thoughts. He considered her feelings, calling her Ning Er. He couldn't stand seeing her cry, and she deliberately used this trick to tease him.

He found out she liked Zhang Zhe, and she found out he was afraid of cats. They guarded each other's secrets and weaknesses. In Yan Lin’s case, they even became tacit partners. They both thought they were only a teacher and a student. Neither thought too deeply about it.

However, his jealousy towards ZZ was slowly growing. He felt possessive, believing they knew each other earlier, shared the survival experience, so they had deeper bonds. Why did she like ZZ, whom she had only seen once? This emotion will become increasingly difficult to control in the upcoming arc of JXN and ZZ's escape. To be continued…

Xie Wei ❤️Jiang Xue Ning storyline explained (based on novel): Ep21 - EP38

After learning about the JXN’s involvement in a prison break, XW was determined to rescue her, even Lu Xian couldn't hold him back. JXN’s importance had already affected the calm Xie Wei. Discovering that XW spared ZZ's life for JXN, Lu Xian angrily asked if XW was clear of what he was doing.

XW calmly replied, ‘I know.’ He realized that he had fallen in love with the JXN and was willing to take responsibility. Moreover, he was confident in winning her heart. (A sentence in the novel says, 'Xie Ju An (XW) might not always win, but he will definitely not lose.’)

Initially driven by suspicion and curiosity, he silently observed her, discovering her intelligence. Later, he wanted to watch over her, worried that she would encounter danger, and wanted to protect her. He started as a bystander, but gradually saw into his own heart.

He rarely stops her from doing things. He hopes she can live freely and unconstrained. Anyway, they have seen each other’s worst four years ago. She is not a lady, and he is not a saint. They don’t need to pretend in front of each other and can be honest about all their thoughts. Both are morally gray, cunning, manipulative, and rebelling against the pedantic rules.

They are confidantes. She is no longer an uneducated rural girl. In her past life, she read many books to secure her position as the empress, including politics and military strategy. So, they can understand each other, and even predict each other.

XW once told her father that Ning Er’s personality looks tough outside but soft inside. No one has been truly good to her since childhood. In his eyes, she is stinging like a sharp thorn on a fence, fragile like a beautiful flower on a cliff top.

His attention to her began four years ago. Her heart for him probably began when she feared him but always expected, trusted, and relied on him. She believed he wasn't a bad person, and hadn't realized the emotions beyond reason entwined in this.  She has already gravitated toward him unconsciously.  

When farewell to XW before leaving the capital, she realized he had fallen for her. However, due to her past life memories, she feared him and even wanted to cut off any relationships between them, especially the relationship she dared not think deeply about. She's a 'liar' with a solid 'heart wall'. She lied to herself that she didn't have feelings for XW. She tends to protect her heart, not allow him in.

Two years later, XW used Yan Lin and all available resources to help her rescue the princess. It was originally a plan for revenge, but he didn't tell her, worried she would feel indebted. Before they set off, Lu Xian told her the story of XW years ago, revealing another side of XW. He cares about poor people, justice and has the courage to sacrifice himself for his belief. At this moment, JXN humanized him in her eyes.

Later, they encountered an assassination on the road and hid in the mountains just like four years ago. On another night of snowfall, they relied on each other again.  This time she finally understood him. At first, she thought he was a saint, but later found out he was a devil. But both are wrong. He is just a mortal struggling in this torturing world…

She finally confirmed that he was the true Ding Fei, who should live freely as he wanted. However, in this chaotic world, saints cannot survive, only devils can, wash away blood feuds in the name of anti-heroes. She realized this later than him. He had already seen through her four years ago. They were both suffering from the word “kinship” in their lives. Her wilfulness, selfishness, vanity; His scheming, paranoia, madness, all originated from it.

Her fear of the past made her timid and want to escape. She questioned him, "If you have killed me once before?!" He was so perceptive that he guessed something, so he gave her the dagger to kill him and repay his debt. He already loved her more than his own life.

After You Fang Yin died, he comforted her:' People will lose constantly in their lives. You can't hold onto what's already lost; it will make you lose what you have now.'

XW: You must break the fence you set for yourself, believe first, and then do it. JXN: Did you also come through it this way?
Yes, he had also come through it this way, believing he could change his fate before stirring up the wind and clouds. How can you know the result without trying it yourself?

Finally, she is no longer trapped in the past. She truly walked out of the memory and looked forward.  When she witnessed him stabbing his hand to save her, she finally cleared her love beneath her worries. Her life plan was to live carefreely alone, but now she doesn't want to lose him, so she decides to write his name in her life plan. She understands that XW has a lot of insecurities, he's too afraid of losing her love one day. So she promised to marry him to accompany him lifetime.

XW always cares about her preferences, makes her favorite food and senses her moods. However, he was used to burying secrets and troubles deep in his heart, nursing his grievances in silence. She encouraged him to speak up when he's unhappy, so she could comfort him.

In this life, he didn't end his life after the revenge because of her love and companion, which brightened his life. They redeemed each other, experiencing the warmth of the present ordinary life. 

In the end, about Xie Wei, although he held the highest power in the court, he didn't cling to power. Instead, he only cared about JXN. (In the past life, when he could have become the emperor, he still chose to end his life after her death.)

He read many Confucianism and Taoist books but didn't blindly believe in them. In his past life, he burned all the books before dying, opposing feudal norms and believing in the equality of all beings, regardless of gender or social status. He thinks that talents should not be restricted, stating, 'One cannot write good poetry within palace walls.' to suggest a talented girl not to enter the palace (deleted in the drama).

This is the true Xie Wei. People misunderstood him as mad, yet he is, in fact, the most sober of them all. ❤ 

Jiang Xue Ning ❤️ Zhang Zhe's storyline explained (based on novel) : 

In the past life, Zhang Zhe and Jiang Xue Ning first encountered in the pavilion of the summer resort. The rain was noisy, and the mist was hazy. Zhang Zhe, a righteous and upright court official, and Jiang Xue Ning, a charming empress involved in political intrigues, had a fateful encounter. She stepped on the corner of his official robe. But he tore off his robe tail and said, "My highness (Niang Niang), please behave yourself.'

Later, Jiang Xue Ning touched the corner of Zhang Zhe's eye with a green plum blossom, teasing him, 'You are jealous?' She revealed his emotions directly and laughed. He adhered to principles but found himself often disturbed by Jiang Xue Ning, and jealous of her regard for Zhou Yin Zhi and even the emperor Shen Jie.

JXN: 'Who would have thought that I would be captivated by you at first sight?'
ZZ thinking: "Why there's such an annoying woman in the world?!'

She admired his spotless morality, upright and pure character. In such power struggles, she has already deviated too far from her original intentions. But thanks to ZZ, her world was not too frustrating and disappointing. He's her bright moon in the dark nights. She later told Xie Wei :'张遮于我,是雪中炭,暗室灯,绝渡舟。' (To me, Zhang Zhe is like charcoal in the snow, a lamp in a dark room, and a boat to cross a desolate river.)

In ZZ's eyes, she is like a vivid flame, so passionate and beautiful in the palace, lightening his boring life. He never expected he would fall in love until he couldn't remove her out of his mind.

JXN discovered that Zhang Zhe's cold words and playful teasing were fun. Zhang Zhe's sincere advice fell on deaf ears, as Jiang Xue Ning considered it old-ruled and she couldn't stop halfway. Until Zhou Yin Zhi's case, JXN found herself in a dilemma and had to beg ZZ for help.

The deep night was hidden behind the high palace walls, his empress waited on his way out secretly. She grabbed his sleeve, saying, "Zhang Zhe, you want to watch me die?" In the softest manner he had ever seen, she mentioned their shared experiences, seeking an affirmation, "Zhang Zhe, can't you always be good to me?"

JXN told her biggest lie in her past life, "After this time, I will become a good person." ZZ didn't respond verbally, but helped her with actions. Her joy at securing her empress position was short, as news of Zhang Zhe's imprisonment arrived. His lonely mother also passed away. It was JXN & ZZ's last sight.

When given another chance, they met again in the rain, separated by a distance. Despite the rain, JXN recognized ZZ. She regretted trying to darken such a good person, dragging the bright moon down into the dirty mortal world.

JXN made every effort to get closer to ZZ this life, she thought she was lucky to pursue him without the annoying empress title. But ZZ called her "Niang Niang (Empress)" in a low voice, causing JXN to collapse.

JXN couldn't bear the weight of this love. She realized ZZ carried past life memories. She felt endless guilt. She doesn't deserve his love. The fine porcelain has cracks that cannot be filled.

Later, Xie Wei asked ZZ if he liked JXN, ZZ replied, "I love her deeply." Due to the deep love and understanding of her, he knew she valued freedom, so how could he let the knots of the past bind her heart in guilt?" They couldn't smooth out the scars. Letting it go, maybe the best way for them.❤️

(*Please note the drama deleted the rebirth setting of ZZ, so JXN is new to him.)

Chinese names meanings: The names are beautifully designed by the author.

姜雪宁 Jiang Xue Ning - Family name ‘Jiang’, Xue means Snow, Ning means Peace. In the novel, Xie Wei is afraid of snow due to the psychological shadows of the massacre 20 years ago. Later, Jiang Xue Ning redeemed him, he’s not afraid of cats or snows anymore. She finally ended his nightmares and brought him peace.

Xie Wei often call her Miss Ning Er 宁二 , while others call her Miss Jiang Er 姜二. Er means Second, coz her age ranks second after her sister. JXN noticed XW called her differently, which means she’s special to him, though she is not clear of the reason. She pretty likes the call, coz it’s the only word in her name that differs from her sister, which uniquely belongs to her. She has nothing in her life that truly belongs to her, her two mothers both rank her sis first in heart. So in the first life, she wanted to be the empress and grab the political power in hand, which can bring her a sense of security.

谢危 Xie Wei (*courtesy name ‘Ju An’) - Family name ‘Xie’, Wei means danger. Ju An means ‘In safe’. His name is created by himself, which hides his biggest secret. The reason in the novel: 母已去,父不配,名成其辱,姓冠我恨。这样的名姓,我不要。唯谢天垂怜,境危见性,虽居安不敢忘,愿舍旧姓,去旧名,弃旧身。天潢岂不同庶民?纵万难加,我不改志。

English translation: My mother passed away, my father is unworthy, my name has become a disgrace, and I hate having the family name. I don’t want such a name. I just thank God for taking pity on me. I see my nature in a dangerous situation. Even though I live in peace, I dare not forget it. I am willing to give up my old surname, my old given name, and my body. Royal clans are equal to normal people. No matter how difficult it is, I will not change my mind.

So he created his name from a Chinese idiom: 居安思危 (Ju An Si Wei), meaning Stay in safe, but still think about the potentially dangerous things that might happen. He wants to remind himself of the hate and revenge. He is basically living for the final revenge. So in the end of his first life timeline, he committed suicide after the revenge and JXN’s death. (JXN was special to him in the first life, though they didn’t have much communication after she became the empress, we can still feel it from the subtle narration in the novel)

* Courtesy name: In ancient China, educated people liked to create a courtesy name to show their pursuit and moral integrity. The name is usually given by parents, teachers or scholars. Friends can call each other with courtesy names.

(Btw, his first life story is in the epilogues, two epilogues are available online, but the other two are only available on paper books)

张遮 Zhang Zhe (Zhe means cover/shelter): from a Chinese poem (青山遮不住, 毕竟东流去 meaning ‘The green mountains can’t block/cover the vast river, and the river will eventually flow eastward.’ ). The author explains it in the epilogue of Zhang Zhe’s first life. She compares ZZ to the mountain, JXN to the river. He couldn’t stop her in the first life, she went too far, and impossible to return to the right track.

omg the story is so poetic. thank you for this.  I'll be following this thread.

Thank you for starting this page! So meaningful?

Wow, I am so in love with explanation on names. They are so poetic and filled with emotions.

It explains their storylines and past to certain extent.

Thank you very much for creating this page. It's really helpful.

Your own translation is way much better than what's available on-line. Thanks for this little explanation.

Oh, I really enjoyed reading this. Especially the part where Xie Wei is like “we knew each other longer and better therefore we should be together…” something about that logic just makes me smile!

Also, thank you so much for explaining about the courtesy name. I was confused as to why he was referred to as Ju An and Xie Wei. Is it like how Yan Lin became Yan Hui after his coming of age ceremony? 

Please do update with more tidbits from the novel if you can!

Thank you everyone! I'll update this thread.

To  @steph_ravita : Yes, Hui means Return.

thanks for this valuable info 

Love ❤️!!!! Thank you

Thank you @CloudA⭐️

I was looking for some insight into this beautiful story.  Thank you so much!

No worries, fellows! Glad it helps! ❤️